Thursday, February 08, 2007


Since this is fairly important, I'm going to copypasta the entirety of Hal's blog post here, verbatim and bolded.

TITLE: I have terminated Internet operations for lack of support

This evening during my show, I announced that I am terminating the internet portion of my weekly radio show. I will remain on the 69 low-power FM stations who presently carry the program throughout the U.S.

When Denial of Service (DOS) attacks against my web site began on December 20, they impacted very many other clients inside the data center which housed my web site server. On January 24, after about six weeks of attacks, the data center was forced to terminate service to my server, knocking my web sites off-line, knocking out the web sites I hosted for others.

I tried to find another data center to house my server and was completely honest with each potential new provider about the DOS attacks. None of them wanted to accept my server because the attacks would adversely affect their customers too.

While my server was off the net, I made use of this free blogspot site to keep in touch, and utilized a free file hosting service to provide archives of my shows.

During last weeks show, I announced that the DOS attacks had seriously impacted me financially and that I needed listener support to help defray those costs.

One-thousand, three-hundred sixty-four (1,364) people downloaded last weeks show. Out of those 1,364 people. . . . . . . six (6) people made contributions. Six.

As I sat down to do my show tonight, I realized that I have been going out of my way to bring news and talk radio to an internet audience, the majority of whom don't give a shit enough to pull their own weight!

Certainly there are people who have contributed and I am very grateful to them. But over the last two years, maybe two hundred people could be relied upon to donate. With an average internet audience of 800-1,000 people per show - and thousands more who downloaded it, the overwhelming majority did nothing to help financially. They took and took and took and took until there was nothing left for me to give.

Same thing with Jim Wickstrom! He quit his show tonight for lack of support. Most of those devout "Christian Identity" people turned out to be more like cheap jews than the jews themselves! Wickstrom had to cease broadcasting because those people wouldn't help him financially.

I'm in the same boat as Wickstrom, so tonight, I said good riddance to the parasites. The useful idiots and keyboard commandos who think pounding-off on the internet will achieve anything real for white people. As they beat off on their keyboards in places like Stormfront and VNN Forum, they achieve absolutely nothing for our race. Zero.

In fact, they have a very good track record in that regard - years and years and years of nothing. No rallies. No political efforts. No change. They are, in every regard, complete failures.

Tonight I said good bye to those who are too stupid to understand the issues facing our race, too cheap to pull their own weight and too cowardly to join me in public street action. I rid myself of those parasites and the major expenses that have gone to entertain them.

If I bring my server back at all - and I'm not even certain I will-- it will be a very different site. It will be subscription-based. The radio shows and even the news will be a pay service.

People who pay, will get to use the site and hear the shows. Those who don't want to pay can kiss my ass. I don't need them and our movement doesn't need them because in the final analysis, they are useless.

Dave Pringle of White Wire realized this months ago when he had to choose between doing his show and keeping his job. Tom Metzger came to similar conclusions a couple weeks ago when he stopped his show. Jim Wickstrom came to the same place last week when he announced the end of his show and now, I too have cut ties with the bottom-feeders of the movement. Through their failure to help, they have literally ruined very many good, hard-working people.

No more.

Folks can keep in touch with me via my personal e-mail and can check this blogspot occasionally to see if and when I bring a web site back.

Until then, to those who helped the show over the past six years I give a heart felt "THANK YOU!" To those who didn't help: fuck you.

Since those who didn't help are all too cowardly to do anything, I don't have to worry about what I just said to them because not one of them has balls enough to come within arms reach of me to do anything about it! They are, in the factual analysis, complete losers.

-- Hal Turner

I haven't managed to catch a copy of last night's show, but those who did should be able to verify this. I really do think this may be his farewell to the Internets; he's pretty much denouncing the entirety of his fanbase and supporters here, aside from the normal "fuck you guys, stop oppressing me" rant. Also, it hasn't been confirmed, and probably is just numbers pulled from his ass, but the amount of DLers to contributers sounds fairly plausible.

He sounds like he's trying to martyr he and the other WN show hosts partway through his post, especially with his realization that his listeners "don't give a shit enough to pull their own weight!" This cycles back to his expectation of donation and financial contribution, where he essentially kills his own credibility as a stable show host; the difference between "Please donate, for the cause" and "I expect you to suck me off and pay me while doing it."

A few others and myself are looking into the situation, to see whether or not his pride will force him to attempt to stay on the Internets, or if he'll just retreat for the time being. Either way, it took a month and a half to reach this point. That's goddamn impressive.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I call bullshit. He said he quits dozen of times, hell, he even faked heart attack, so well, don't be so trigger happy about this win.
Remember: "I win. My win was, to use their terminology, EPIC." :D

2:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Best part is that most of the people who downloaded his last show were actually channers. :P

3:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope it's true! Good riddance!

8:28 AM  
Blogger Britt Wilson said...


I have been contacted twice today by the New York Times regarding my decision to terminate the internet portion of my radio show and web site. They want to interview me about the attacks against my server and my federal lawsuit.

I have declined to be interviewed.

-- Hal Turner

12:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He is such a drama queen.

2:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hay guys, was the last show where he announced any of this put up for download anywhere?

8:04 PM  

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