Monday, March 05, 2007

Skinheads disputing, Website crashing, Hal ego-masturbating; it's a sunny kind of day

We'll go down the list of new things from Hal HQ from old to new:

Global warming: fact or fiction? Until we're all forced underground my manic zealots convinced that the ozone is crumbling around us and a five degree temperature increase is cause for panic, I'm not particularly concerned. But apparently Hal's been on top of the subject, since he claims he's called bullshit on the idea since it's first circulation among the scientific community (read: whenever he first heard of it); Well, well, well. Who has been telling you this same thing for years? ME! It's tough being so far ahead of everyone else, but somehow, I manage.
Why do people still listen to this audacious, overconfident asshat?

Not420chan is down, apparently felled by Hal's hand. He claims the site was registered under his name and address, but it hasn't been proven by documentation.

SHARP, the Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice, have apparently thrown their hat into the raid ring. I posted a comment, in one of A Nony Mous' entries at Epic Lulz, in which I said I wasn't sure that any Anonymii would be showing up at the April 21st raid, because of the support of other anti-racist groups; Anonymous would've essentially given them the time and location, and let them have at it. With the possible addition of 250 skinheads in league with Anonymous, I think I'll be wrong. There may be a number of Anonymous there, mixed in, marching on Hal, protesting against him and racism. Or it could be a hoax, into galvanizing him towards frantic decisions, like his "call to arms." A second post by a SHARP member somewhat dissuades the idea of a hoax with the claim of strength over Brien James and the Vinlanders Social Club, the Keystone State Skinheads, Maryland Skinheads, Outlaw Hammerskins and others. It's nothing short of a bold statement, to be sure.

Fuck. You know, I honestly didn't expect it to grow so large. I thought of the possibility of a raid, but never thought that it would progress into actual planning, much less garner the support of AR groups. I didn't think any dates would be made, and I never expected Hal to rally his supporters into one gathering. This is, to be blunt, a little stronger than anything I could've wagered to happen. Sure, I expected some crackpot maneuver by Hal, and this will probably be it, but to such a degree that Anonymous takes to the street with anti-racial groups? Will it actually work? I can't say for sure.

Hell, if anything does happen on the 21st, I'll shave my own head and post a picture as proof.

EDIT: Hal posted this while I was writing all the above text;

Just so we're clear about the pending "raid" protest in front of my house:
No matter how many people show up to protest, they won't achieve anything!
This site remains online and my radio show remains on the air
There is absolutely nothing anyone can do about it.
I don't care what the protesters think or want; they don't matter.
I don't care what the media publishes; they have no power to do anything.
I don't care what politicians think or want; they are Constitutionally prohibited form abridging my free speech.
Whether fans and supporters come - as I hope they will - or don't come, really makes no difference. I will be here, doing what I normally do, totally unaffected by whatever goes on outside.
I will not shut down this web site and I will not stop airing the radio show. There is nothing anyone can do about it.
So go ahead and spend you money to come protest me. It won't achieve anything. No matter what, I win.

Smug self-satisfaction. Now we know the current iteration of the site is a permanent version, not just a temporary like he claimed before, and that his broadcast and online presence will definitely continue. The original attacks against the site seem like a distant memory now, and he's gloating over it. "Nothing can stop me now," he's saying. Hal's reverted back to that cocky attitude he had before December 20th, when things started going to Hell for him. He feels safe and secure again.

By the way, Die in a Fire hasn't transmitted any new information for weeks. Shouldn't that change?

Edit again: there might be an nix on the SHARP skins attending the raid; apparently the closest chapter, in New York, had no idea about the 21st, up until a while ago when an Anonymous got in contact with them. It looks like Hal trickery again (and I bought it, Goddammit), and as it stands no specific chapter is involved just yet. However, some are taking interest in contacting the various chapters themselves, in an effort to garner support for protesting, so there may be some validity behind the SHARP involvement yet.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why don't you trying showing up at Hal's place?We'll run you through the carwash.

6:26 PM  
Blogger BFAnon said...

'Sup Hal. I knew leaving a comment with the blogname in it would make you come running. You seriously have no idea how entertaining to me that is.

Yankee Jim and Holsten already watch this column; why not you as well?

6:28 PM  
Blogger BFAnon said...

Also, you have a carwash at your place, Hal? Crazy stuff.

6:29 PM  
Blogger A Nony Mous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:41 PM  
Blogger BFAnon said...

Hey Holsten. Figured it was a matter of time before you came in.

Get some new material, please. I can only have dick insults running between comments for so long before they blur together.

9:07 PM  
Blogger A Nony Mous said...

You should see the crap he has left in my moderation queue; oh wait, it's the same stuff he posted here just moar of it.

He is hardly an original troll or the hardest working one. I would prefer Gaza from the Usenet groups; now HE was a real troll.

9:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd say just leave comments on, and every time Steve Dickmongler makes his comments, we just further realize how extremely obsessed he is with cock. And Hal's cock, especially! Shit, Hal's probably a little worried that the fag might actually show up to help "defend" him for the raid, at which point Steve would never be able to control his urges.

10:28 PM  
Blogger Britt Wilson said...

Yeah leave em. It wastes his time and wont waste yours. Its not like hes accomplishing anything. Like anyone who is coming here is going to listen to anything he has to say.......

11:37 AM  
Blogger A Nony Mous said...

Pipeline RAEP is Sweeet!

Hal must loev the buttsecks we are dishing out because he just keeps asking for MOAR!

I have Steve AKA STD (Steve the deviant) moderated because I do like to show some folks my blog who may not appreciate his moral standards.

If I get fewer comments posted it balances out that they are higher quality reading compared to "DICK, SUCK, FAGGOT, etc.

Holsten is irredeemable and will never learn to behave decently around women and children (esp. children) so I see no loss in not promoting his views on my blog.

6:24 PM  

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