Thursday, February 15, 2007

Anyone catch the show?

Hal's currently gloating at his successful airwave-broadcast, which doesn't matter much, to be honest. It's his masturbation, fairly harmless unless you swallow. What may occur now is an FCC investigation if somebody or enough people lodge a complaint about the content of the show; Hal may have a record of prior occurrences of complaints against the show--he did originally airwave-broadcast, before the Internet broadcasting--which might be somewhat helpful in getting him off the air. Which, of course, would lead to much pissing and moaning from Hal, but eitherway, he'll be off.

On the other hand, hearsay naturally, he might've found a new hosting company, one that has been "made fully aware of the situation and are still willing to provide service; albeit perhaps without a SHOUTCast audio feed." Results of this pending, though I don't imagine he'll be posting what company it is anytime soon should the deal go through.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I caught the show. I heard nothing that the FCC could do anything about.

11:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Care to provide details such as frequency used and station call letters? Perhaps if you're so inclined provide us with any contact numbers for the show.

11:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who are you to decide what someone else is allowed to say on the internet or the radio? When did anyone grant you the power to decide for everyone else?

If you don't like Hal Turner, why do you spend so much time on him? Why not just tune-out?

8:22 AM  
Blogger BFAnon said...

Who are you to decide what someone else is allowed to say on the internet or the radio?

The radio show has really fallen to the wayside. What I want to see is Hal ultimately disgraced and off the Internets, not because of his show, but because of his boastful talk and bullshit tactics; he's an Internet Tough-Guy who's puffed himself up to such a degree that his pride has dragged his family and supporters into his own personal mess.

When did anyone grant you the power to decide for everyone else?

"Images uploaded are the responsibility of the Poster. Comments are owned by the Poster."
I don't choose anything for anyone else; all I do is speak my piece and report. Unless you're referring to the idea of myself or the lot of us metaphorically deciding what Hal should or shouldn't say. If that's the case, we aren't deciding anything for him still; most of his recent decisions are reactionary, and more often than not, hasty and unguided.

If you don't like Hal Turner, why do you spend so much time on him? Why not just tune-out?

Many Anonymii have passed on Hal already, since most of the fun has died down. As for spending so much time on him, I'm not ashamed to admit I've got little to no life outside the Internets. It helps pass the time.

1:28 PM  
Blogger A Nony Mous said...

The Intertubes are the ultimate form of Democracy in action and it just works out that Hal loses his popular vote. There are more people who hate him than people who like him. This isn't about silencing him; free speech isn't part of this at all. He just happens to be the candidate that neither side wants in power.

Just look at all the negative comments left on WN sites by well known and respected WN about Hal. They speak with authority about Hal's lack of character and ethics and how he damages the WN movement by his very presence.

Hal has shown himself time and time again to be nothing more than an entertainer wrapping himself in the colors of a WN to sell his material to. He has made it abundantly clear how poorly he thinks of his fans and the WN movement and that his only motivation for this is cash.

Don't become another victim of Hal's insatiable lust for cash and the celebrity status he abuses for his own betterment. If you want to listen to hate filled messages using profanity and racial slurs that is your right, but do it so that it supports your cause, not damage it.

Hal is the poison; you have been the slug: quit taking the bait and you will be better off.

1:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

bfanon says:
he's an Internet Tough-Guy. . . . .

If that's the case, why don't you come out from anonymity to let everyone know who and where YOU are, just like Hal Turner does?

Why the cloak and dagger?

I'll tell you why: Hal is the tough guy that he says he is! He proved it when a guy came to his house to cause trouble but was taken away by ambulance.

You just can't stand that Turner backs up what he says while you hide behind anonymity.

Turner is brave enough to publicly say who and where he is. You are a coward and you hate yourself for it.

Jealousy, plain and simple.

2:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol, hal turner posts here.
gb, 2, bed, etc., hal.

2:21 PM  
Blogger BFAnon said...

If that's the case, why don't you come out from anonymity to let everyone know who and where YOU are, just like Hal Turner does?

Why the cloak and dagger?

In relative terms of acting tough and threatening people over the Internet, I haven't done anything to that degree even in a remote sense. And with the cloak and dagger: Anonymous? Anonymii? It's literally who we are.

I'll tell you why: Hal is the tough guy that he says he is! He proved it when a guy came to his house to cause trouble but was taken away by ambulance.

Proof, please, preferably in an incident report and hospital records, or if possible, pictures.

You just can't stand that Turner backs up what he says while you hide behind anonymity. Turner is brave enough to publicly say who and where he is. You are a coward and you hate yourself for it.

See previous post as to why I can't stand Hal. Also, see previous point on Anonymity. Also also, aren't you being a bit hypocritical at accusing me of anonymitous cowardice when you yourself use no screen name nor identifying signature other than Anonymous? I'm not accusing you of the "cloak and dagger" ideal like you've done to me, but, you know...pot, kettle, black, man.

Jealousy, plain and simple.

He has supporters and naysayers, and I've got supporters, and now apparently naysayers as well. Difference between us is a name, reporting habits, supporters, and economic situation. I'm not scrounging for donations, and even if I were, I wouldn't depend on my fellow Anonymous, not because I don't trust them, but because I don't want to be the guy asking strangers over the Internets for contributions.

And another point: I don't loathe the people who visit my blog for information and updates and don't leave any comments. Granted, it's not asking for money, but it's essentially the same principle; people visit for the content, and then go about their business. With Hal, it's "pay me because I'm benevolent enough to allow you to listen to my truth." You, I, and anybody reading this knows this is true, because it's explicitly stated in the words "listeners are expected to contribute in the form of donation." May not be exactly verbatim, but my point is he expects, just short of demands, you pay him for all but opening the page in your browser. It's become more evident with the piss-fit he threw over listener support and contributions, despite the fact that the vast majority of downloaders for his show's archive and stream were Anonymous.

4:43 PM  

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