Friday, February 16, 2007


While I will admit that political correctness can be a bit off at times, Hal takes it up a notch when Tim Hardaway expressed his dislike of homosexuals. Interesting point: Hal defends a black man. Sign of the Apocalypse?

Or is it just he just defending his fundamental right to voice his opinion? You decide.

More money, totaling about $2300 since the beginning of the month. It sounds a bit off, considering he had onlt $820 by January 31st. So apparently he's not backchecking his blog records to correct how much's been donated totally, or there's some misreporting afoot. Interesting point in this: apparently he's been also squirreling away for a DS3 line that would run into his home, and it would cost him about $2300 per month to maintain it. So with $2300 in donations since February...$2300 a month for a T-3 line...all he has to do is scrounge for monthly donations and he'll be set! Hell, if he finds a more inexpensive rate, he'll have some pocket change!

One more thing. I think Hal visited the blog a little while ago; there's a couple of comments in the post before last's section, fairly well spoken. Called me a coward and told me that I hate myself. I may be something of an angry, bitter fuck at times, but optimistically-speaking, at least I know I've got both sides of the fence watching now.


Blogger A Nony Mous said...

It sure looks like round II of the Turner VS Chans war will be more vicious and protracted. The mention of the DS3 line while though not in itself troubling does give me reason to suspect that future efforts will need to take into effect an increased level of technical awareness not seen from hal in the past.

He now seems toi be not just getting better quality advice, but actually listening to it. I still dn't see this turning out any other way but as a win for Legion as Hal is hal and ultimately will behave true to form.

When we push he will blindly lash out, causing himself and his few allies more damage than he causes us. He has to many personal issues involved here for him to react calmly and treat this as it should be treated: a prank that has taken on a life of it's own due to his inability to change his nature.

He is a cubic zirconia car speeding towards the diamond wall that is anonymous. And as we all know, diamond is the worlds hardest metal.

There will be an epic explosion and when it is all said and done anonymous will still be sparkly and shiny and Hal will be impossible to put back together.

8:03 PM  
Blogger A Nony Mous said...

It is possible Hal has visited your Blog; his favorite subjects are Him and money. There are a few of the WN types who seem like they have an education past fourth grade and are capable of stringing together more than a verb/noun chain at best.

It could have even been Von Bluevein himself who is now homeless and has plenty of time to post. I am having fun with Elmer/Steve/GWM (who has trolled your comments also) he has not broken his record yet and has included the word "dick" in each of his 4 comments on my Blog.

I will give him high marks for consistency at least.

9:51 PM  
Blogger BFAnon said...

So I am being noticed.
Oh goody.

11:34 PM  
Blogger A Nony Mous said...

Isn't he adorable folks? If it weren't for his well known habit of throwing his poop at the audience I would recommend everyone have a Steve of their own.

11:34 PM  
Blogger A Nony Mous said...

Thanks for the link!!

3:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look at this. Bill is trying to blame 420chan for something they didn't do. Hell the guy who was hacked says bill is full of shit it seems.

There. Neo-nazis are weird.

10:46 AM  
Blogger BFAnon said...

Bill and Jim apparently have some sort of a torrid relationship. And yeah, everything Bill posts about 420chan is incorrect, from the anti-racist motives to the leader. I seriously wish they would stop taking the "OMG UR OPPRESSING MY BELEIFS!!" indirect stance with the mislabeled motives.

11:06 AM  

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