Saturday, February 24, 2007

"It is not easy brining this web site to you. There is a heavy emotional toll to be paid by me every day."

Yes, that's what he actually ended the list with.

Once again, in an effort to remain the stalwart hero of a terrible war, Hal posts a bunch of IP addresses with a list of comments from the Mom's House Fire HaloScan comment page. Not only that, he has the gall to say this is "real hatred" being shown towards him and his mother, never minding the usual "fucking (race, religion, sexual inclination)" slop that gets posted by zealots in other entry comment pages.

More to come on this. Have to work tonight; might post from work.

Continuation:And we're back. Need to change my ISP, dammit.

As you already know, Hal's thrown another fit, this time due to several comments made by Anonymous generally fucking about on his site. It's the usual family-tragedy-turned-amusement-for-others look; his mom's house burns and it's hilarious, and Hal's knows it because Anonymous is telling him. So instead of taking it at face value for obvious bullshit remarks (because let's be honest; if you take "Oh, Hal. You're so right. I love you. Will you let me plow your mangina with my massive pelvic paladin?" seriously, you've either no sense of humor or are extremely paranoid), Hal retaliated by posting the IPs of whoever left negative comments (mixed in with the total 97 comments), and, not only that, whined about how it's caused him emotional damage and pain. He calls it hatred, when it's obviously somebody poking fun at somebody else's misfortune.

And really. There's no comparison between blatant racism and "Remember how you said you were gonna burn down the houses of the e-attackers? Payback's a bitch, eh?"

About the two comments that Hal remarked on; anybody with enough experience on the Internets would know that leaving bullshit comments in some guy's blog (or equivalent), especially one who's lamenting about something bad happening to a family member, is a staple of Internets etiquette. If you whine about something, and it's stupid and annoying enough, you're going to get flamed. Hal, not knowing this, is overreacting on a dynamic level, showing this by posting remarks like "What is true is that I speak the truth and THEY hate hearing it!" "This is real hate; and it comes from the very people who call me "hateful."", and "Now you have a small idea how much criticism, intentional emotional hurt and outright hate is hurled my way." Even more so, by assuming the Moot and "I BURNED YOUR MOM'S HOUSE KEKEKEKEKE" comments to be true, he only proves his own stupidity. Everybody knows it's not hard to leave a comment in the guise of someone else, especially if you have the option to be have Anonymous posting. Hal's an abject racist broadcasting messages of racial disparagement and degradation across the Internets, and HE thinks these remarks are hatred?

Spare me.

That entry turned his site into a practical LiveJournal, pushing it with his "pity me" overtones.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Thanks to the wonderfully fucked-up resident editors at ED


It's the latest entry, thus far. While poking around the Internets with a Google image search, checking to see if Hal was attempting the Google Image trick again, I thought to look up Encyclopedia Dramatica to see if the Hal article had been updated to accomodate Hal's last posting (included with which are 47 comments, most by supporters, some by Anonymii, and of course, some by Internet Tough-Guys). Lo and behold, it was, and with it a couple of interesting links.

Fire kills boy, 3.
Deadly house fire in Scranton.
and linking from the second article...
Looking for the cause of a deadly fire.

Hal claims that the cause was electrical. When I checked his site five minutes ago, to see the 47 comments, that remark wasn't there. Or maybe I missed it.

So one fire, occuring Tuesday afternoon, precedes another fire, Wednesday morning. What's more, I can't find anything on Hal's Mom's fire. Absolutely nothing. You'd think there'd be some reportage of one fire practically right after another, but no, I can't seem to dredge up anything. So she either lives way the fuck out in the boonies of Scranton, or it never happened.

More on this later.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

I swear to god it was the first thing that came to mind

Disco Inferno!

Also, A Nony Mous over at Epic Lulz has been having some sort of running insultathon with Steve Holsten/Elmer Frazier. Not entirely sure how it started, but apparently cock references are involved.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Ladies and Gentleman, let's begin again.

Clicky here.

First post:
I have been pleasantly surprised by the response to the Subpoenas. EVERY SINGLE ISP has released subscriber info without any problem!

