Thursday, March 08, 2007

Listening to "Love is a Fist" twenty-odd times repeated will fuck with your paranoia center

"YES, I really did post the archive on"
Last night's show. Hal apparently put it up on /i/ himself, then updated the site to accommodate the bolded text above.

Secrets, secrets, someone's got something planned, and it's seriously fucking me in the head to guess it. Since he's gloating about it this early before the raid (and being relatively civil now towards Anonymous, which proves he's got his confidence back), it means something--something--is afoot. A Nony Mous is even reporting a somewhat-reformed Holsten, sans dick comments. That worries me. If it's some that has the core of his supporters, who I have no doubts he's shared plans with, chuckling quietly amongst themselves, hands groping their own erections slowly in an assured manner, then it cause for some alarm.

NCLR hasn't emailed me back, which means the guy I fired it off to doesn't check his email, my own mail's futzing up, they're taking their time to look into it, or they thought I was joking. It shouldn't be too late to call them, so I'll try that approach.


Blogger A Nony Mous said...

Fact: Hal loves Hal and only Hal. Much like any narcissist Hal is incapable of any empathy or compassion for others; he is just not made that way.

Fact: Anonymous makes Hal look like Mother Theresa only fatter and more feminine. Anonymous loves the screams and cries of its victims more than it loves even itself.

Fact: A collision between these two forces will leave only one standing. Hint: there is only one Hal, but even Pchan can get more than 4 unique users online. Hal is outnumbered and outgunned; the outcome is inevitable and rapidly approaching its lulz filled conclusion.

I have the popcorn ready; I just need to get sodas and some booze.

4:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was that even moot on the show? It didn't seem like him to me, but I dunno.

4:45 PM  
Blogger A Nony Mous said...

It wasn't.

5:56 PM  
Blogger Steve Holsten said...

Yep, we ALL Know that you still want Hal's Dick shoved down your throat.

11:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Steve either simply can't contain his urges, or there was no conspiracy involving him.

11:22 AM  
Blogger A Nony Mous said...

Steve always follows his urges, that's why his local PD knows to check the veterinarian's office occasionally for new victims of his sick desires.
Doing a DNA swab or RAEP kit on a ewe or hamster is all in a days work for the Kennett, MO police department.
Never a dull day with Steve.

10:55 PM  
Blogger A Nony Mous said...

Steve has assured me privately that all his talk is bluster so that he can keep fooling his WN movement brothers. He just needs a bit more evidence and the Feds will honor the deal he cut with them.

Until then he will act abusively to all Anti's as a smokescreen in his informant effort.

Work hard Steve! If what you told e in private is true you have already cost the movement some big names!

11:37 PM  
Blogger A Nony Mous said...

Steve, we all know your little outbursts are simply your way of projecting your feelings for Hal onto others as a way of dealing with your shame and disgust.

Quit blaming others for your issues and deal with them. Have you told Hal you want his man missile down your throat? He would probably be willing to help you overcome your shyness around other homosexuals so you can begin to lead a fuller, more rewarding life out of the closet.

Take that first step Steve and tell him you want his hot sticky load shot down your throat. You know you want it so go for it.

12:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can even leave it out of your weekly reports, if you're embarassed about admitting it to government officials.

2:11 PM  

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