Friday, March 02, 2007

I leave the Internets for five fucking minutes...

Jesus fuck-all Christ. I hate being without connectivity.

This and this leads to this and this, covered by A Nony Mous.

I'm feeling that slight bit of confusion one gets after returning from a vacation to every-day duties or routines. You do the work the same way, but everything is Unsure, almost wobbly.

I'm waiting for something to emerge from the news there. "Guarded conclave defends itself from online enemies. Said enemies have yet to appear, but you can be sure that conclave is guarded and ready." From what I read in the comments, Puck (vocal as ever) and Holsten have already volunteered their "defending services," as well as a gamut of other characters. Discussion of home security systems are abound; someone even mentioned a hunting dog.

Fuck me. A hunting dog.

A funny note: "Grandson of Liberty against Zion" uses an image that occasionally circulates around 4chan, in lieu of mock racism. By that I mean on 4chan it's shit-racism, but for Grandson it's real. He also states, "I suggest taking this to state or federal matter, maybe they'd give a shit and realize it's a potential crisis. Either they handle it to eliminate the punks in order to protect the public and property or it's another Waco/Ruby Ridge." The only way they'd realize it's an actual crisis is if Hal and company really do implement the plan to hole up somewhere with weaponry and the intent to "defend" themselves. Think of it: a bunch of paranoid, gun-toting racists blockading themselves in a single location, ready and waiting to attack, and I guarantee that any attacks on an apparent invader will be sold as self-defense, and lead by a man who has been recognized by people across the nation to be totally batshit insane.

One ethnic-looking guy passing relatively close by will be all it takes for the paranoia to spike and push them into history.


Blogger A Nony Mous said...

Looking more and more like an actual, legal protest is shaping up which means Hal is powerless to do anything about it.
We need to face a few stark realities here; if Hal locks himself away with Steve, Yankee Jim and all the rest of his posse, the only things that will happen are:

1. A pay per view gay porno bill in the 4 digit range.
2. All aboard the Mantrain!
3. Someones salad will get tossed, probably Hal's.
4. Von Bluvens will get a new high protein stain on his My Pretty Pony pajamas.
5. Hal will ask for more donations to cover the cost of all the condoms, cocaine, liquor, and cigars used.
6/ And finally: They will have an epic Gravitation marathon and giggle through all the love scenes.

2:57 PM  
Blogger Britt Wilson said...

We need to make sure that at least one of us gets close enough to see if this really goes down, and get some pic, or footage or something. I seriously dont believe any of his followers like him enough to bring weaponry and risk thier lives for HIM, who insulted all his viewers and called them all uncaring assholes only a month ago.....

5:29 PM  
Blogger Steve Holsten said...

I should've known that the Anonymous Pussy would be running his hole about Hal while he dreams of sucking Hal's Dick

5:52 PM  
Blogger A Nony Mous said...

Clean up aisle three. Steve, have the orderly switch to the more absorbent diaper brand.

6:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you guys noticed that pretty much every comment Steve Dickholder has left has involved penises in some way, shape, or form? If I didn't know any better, I'd think he has some sort of obsession with them. As in, he fantasizes about his fellow WN buddies tying him to a tree and giving it to him gang-bang style next time they go hunting.

Guess he needs something to remind him of dad.

9:44 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I'm considering comment management if Holsten continues to spam the same messages constantly. I don't really care eitherway, but with "Your latest request to suck my Dick is denied" spanning across multiple entries, it wouldn't hurt.

Britt, you're probably right for the most part in thinking that his followers wouldn't go this far, but remember that he's had six years to build support and rapport among the WN movement (most of which has broken down already, aside from some clusters). There's a good chance that at least some of his supporters will willingly entrench themselves; as it looks, not exactly a high number. I wouldn't be surprised if some of the comments pledging fealty were made by Anonymii fucking with him, to be honest.

About getting pictures and footage; only if we're sure that they've gone and started the process of moving together. If anything, somebody taking pictures or filming his location would probably get his paranoia running, giving him all the more reasoning.

1:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

While I support the endeavour, I do think that Anonymous should err on the side of caution. Make sure the police know of his reputation, that he's planning to have people smuggle guns into the state for this purpose, and that he proposes that he's killed before, and is happy to do so again.

As long as you have some kind of law enforcement around, he can't do anything. And all the while Hal is all talk and no action, I still think he's got enough screws loose to grab out a firearm and shoot it into the crowd. can't wait to hear that he goes down in a hail of bullets after he cracks.

2:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

he deleted all the content on the website.

2:29 PM  
Blogger A Nony Mous said...

A few new posts on my blog, all worth investigating.

*cough cough*

7:44 PM  
Blogger ZOMG Bananas said...

Certainly going to be interesting come raid day. I hope both he and Anonymous are prepared. Someone might have to become an hero that day. Preferably Hal.

9:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How are you gentlemen !!

8:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't use God's name in vain,you scum.

6:27 PM  
Blogger BFAnon said...

"Don't use God's name in vain,you scum."

Since when have you been concerned about matters holy, Hal?

6:32 PM  

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