Unlike the RIAA lawsuits over Copyrighted music which ISPs have fought tooth and nail, when the ISPs see "Mail Fraud, Wire Fraud, Extortion and Felony Computer Fraud and Aubse" on the Subpoena, they turn over the subscriber info in a heartbeat. Many of them have even waived their fees and given the info FREE! I am withholding the information so that no one can claim any harm or threats as a result of their info being released.

I have also spoken to Canadian Attorney Doug Christie ( about issues with Canadian lawsuits and he has been very helpful in helping me prepare legal action in Canada.

I will post info about the lawsuits when the time is right. Not before.

Not just yet.

Also, second post:

No More Internet Audio Feed
Too many attacks; not enough listener support to justify keeping it

tl;dr: he struggled with IP, HUNDREDS, but there were just too many to block! He's just one person. He could simply not block so many attackers. He complains about the other WN communities and how they've apparently turned against him, the back-stabbers. The regular job (the one that he works to pay the bills) only added to his aggravation. Apparently, Anonymous is mentally ill for calling so many times, because conducting raids like this for eight weeks is a sign of serious mental trouble. He thinks Anonymous' parents are treating them horribly and have raised them poorly. He questions his reasons for broadcasting, and cries about the backstabbers some more, and tells them "Fuck you, for being my support and whispering behind my back!" and cancels archiving and Internets audio, because nobody's worth doing it for. We'll just have to listen to him over FM, how sad. Boo hoo.

Since it's temp-hosting, it may not be feasible to attack right away. Waiting for the opportune time would be ideal; allow him to solidify his ground, before taking away support and ultimately his base Internets footing. Right now, his blogspot is still the most prominent source (as of NOW, not, say, a day from now) of all things Hal, so wait and see.

Friday, February 16, 2007


While I will admit that political correctness can be a bit off at times, Hal takes it up a notch when Tim Hardaway expressed his dislike of homosexuals. Interesting point: Hal defends a black man. Sign of the Apocalypse?

Or is it just he just defending his fundamental right to voice his opinion? You decide.

More money, totaling about $2300 since the beginning of the month. It sounds a bit off, considering he had onlt $820 by January 31st. So apparently he's not backchecking his blog records to correct how much's been donated totally, or there's some misreporting afoot. Interesting point in this: apparently he's been also squirreling away for a DS3 line that would run into his home, and it would cost him about $2300 per month to maintain it. So with $2300 in donations since February...$2300 a month for a T-3 line...all he has to do is scrounge for monthly donations and he'll be set! Hell, if he finds a more inexpensive rate, he'll have some pocket change!

One more thing. I think Hal visited the blog a little while ago; there's a couple of comments in the post before last's section, fairly well spoken. Called me a coward and told me that I hate myself. I may be something of an angry, bitter fuck at times, but optimistically-speaking, at least I know I've got both sides of the fence watching now.

More posts, more money

About $60 today, from South Africa this time. First it's Portugal, now Africa. Currently taking bets for which relatively-obscure location will produce a donation next.

Also, Friar J Puck, a lovely little supporter of Hal, leaves a comment. It pretty much runs along the lines of "Yeah, and your mother too!" following Hal's post.

Aaaaaaand we see Hal beginning to treat his Blogspot account like his old web page, with some healthy "there is no equality for some people" news linkage. At least he doesn't blatantly say anything.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Anyone catch the show?

Hal's currently gloating at his successful airwave-broadcast, which doesn't matter much, to be honest. It's his masturbation, fairly harmless unless you swallow. What may occur now is an FCC investigation if somebody or enough people lodge a complaint about the content of the show; Hal may have a record of prior occurrences of complaints against the show--he did originally airwave-broadcast, before the Internet broadcasting--which might be somewhat helpful in getting him off the air. Which, of course, would lead to much pissing and moaning from Hal, but eitherway, he'll be off.

On the other hand, hearsay naturally, he might've found a new hosting company, one that has been "made fully aware of the situation and are still willing to provide service; albeit perhaps without a SHOUTCast audio feed." Results of this pending, though I don't imagine he'll be posting what company it is anytime soon should the deal go through.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Radio Show tonight

There will be a radio show tonight. It will be heard on 95.1 FM in the New York City area and on other FM stations around the country tonight. There will be NO internet feed of any type. No Shoutcast. No Peercast.

