Tuesday, February 13, 2007

"Listener Contributions," he calls them

$383 in the mail today, and it's a walkabout of money. A hundred Australian dollars, ten Euros from Portugal--fucking Portugal, wrap your head around that--and thirty-three from some guy in Baghdad.

It gets better. "Keep up the fight," "They're only attacking you because you're effective," and what's more is apparently he's gotten contributions from three people who "claim they ABSOLUTELY HATE what I say on the air, but they support my freedom of speech to say it."

Look at his page. He bolded freedom of speech. Masturbating with the Constitution, because it relaxes him.

Yeah, it's freedom of speech, and he's got every right to speak his mind just as I've mine to write this blog. Yeah, he can say what he wants, regardless of the message. And yeah, he can call people useless and a crappy audience who doesn't pull their weight in monetary contribution, and have it work as an effective gall tactic to push donations. He can call them cheap jews because they won't donate to his acquaintences, and he can call them parasites and idiots and keyboard commandos because they turned their backs on him because of his pompous bullshitting, and he can even tell his listeners, the ones devout enough to swallow his toxic, steaming, rambling paranoia, to kiss his ass in wide generalization, and he'll still have fucks willing to make that little bit of an already-hopeless difference.

The donators do what they will with their money, and I can't help that, but it's a shitty state of affairs when it takes a mass of accusations and fury to garner people into helping the asshole who insulted them. Not only that, but continuing to suck off his ego even after he's announced making his impending revival-of-a-site pay-to-access. What sort of fucked up subjugation is this, where somebody is publically insulted in a fit of anger and frustration by a frail, little man, squabbling with the rest of the world from the safety of his domain for the past six years, and still expected to pay for their near-fanaticism?

Actually, I just pretty much described the situation with the Goons and Lowtax, but you get the idea.

This is bordering on outright stupidity. It was only about five days prior that Hal claimed he would be leaving the Internets and gave a general "fuck you" to his supporters; now he's garnishing those who give unto him with praise. What about everyone else, Hal? Most of those 1400 downloads were Anonymous, but what about the ones who were listening in to hear your "truth?" You hypocritical fuck, stop playing politician and at least acknowledge your little people. I've got no love for them, but show them some fucking sign of respect, man. Just "lavishing them with your mighty word" is shit; you wouldn't have such an ego without somebody willing to listen and believe whatever swill you spout.


Blogger A Nony Mous said...

I am waiting to see how Hal plans to avoid Anonymous for his upcoming show tommorow night. We all know it will fail and create lulz aplenty, but I am among the growing segment of Anonymous that wants to hear his show as we prank call it and not simply blow it away in the first few seconds.
Nobody wins if we can't hear Bel Aire and Shoop da whoop.
The goal isn't to silence him; it is to milk him for lulz until he becomes an hero for us.

8:41 PM  

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