Saturday, February 10, 2007

You think this is Pepsi, but you're wrong.

Congratulations if you recognize that quote and where it's from. You win a domain name:

If you haven't heard, the buzz on the various Chan sites is that Kirtaner and 420chan made a big ol' "fuck you, buddy" to Hal and took the original site name. If you clicked on the link above, you know that it now redirects to, and you also wasted a few seconds of your time reading something that you already know by getting this far in the paragraph.

Sorry, but I can't return your time.

In any case, warning signals and klaxons should be blaring at Hal's blog once Hal finds out. Could this be considered copyright infringement, since he's effectively copyrighted everything concerning himself? Maybe. But it might fall under the lesser-used, but widely-known, clause of "Finder's Keepers," since Hal did technically abandon the name when he shut down the main site, thereby making it fair game.

Or it could be a hacker having fun. Who knows? Stay tuned.


Blogger Anon said...


8:30 AM  
Blogger Anon said...

Seriously. Hal was talking about all those security measures he was going to have on his new site. And now this happens. ^^

8:41 AM  
Blogger Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

12:07 PM  
Blogger Anonymous said...

I think this was Hal's doing. If somebody else did it, they would have either needed to (1) get ahold of Hal's username and password with Network Solutions, or (2) break into Network Solutions. I don't see (2) as a likely possibility, and if somebody had managed to do (1), there are so many better options than 420chan. Pointing the domain to would be full of win.

12:15 PM  
Blogger Anonymous said...

Well, hey, I'll be damned. He claims that somebody else did it.

Some folks have no creativity, I guess.

1:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


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|___/ moar like major breadwinner, amirite?

CHAN Enterprises presents: A disturbing expose on the fiscal backing of

Harold C. Turner's antics.

Background Info:

Harold Charles Turner has not worked in over 6 years that CHAN
Enterprises was able to determine. As such, the majority of his
idiotic antics are supported by his wife. Us hard working sleuths
at CHAN Enterprises have discovered a shocking document, documenting
the fiancial mismanagement the Turner family, in the form of a
disturbing United States Bankruptcy Court Form B1. This is a CHAN
Enterprises exclusive.

Subject: Phyllis A. Turner (nee Beatrice)

SSN: 135-42-2613
1906 Patterson Plank Road, Unit 1A
North Bergen, NJ 07047

Occupation: AXA Equitable Life, New York, NY
Salary in 2001: $5,714.00
-> Deductions : $2,268.00
-> Take home : $3,446.00

Dependants: Turner, Harold Charles (spouse)
Turner, Michael (son, 6 years of age in 2001)

BANKRUPT: Filed 02:19 PM, July 02, 2001

Power Profile:
Lives in a condominium at 1906 Patterson Plank Rd, Unit 1A
Property owned by subject.
Total assets at time of filing: $9,750.00
Mortgage at $69,001.00 at time of filing (original: $87,400)
15 Credit Cards ranging from JC Penny's to First USA Bank
Total owed: $88,163.00 (whoa.)

This has been a CHAN Enterprises production. Special thanks for financial
support goes out to Eric Bauman ( and Max Goldberg. Without
their contining support these efforts would not be possible.

2:05 PM  

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