Check in on Hal's regular broadcast channel to see if he's truthful about not broadcasting over the Internets. Although he claims to have stopped netcasting due to prank calls and lack of listeners (aside from Anonymous), there is a possibility that he may attempt it. The new show, tonight's, will include a phone number for calling in, so New York Anonymii listen in and post the number if you get the chance.

Oh, and another $350 was recieved, via single donator; approximately $1968 total.

Server costs and legal fees, my green, Anonymous ass.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

"Listener Contributions," he calls them

$383 in the mail today, and it's a walkabout of money. A hundred Australian dollars, ten Euros from Portugal--fucking Portugal, wrap your head around that--and thirty-three from some guy in Baghdad.

It gets better. "Keep up the fight," "They're only attacking you because you're effective," and what's more is apparently he's gotten contributions from three people who "claim they ABSOLUTELY HATE what I say on the air, but they support my freedom of speech to say it."

Look at his page. He bolded freedom of speech. Masturbating with the Constitution, because it relaxes him.

Yeah, it's freedom of speech, and he's got every right to speak his mind just as I've mine to write this blog. Yeah, he can say what he wants, regardless of the message. And yeah, he can call people useless and a crappy audience who doesn't pull their weight in monetary contribution, and have it work as an effective gall tactic to push donations. He can call them cheap jews because they won't donate to his acquaintences, and he can call them parasites and idiots and keyboard commandos because they turned their backs on him because of his pompous bullshitting, and he can even tell his listeners, the ones devout enough to swallow his toxic, steaming, rambling paranoia, to kiss his ass in wide generalization, and he'll still have fucks willing to make that little bit of an already-hopeless difference.

The donators do what they will with their money, and I can't help that, but it's a shitty state of affairs when it takes a mass of accusations and fury to garner people into helping the asshole who insulted them. Not only that, but continuing to suck off his ego even after he's announced making his impending revival-of-a-site pay-to-access. What sort of fucked up subjugation is this, where somebody is publically insulted in a fit of anger and frustration by a frail, little man, squabbling with the rest of the world from the safety of his domain for the past six years, and still expected to pay for their near-fanaticism?

Actually, I just pretty much described the situation with the Goons and Lowtax, but you get the idea.

This is bordering on outright stupidity. It was only about five days prior that Hal claimed he would be leaving the Internets and gave a general "fuck you" to his supporters; now he's garnishing those who give unto him with praise. What about everyone else, Hal? Most of those 1400 downloads were Anonymous, but what about the ones who were listening in to hear your "truth?" You hypocritical fuck, stop playing politician and at least acknowledge your little people. I've got no love for them, but show them some fucking sign of respect, man. Just "lavishing them with your mighty word" is shit; you wouldn't have such an ego without somebody willing to listen and believe whatever swill you spout.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Domain Names recovered; Hal gets flowery with the language again

So brazen and cunning was the perpetrator...

Apparently Network Solutions has transferred what control Hal had over his domain names back to him, making him the, I dunno, moral victor in all of this. According to Hal, NS also forwarded logs of the transfer to "appropriate authorities," which would, I assume, be the RCMP and New Jersey Legal System Fuck-All Squad, who it seems would have Hal as their primary concern, since they've been getting his legal bullshit since the documents were attempted to be passed through before being denied by the Judge.

Hal gets his names back, but is still searching for hosting for them. Whoop-de-shit, Hal.

VNN attempts to dissect Chans, Hal complains to the RCMP over Switcheroo

"To call that kind of imagery sick would be a vast understatement."

You've probably already read Hal's updated blog, and how he values his domain name for $60,000, the equivalent of his annual income, as it were. One Anonymous, in the last entry's comment section, suggested the idea of Hal doing it himself, since he's had the majority (assumedly) of his troubles from 420chan and Kirtaner after 420chan was shut down temporarily. The fact that he practically shoved a finger up Kirtaner's ass in an attempt to point and pin blame is something of an indication. There's honestly not much to say about it though, now that it's up in the air, other than wait to see if a line's been crossed or if everything will continue to fly relatively smooth.

EDIT: Apparently VNN's gone down, so the above link won't work until they're back up. Either that, or by some freak occurence I've been locked out of the forums and not even a multitude of proxies can get me in.

Remix+Remix=Normal: Site's up again. I swear, everybody's been conducting maintenance...

