Saturday, February 24, 2007

"It is not easy brining this web site to you. There is a heavy emotional toll to be paid by me every day."

Yes, that's what he actually ended the list with.

Once again, in an effort to remain the stalwart hero of a terrible war, Hal posts a bunch of IP addresses with a list of comments from the Mom's House Fire HaloScan comment page. Not only that, he has the gall to say this is "real hatred" being shown towards him and his mother, never minding the usual "fucking (race, religion, sexual inclination)" slop that gets posted by zealots in other entry comment pages.

More to come on this. Have to work tonight; might post from work.

Continuation:And we're back. Need to change my ISP, dammit.

As you already know, Hal's thrown another fit, this time due to several comments made by Anonymous generally fucking about on his site. It's the usual family-tragedy-turned-amusement-for-others look; his mom's house burns and it's hilarious, and Hal's knows it because Anonymous is telling him. So instead of taking it at face value for obvious bullshit remarks (because let's be honest; if you take "Oh, Hal. You're so right. I love you. Will you let me plow your mangina with my massive pelvic paladin?" seriously, you've either no sense of humor or are extremely paranoid), Hal retaliated by posting the IPs of whoever left negative comments (mixed in with the total 97 comments), and, not only that, whined about how it's caused him emotional damage and pain. He calls it hatred, when it's obviously somebody poking fun at somebody else's misfortune.

And really. There's no comparison between blatant racism and "Remember how you said you were gonna burn down the houses of the e-attackers? Payback's a bitch, eh?"

About the two comments that Hal remarked on; anybody with enough experience on the Internets would know that leaving bullshit comments in some guy's blog (or equivalent), especially one who's lamenting about something bad happening to a family member, is a staple of Internets etiquette. If you whine about something, and it's stupid and annoying enough, you're going to get flamed. Hal, not knowing this, is overreacting on a dynamic level, showing this by posting remarks like "What is true is that I speak the truth and THEY hate hearing it!" "This is real hate; and it comes from the very people who call me "hateful."", and "Now you have a small idea how much criticism, intentional emotional hurt and outright hate is hurled my way." Even more so, by assuming the Moot and "I BURNED YOUR MOM'S HOUSE KEKEKEKEKE" comments to be true, he only proves his own stupidity. Everybody knows it's not hard to leave a comment in the guise of someone else, especially if you have the option to be have Anonymous posting. Hal's an abject racist broadcasting messages of racial disparagement and degradation across the Internets, and HE thinks these remarks are hatred?

Spare me.

That entry turned his site into a practical LiveJournal, pushing it with his "pity me" overtones.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey look, stevie cockholder found his way here.

Anyway, Hal seems to think he caught moot "red handed" with one of those comments, but he's too stupid to realize that just because somebody puts an email address in the comment blank, that doesn't mean that's who the comment is coming from. Shit, even sender addresses in emails are nearly as super simple to forge. What a dipshit. Almost as bad as stevie wonderfag here.

9:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what, is this holsten guy a kind of bot?

2:30 PM  
Blogger A Nony Mous said...

no, bots are smarter. Steve is a repressed, in the closet WN type who worships Hal's mangina.

3:18 PM  
Blogger A Nony Mous said...

Challenge made to Steve Holsten.
For him to create a blog of his own for us to comment on like he does to ours.
Is he man enough to accept the challenge? Or will he run away?

I can hear him lacing his sneakers already.

5:25 PM  
Blogger A Nony Mous said...

Just a few more hours left for Steve to accept the deal or otherwise become a has-been over at my blog.

He has been livid since I started moderating posts there and has even stepped up his vileness and hatred.

Quite a show for a pitiful little reject like him.

5:39 PM  
Blogger A Nony Mous said...

Hal Turner VS Huffington Post: Act 1, Scene 1. at Hal Turner dot con.

7:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get a job,sparkling wiggle.

6:29 PM  
Blogger BFAnon said...

"Get a job,sparkling wiggle."

Sparkling wiggle?
You're just blazing through my comment section, aren't you?

6:34 PM  

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