Monday, February 12, 2007

VNN attempts to dissect Chans, Hal complains to the RCMP over Switcheroo

"To call that kind of imagery sick would be a vast understatement."

You've probably already read Hal's updated blog, and how he values his domain name for $60,000, the equivalent of his annual income, as it were. One Anonymous, in the last entry's comment section, suggested the idea of Hal doing it himself, since he's had the majority (assumedly) of his troubles from 420chan and Kirtaner after 420chan was shut down temporarily. The fact that he practically shoved a finger up Kirtaner's ass in an attempt to point and pin blame is something of an indication. There's honestly not much to say about it though, now that it's up in the air, other than wait to see if a line's been crossed or if everything will continue to fly relatively smooth.

EDIT: Apparently VNN's gone down, so the above link won't work until they're back up. Either that, or by some freak occurence I've been locked out of the forums and not even a multitude of proxies can get me in.

Remix+Remix=Normal: Site's up again. I swear, everybody's been conducting maintenance...


Blogger Anon said...

Heh trust me. Hal didn't do the side redirect himself.

9:29 AM  

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