Saturday, February 10, 2007

You think this is Pepsi, but you're wrong.

Congratulations if you recognize that quote and where it's from. You win a domain name:

If you haven't heard, the buzz on the various Chan sites is that Kirtaner and 420chan made a big ol' "fuck you, buddy" to Hal and took the original site name. If you clicked on the link above, you know that it now redirects to, and you also wasted a few seconds of your time reading something that you already know by getting this far in the paragraph.

Sorry, but I can't return your time.

In any case, warning signals and klaxons should be blaring at Hal's blog once Hal finds out. Could this be considered copyright infringement, since he's effectively copyrighted everything concerning himself? Maybe. But it might fall under the lesser-used, but widely-known, clause of "Finder's Keepers," since Hal did technically abandon the name when he shut down the main site, thereby making it fair game.

Or it could be a hacker having fun. Who knows? Stay tuned.

Busy, busy...

Friday's Hal Post.
I think Hal's blog is available to visit once again, without being rerouted to the blogger startpage.

Evidently, another $415 came in today from another eight donators, bringing the altogether to $1,235, from twenty people. He's still bitching about the lack of contributions. He asks, "If the show sucked, why did the other 1380 people keep downloading it every week?" Anonymous listens, Hal. You'd think he would've figured this out by now.

He goes on to say, "This isn't a case of "the free market" repudiating my show, it is a group of parasites taking and taking and taking without pulling their own weight. Leeches!" He's still not getting it.

Today's Hal Post
Dynamic Hosting, the fifth in the line of sought-out datacenters, has denied Hal on the basis of AUP prohibitation of Hate Speech. Can't seem to find the AUP for support on this, though. Thing is, includes a "no restriction on content" advertisement (which I also can't find, damn it); Hal's calling false advertising on this. Other than the usual squall about how he's been wronged by a hosting company, nothing more.

I say he gets turned down by another four before he starts acting rashly again. But that's just my estimate.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Activity on Hal's blog

Evidently the New York Times wanted an interview with Hal over his decision to cease Internets broadcasting and his site, and he turned them down twice. Considering how livid he was over a rescinded offer to appear on television, it's suspicious that he would just up and decline an offer of publicity, especially over something as notable as his leaving the Internets.

Peer 1, Hal's fourth attempt at a datacenter, declines business with him. One would wonder why he would continue to search for server colocation if he was quitting the Internets.

He's not, by the way. You've probably guessed that by now, but he's serious about the consideration of a subscription-based site. Apparently his grab for attention and sympathy worked; according to Hal, $680 was sent by mail to his address, from ten seperate donors. He reports that he has garnered $820 since January 31st, and that the proceeds will go towards a server for a pay-to-listen/read site. The kick of it is that "contributors will get credit toward their subscriptions for a portion or all of their donations;" essentially meaning that those who sent in money will have their donation put towards a limited subscription (dependant on how much Hal charges for a subscription to his site and broadcast). Very touching.

Also, a supporter left a comment in Hal's "Goodbye to the Internets" post:

Dear Hal

Please don't get off the Internet. How about podcasting?

We miss you, we really do. I am from Australia, and I am sorry I was not able to send you some financial support. Although, once I did send about $100, but they were sent back to me. Mail man told me it's not wise to support such "group", because of the hate laws. I am just a one woman.

Please remember, in Canada, New Zealand and many European, countries there are laws which prevent people sending you financial aid, any group not approved by "you know who". When some of us do manage to send, it is taken away by government. Furthermore, some of your supporter are sending you money, however, it is also taken away by "you know who".

Please, do not put us all in the same pot. Your European, Australian listener shouldn't be punish. We shouldn't be punished. WE NEED YOU. WHITE RACE NEED YOU!!!!!!!! I sincerely recommend you do do some podcasting, or find a way to broadcast your message -- within your financial power - across the White listeners,


PS: Guys don't just read, support him! WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH YOU!!!!!!!!!

Words fail me.

Thursday, February 08, 2007


Since this is fairly important, I'm going to copypasta the entirety of Hal's blog post here, verbatim and bolded.

TITLE: I have terminated Internet operations for lack of support

This evening during my show, I announced that I am terminating the internet portion of my weekly radio show. I will remain on the 69 low-power FM stations who presently carry the program throughout the U.S.

