Tuesday, March 20, 2007

New hosting, same wheedling

Prolexic.com is Hal's latest host choice (Hal claims they accepted his request for hosting, regardless of his site content), specializing in DDOS blocking and mitigation; read up on it here. Not only that, but $445 was received in donations over the past week, supposedly going towards the costs of hosting; he bullshits and puts forth the patriot face, playing the lone hero in the face of adversity: . Price: $3,000 install, $1500 per month with payment of three months in advance! Whether that is a viable option or not, I still need your help. You've counted on me for years to deliver the unvarnished truth in spite of fierce opposition from the main stream and their henchmen.
So fierce is the effort against me that I am facing the prospect of a "raid" on my house this coming April 21. Still, I endure. I do it for our race; for our country. Please show you stand with me by making a contribution today!"

The "unvarnished truth." "Still, I endure." "I do it for our race; for our country." It's funny that a man who, approximately two days ago, insulted and chastised his supporters for filling his comment pages full of racist remarks and viewpoints, ignoring the fact that his own site is the harbor for such racism (and blatantly stroking his own fucking ego for it, with the "This is how coordinated they are, my enemies" monologue), and still can appeal to their patriotic values via their wallets. "How much of a patriot are you if you can't spare a few bucks to help me fight my cause for the independence and superiority of the White Nation over all?" You'll never fucking hear this, but it's right there, meshed with the requests for donations and the shit-swilling. And his supporters are just eating it. They join in with the bitching and complaints about the "main stream and their henchmen," but they don't see that they themselves have fallen into the same thing; "main stream" and "henchmen" are just variables that can be applied to anyone. It's been stuck onto Kirtaner and 420chan, Moot and 4chan, whoever's leading 7chan now and 7chan, but they don't realize that's it's also fallen upon Hal and his Posse. The only difference between Hal and the various -chans is that Hal is a figurehead for his movement, the leader, the "mainstream" of the bunch, speaking out for the whole, whereas the -chans have no apparent leader; not Kirtaner, Moot, or 7chan's guy (I feel kind of bad not knowing this). They only offer the sites, giving the true movers and shakers, the Anonymous, the ability to act and coordinate. And even then, as proven with /b/day, if ever a haven for Anonymous was broken and scattered, Anonymous would find other sites to gather at, or create gathering places of their own.

Hal fails to realize the simple fact that everybody but he and his group knows: Anonymous is one and many simultaneously. There is no singular being that leads the whole horde, so Hal can't single out anybody unless they come forward. He, on the other hand, is the "shining beacon of truth" for the entire WN movement, in his own emphatically-masturbationalist consideration. In the way he portrays himself, he is the Alpha and Omega of White Nationalists, and you can see it in the way he writes: "You've counted on me for years to deliver the unvarnished truth in spite of fierce opposition from the main stream and their henchmen." You've counted on me for years; in that single expression, he is veritably saying, "You need me. You depend on me. Love me for it." With his constant demand for donations, stepped up now by the late DDOS attacks, he expects payment for just listening to him. He hasn't proven anything but his ability to stir public fervor. It's a good politician's trait, but when phrases like "unvarnished truth," "return truth and dignity to this nation," and "immutable truth" are consistent in almost every one of his entries at the site--and you can see it for yourselves, it's not hard--it becomes questionable how viable of a "leader" he is. I've said this time and time again, to stop giving him money because of his immediate reaction to accuse and rant against his supporters when something happens that isn't favorable (the "I work with a bunch of idiots" idea, which also shows how seriously he takes himself as opposed to others). Why pay a person to call you a fucking idiot, then days later beg for your money? It makes no goddamn sense.

Consequently, I've been thinking of spam-posting these entries in his HaloScan comment pages.


Blogger ZOMG Bananas said...

Nothing less could be expected out of Mr. Turner. We've always known his favourite game is to aggresively buttsecks his supporters, then to pat them on the shoulder and ask them for their money.

The irrationality and total disregard for logic his sheep display still astounds me, with their hard earned dollar still worming its way through the federal mailing service into his grubby little mits.

You know, he's not all that far removed from the minorities he hates when I think about it. Don't they all value the dollar over everything else in their lives, and will whinge and moan until they have it handed to him?

8:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sup Steve?

6:14 PM  
Blogger -J. said...

Thought you might be interested in this article about why racists have lower IQs than the general population.


10:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really like when people are expressing their opinion and thought. So I like the way you are writing

11:42 PM  

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