Saturday, February 03, 2007

Meant to enter this last night

Night-shift is occasionally made of ass and fail, namely when you want to update.

"After my upcoming family vacation I will find a political party where my beliefs and opinions are RESPECTED."

Michael Blevins (or VonBluvens, but I don't know why adding the prefix "Von" and changing two letters in your name would be significant) is an angry man right now. Full of anger he is, his pants bursting at the seams with hate-shit. The links from yesterday's VNN threads are mysteriously broken, now leading to 404 error pages, but if you were here in time to catch them, VonBluven was raising a fit in both (closely followed by the ever-vocal Yankee Jim, who might've visited the blog yesterday, seeing as how I have a couple of accusational comments that run along his vein of Internets-speak), and is now retiring from broadcasting his show for a short, unspecified time. You probably already know this, if you were listening to Hal's Wednesday show.

Speaking of Hal, he's flailing for support again. Apparently he's found another datacenter willing to host him, this one " fully informed about the nature of the programming and web sites we have on our server and about the Denial of Service attacks." So essentially, he's letting them know that he's a live wire and should be treated specially. Such special treatment costs money, natch, so staying true to his "pander to my adoring fans" tactics, he's asking for donations yet again. From his page:

With our operating cash gone from the attacks and deposits to a breached contract provider, we are now in the financially dangerous position of having had to put more large sums of money on credit cards as deposits and payments in advance to yet ANOTHER data center. Without your immediate financial help, those large sums of money on the credit cards will not be able to be paid by us and we will be forced out of operation.

If the payments and deposits have been so large before, you have to wonder why any datacenter would be willing to deal with him, especially if he's still dealing with payments from the initial host. I'd imagine it would be not only feasible to complete the apparent debt owed to the first host, but mandatory before diving headfirst into what is sure to become a similar fiasco.

Just a question, but is anyone else still reading his blog, aside from Anonymous? I don't see any comments left in any of the recent entries. Maybe he's alone in his head and blog now, with the rest of the Internets blocked off. Since it's the weekend, maybe some activity might be seen, from either Hal or his supporters.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, there are at least two guys (me and fellow anonymous) commenting this blog, as it stays the last stable source of info on hal.
maybe you should contact aencyclopediadramatica and drop a link there?

6:56 AM  
Blogger BFAnon said...

Good idea. I'll send one of the mods a "Gimme login" mail, and add the blog to WikiChan's Hal article as well.

7:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

VNNF is down for the weekend while they attempt to make it stronger and faster. Until it is back online this is arguably the most thorough website about the Hal hunt of 2007.

9:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

420chan has a temporary hal forum up.

9:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder how Hal can afford a family vacation after being financially ruined by the "chans" as he claims publicly (and frequently). To hear him talk about his money woes you would expect him to be eating bread sandwiches and that only after getting donated bread at the shelter. Meanwhile on just about every possible WN forum known to man he is pleading and begging for more and more donations from his single IQ fanclub.

Things that make you go...
Also machin noted that there are no comments at Hal's Blogspot site; this is due to Hal having strict moderation turned on and that he no longer posts ANYONES comments.
He has no friends left online and has managed to make more enemies than G.W.Bush and in a shorter length of time even.

Hal, please enjoy your vacation, it amuses anonymous incredibly to know that you are in the Bahamas on your faithful (if ignorant and naive) fanbase's dollars. I get off on the knowledge that some WN screwball in Canada has donated his badly needed cash for medicine for his ailing mother thinking you would use it to tell the truth about the evil "Juez", but instead are sipping Cuba Libre's in the sunny tropics.

GG Hal, abuse your loyal fans like Steve Holsten, it gives me epic lulz.

9:52 AM  
Blogger BFAnon said...

Wait, Hal's taking a vacation? I thought that was VonBluven, concurrent with his hiatus from broadcasting?

11:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My Bad, I thought Hal was from the article without actually going to the link itself. So many of Hal's sites are blocked to me that I just have to accept as fact what others have read there.
I see now that it was VB who claims he is going on vacation.
Question: How does an unumployed dumpster diver take a vacation?

12:54 PM  
Blogger BFAnon said...

Apparently through funds squirreled away somewhere, or by putting all on credit card, which would run along the lines of what Hal is claiming he's doing for his payments. Eventually, donations or no, it's going to bite him in the ass, and if he's recieving large amounts of donations without really specifying an abject and proper cause--because to be honest, I could say I have ass cancer and I need donations, and I could post images of a horribly mangled ass with cancer, and there would be donations out of sympathy and support; it doesn't mean I have ass cancer, and it doesn't mean the gullible donators are any less stupid--he's going to have to indicate that in his taxes, which I doubt will raise any suspicion if he's been generally attempting to impress an idea of mandatory donations if you listen to his show since the start. So there's pretty definitely been some misappropriation of funds and donations over the years, but no proof thus far.

3:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hal never mentions his coke habit to his listeners. Gee - I wonder why?

6:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blevins likes to add the "Von" because it gives the impression he is of Prussian nobility.

He's full of shit, as he is actually of Jewish heritage.

6:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many Prussian nobles do you know that dig for soda bottles and stale bread in the dumpster behind Winn-Dixie? Besides Blevins that is...

10:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man, you're missing out bigtime. Kirtaner (Owner of 420Chan) created an account and began posting to the inbred population at VNNf. Most epic lulz and faggery daggery doo were had by all.

Temp 420Chan board

There may be 1000 posters at VNNf but only one set of grandparents and surname.

10:21 PM  

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