When Denial of Service (DOS) attacks against my web site began on December 20, they impacted very many other clients inside the data center which housed my web site server. On January 24, after about six weeks of attacks, the data center was forced to terminate service to my server, knocking my web sites off-line, knocking out the web sites I hosted for others.

I tried to find another data center to house my server and was completely honest with each potential new provider about the DOS attacks. None of them wanted to accept my server because the attacks would adversely affect their customers too.

While my server was off the net, I made use of this free blogspot site to keep in touch, and utilized a free file hosting service to provide archives of my shows.

During last weeks show, I announced that the DOS attacks had seriously impacted me financially and that I needed listener support to help defray those costs.

One-thousand, three-hundred sixty-four (1,364) people downloaded last weeks show. Out of those 1,364 people. . . . . . . six (6) people made contributions. Six.

As I sat down to do my show tonight, I realized that I have been going out of my way to bring news and talk radio to an internet audience, the majority of whom don't give a shit enough to pull their own weight!

Certainly there are people who have contributed and I am very grateful to them. But over the last two years, maybe two hundred people could be relied upon to donate. With an average internet audience of 800-1,000 people per show - and thousands more who downloaded it, the overwhelming majority did nothing to help financially. They took and took and took and took until there was nothing left for me to give.

Same thing with Jim Wickstrom! He quit his show tonight for lack of support. Most of those devout "Christian Identity" people turned out to be more like cheap jews than the jews themselves! Wickstrom had to cease broadcasting because those people wouldn't help him financially.

I'm in the same boat as Wickstrom, so tonight, I said good riddance to the parasites. The useful idiots and keyboard commandos who think pounding-off on the internet will achieve anything real for white people. As they beat off on their keyboards in places like Stormfront and VNN Forum, they achieve absolutely nothing for our race. Zero.

In fact, they have a very good track record in that regard - years and years and years of nothing. No rallies. No political efforts. No change. They are, in every regard, complete failures.

Tonight I said good bye to those who are too stupid to understand the issues facing our race, too cheap to pull their own weight and too cowardly to join me in public street action. I rid myself of those parasites and the major expenses that have gone to entertain them.

If I bring my server back at all - and I'm not even certain I will-- it will be a very different site. It will be subscription-based. The radio shows and even the news will be a pay service.

People who pay, will get to use the site and hear the shows. Those who don't want to pay can kiss my ass. I don't need them and our movement doesn't need them because in the final analysis, they are useless.

Dave Pringle of White Wire realized this months ago when he had to choose between doing his show and keeping his job. Tom Metzger came to similar conclusions a couple weeks ago when he stopped his show. Jim Wickstrom came to the same place last week when he announced the end of his show and now, I too have cut ties with the bottom-feeders of the movement. Through their failure to help, they have literally ruined very many good, hard-working people.

No more.

Folks can keep in touch with me via my personal e-mail and can check this blogspot occasionally to see if and when I bring a web site back.

Until then, to those who helped the show over the past six years I give a heart felt "THANK YOU!" To those who didn't help: fuck you.

Since those who didn't help are all too cowardly to do anything, I don't have to worry about what I just said to them because not one of them has balls enough to come within arms reach of me to do anything about it! They are, in the factual analysis, complete losers.

-- Hal Turner

I haven't managed to catch a copy of last night's show, but those who did should be able to verify this. I really do think this may be his farewell to the Internets; he's pretty much denouncing the entirety of his fanbase and supporters here, aside from the normal "fuck you guys, stop oppressing me" rant. Also, it hasn't been confirmed, and probably is just numbers pulled from his ass, but the amount of DLers to contributers sounds fairly plausible.

He sounds like he's trying to martyr he and the other WN show hosts partway through his post, especially with his realization that his listeners "don't give a shit enough to pull their own weight!" This cycles back to his expectation of donation and financial contribution, where he essentially kills his own credibility as a stable show host; the difference between "Please donate, for the cause" and "I expect you to suck me off and pay me while doing it."

A few others and myself are looking into the situation, to see whether or not his pride will force him to attempt to stay on the Internets, or if he'll just retreat for the time being. Either way, it took a month and a half to reach this point. That's goddamn impressive.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Another DC apparently gone, and something new?

