Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Another DC apparently gone, and something new?

"Today, yet ANOTHER Data Center backed-out of an agreement to provide co-location for my server.

I'm just glad they did it before I actually shipped the machine to them."

Hal's lost support from another datacenter, located somewhere unspecified in the mid-Western U.S.. Interestingly, this one cut ties due to the realization that their service agreement states that for each hour of downtime, a customer gains a day of free hosting. Add that to the staggering attacks, and the company would lose vast sums of money--relatively speaking, of course, since I don't know which company he attempted nor their rates--due to any Anonymii attack initiated that would last for at least ten hours. Add that to the possibility of other customers being knocked offline, and you've got one fucked company.

So it worked out for the better. He's still down, and an innocent datacenter wasn't screwed over in lack of profit.

Take note of his grab for sympathy in this paragraph:

"I have been very "up front" about what's been going on with the server because I don't want to lie and have the data center get blind-sided with DOS attacks once I'm there. I don't do business that way. It wouldn't be fair. My honesty, however, is hurting me."

Also, the upcoming show will be broadcasted here. Copypasta that into the "open URL" option of your winamp or media-player-flavor of choice.

Most interestingly, however, is his choice to implement the Peercast system. It's basically run along the same lines of a P2P system (hence "Peer"), using PCs tuned into his broadcast as nodes for other PCs to listen off of, and so on. Here's a screencap of Hal's explanation and which ports to use.

I wonder if he'll specify which DC turned him down this time, and which one will be next.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

remember streamripper?
make use of it:D

3:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's over: anonymous won the war! Hal admits total failure on his most recent blog entry.
No more Internet radio broadcasts and likely no Internet presence for quite some time.
Spanked by Anonymous.

7:33 PM  

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