Friday, February 09, 2007

Activity on Hal's blog

Evidently the New York Times wanted an interview with Hal over his decision to cease Internets broadcasting and his site, and he turned them down twice. Considering how livid he was over a rescinded offer to appear on television, it's suspicious that he would just up and decline an offer of publicity, especially over something as notable as his leaving the Internets.

Peer 1, Hal's fourth attempt at a datacenter, declines business with him. One would wonder why he would continue to search for server colocation if he was quitting the Internets.

He's not, by the way. You've probably guessed that by now, but he's serious about the consideration of a subscription-based site. Apparently his grab for attention and sympathy worked; according to Hal, $680 was sent by mail to his address, from ten seperate donors. He reports that he has garnered $820 since January 31st, and that the proceeds will go towards a server for a pay-to-listen/read site. The kick of it is that "contributors will get credit toward their subscriptions for a portion or all of their donations;" essentially meaning that those who sent in money will have their donation put towards a limited subscription (dependant on how much Hal charges for a subscription to his site and broadcast). Very touching.

Also, a supporter left a comment in Hal's "Goodbye to the Internets" post:

Dear Hal

Please don't get off the Internet. How about podcasting?

We miss you, we really do. I am from Australia, and I am sorry I was not able to send you some financial support. Although, once I did send about $100, but they were sent back to me. Mail man told me it's not wise to support such "group", because of the hate laws. I am just a one woman.

Please remember, in Canada, New Zealand and many European, countries there are laws which prevent people sending you financial aid, any group not approved by "you know who". When some of us do manage to send, it is taken away by government. Furthermore, some of your supporter are sending you money, however, it is also taken away by "you know who".

Please, do not put us all in the same pot. Your European, Australian listener shouldn't be punish. We shouldn't be punished. WE NEED YOU. WHITE RACE NEED YOU!!!!!!!! I sincerely recommend you do do some podcasting, or find a way to broadcast your message -- within your financial power - across the White listeners,


PS: Guys don't just read, support him! WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH YOU!!!!!!!!!

Words fail me.


Blogger Anon said...

You know. The comment in the blog was rather odd. I have seen the blog of dorothy a day ago too because she made a post about Hal. (google blogsearch on Hal Turner is extremely useful, news search is useful at times too. <3 Google)

Dorothy made one post in january.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007
My First Post

It's nice to have a place where you can open up yourself.

Posted by Dorothy at 8:57 PM 0 comments

And another one just a day ago (the one I saw because of blogsearch)

Thursday, February 8, 2007
Hal Turner offline

Hal Turner is going offline. It's kinda sad

Posted by Dorothy at 1:10 PM 0 comments

Not a very active blog is it. Well here is the amusing part. The profile of this Dorothy.


* Gender: Male
* Industry: Human Resources
* Occupation: Management
* Location: Sydney : Australia

So Dorothy who is female has a male gender in the profile? Very odd. Wouldn't surprise me a lot if Dorothy really is an alt by Hal. *grins*

8:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dorothy must fall under our heels.

2:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just click your heels together and anonymous will go away.

3:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous never goes away.

3:05 PM  
Blogger BFAnon said...

The funny thing about the whole "Gender: Male" thing is that I was going to originally end the post with "Fun Fact: IT'S A MAN, BABY!"

After looking at her blog, I figured she's a noob at blogging, and hasn't exactly figured out all the specifics to profiles and whatnot, so I left that out.

3:27 PM  

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