Sunday, February 18, 2007

Ladies and Gentleman, let's begin again.

Clicky here.

First post:
I have been pleasantly surprised by the response to the Subpoenas. EVERY SINGLE ISP has released subscriber info without any problem!

Unlike the RIAA lawsuits over Copyrighted music which ISPs have fought tooth and nail, when the ISPs see "Mail Fraud, Wire Fraud, Extortion and Felony Computer Fraud and Aubse" on the Subpoena, they turn over the subscriber info in a heartbeat. Many of them have even waived their fees and given the info FREE! I am withholding the information so that no one can claim any harm or threats as a result of their info being released.

I have also spoken to Canadian Attorney Doug Christie ( about issues with Canadian lawsuits and he has been very helpful in helping me prepare legal action in Canada.

I will post info about the lawsuits when the time is right. Not before.

Not just yet.

Also, second post:

No More Internet Audio Feed
Too many attacks; not enough listener support to justify keeping it

tl;dr: he struggled with IP, HUNDREDS, but there were just too many to block! He's just one person. He could simply not block so many attackers. He complains about the other WN communities and how they've apparently turned against him, the back-stabbers. The regular job (the one that he works to pay the bills) only added to his aggravation. Apparently, Anonymous is mentally ill for calling so many times, because conducting raids like this for eight weeks is a sign of serious mental trouble. He thinks Anonymous' parents are treating them horribly and have raised them poorly. He questions his reasons for broadcasting, and cries about the backstabbers some more, and tells them "Fuck you, for being my support and whispering behind my back!" and cancels archiving and Internets audio, because nobody's worth doing it for. We'll just have to listen to him over FM, how sad. Boo hoo.

Since it's temp-hosting, it may not be feasible to attack right away. Waiting for the opportune time would be ideal; allow him to solidify his ground, before taking away support and ultimately his base Internets footing. Right now, his blogspot is still the most prominent source (as of NOW, not, say, a day from now) of all things Hal, so wait and see.


Blogger A Nony Mous said...

I like the way he basically tells his fanbase that he will provide proof of his claims (re:lolsuits) when hell freezes over and not a moment sooner.
Do you have kids? One of the things you learn raising kids is that the best lies are the ones that are simple, can be linked to something truthful in real life, and don't require the listener to suspend disbelief.

Example: Quality lie

I didn't clean my room because mom wanted me to rake the leaves instead. True to a point. Except he didn't mention the fact that he volunteered to his mom to rake those leaves and never told his mom he was also supposed to clean his room. All I see is raked leaves (something I hate to do).
He wins.

Example: Poor Quality Lie

I didn't clean my room because my sister has the vacuum cleaner and won't give it to me until I finish fixing her broken bike.

Yes her bike is broken (he broke it) but she isn't holding that over his head in any fashion and he is more than welcome to the vacuum at any time.

Example: Bad lie

My invisible friend is buried under all the trash in my room and is making a fusion reactor that will permanently solve all mankind's energy needs.

Now, which type of lie has Hal told most often ?

If your answer includes mention of an invisible buddy you may just be smarter than the folks at VNNf.

6:26 PM  
Blogger A Nony Mous said...

I think I know why he has put the site online; to see if his security improvements are up to the task of hosting his files for real. He puts it out there including his graphics and watches as anonymous fires up RAEP and fails. And in the process sees what further improvements he may need for the day he brings back the website with his fanbase raping subscription service.

8:54 PM  
Blogger A Nony Mous said...

Oh good GAWD almighty he has uttered moar crap on his site. He evn goes off on Snoop Dog.

I must blog this nao!

7:45 PM  

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