"Today, yet ANOTHER Data Center backed-out of an agreement to provide co-location for my server.

I'm just glad they did it before I actually shipped the machine to them."

Hal's lost support from another datacenter, located somewhere unspecified in the mid-Western U.S.. Interestingly, this one cut ties due to the realization that their service agreement states that for each hour of downtime, a customer gains a day of free hosting. Add that to the staggering attacks, and the company would lose vast sums of money--relatively speaking, of course, since I don't know which company he attempted nor their rates--due to any Anonymii attack initiated that would last for at least ten hours. Add that to the possibility of other customers being knocked offline, and you've got one fucked company.

So it worked out for the better. He's still down, and an innocent datacenter wasn't screwed over in lack of profit.

Take note of his grab for sympathy in this paragraph:

"I have been very "up front" about what's been going on with the server because I don't want to lie and have the data center get blind-sided with DOS attacks once I'm there. I don't do business that way. It wouldn't be fair. My honesty, however, is hurting me."

Also, the upcoming show will be broadcasted here. Copypasta that into the "open URL" option of your winamp or media-player-flavor of choice.

Most interestingly, however, is his choice to implement the Peercast system. It's basically run along the same lines of a P2P system (hence "Peer"), using PCs tuned into his broadcast as nodes for other PCs to listen off of, and so on. Here's a screencap of Hal's explanation and which ports to use.

I wonder if he'll specify which DC turned him down this time, and which one will be next.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Meant to enter this last night

Night-shift is occasionally made of ass and fail, namely when you want to update.

"After my upcoming family vacation I will find a political party where my beliefs and opinions are RESPECTED."

Michael Blevins (or VonBluvens, but I don't know why adding the prefix "Von" and changing two letters in your name would be significant) is an angry man right now. Full of anger he is, his pants bursting at the seams with hate-shit. The links from yesterday's VNN threads are mysteriously broken, now leading to 404 error pages, but if you were here in time to catch them, VonBluven was raising a fit in both (closely followed by the ever-vocal Yankee Jim, who might've visited the blog yesterday, seeing as how I have a couple of accusational comments that run along his vein of Internets-speak), and is now retiring from broadcasting his show for a short, unspecified time. You probably already know this, if you were listening to Hal's Wednesday show.

Speaking of Hal, he's flailing for support again. Apparently he's found another datacenter willing to host him, this one " fully informed about the nature of the programming and web sites we have on our server and about the Denial of Service attacks." So essentially, he's letting them know that he's a live wire and should be treated specially. Such special treatment costs money, natch, so staying true to his "pander to my adoring fans" tactics, he's asking for donations yet again. From his page:

With our operating cash gone from the attacks and deposits to a breached contract provider, we are now in the financially dangerous position of having had to put more large sums of money on credit cards as deposits and payments in advance to yet ANOTHER data center. Without your immediate financial help, those large sums of money on the credit cards will not be able to be paid by us and we will be forced out of operation.

If the payments and deposits have been so large before, you have to wonder why any datacenter would be willing to deal with him, especially if he's still dealing with payments from the initial host. I'd imagine it would be not only feasible to complete the apparent debt owed to the first host, but mandatory before diving headfirst into what is sure to become a similar fiasco.

Just a question, but is anyone else still reading his blog, aside from Anonymous? I don't see any comments left in any of the recent entries. Maybe he's alone in his head and blog now, with the rest of the Internets blocked off. Since it's the weekend, maybe some activity might be seen, from either Hal or his supporters.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Building up again, that bitter tension

Datagram pulls support from Hal, Anonymous gets a new moniker, and serious business.

Things are going to hell yet again. People are overexaggerating, almost seeming to panic over the Internets. Tough Guys are abound everywhere in the Opposition. Hal still hasn't been able to find a host that won't become skittish because of his reputation. VonBluven, according to several Anonymii, has declared his show canceled and has dropped (allegedly) any affiliation with White Nationalist organizations, and has disappeared from Blogspot, leaving the occasional post on the VNN boards; in his stead, claiming the Nationalist 88 blog title, presumably so nobody else can fuck about with it, is a man known as Mr. Schwartz. Some of the blogs linked to his profile redirect to different pages, so keep that in mind.

Other than the in-house squabbling at VNN and Hal pagelessness, it's quiet.