Sunday, March 18, 2007

8 long days later...

Man, over a week has passed since I last put anything into this. Crazy.

Guess who's pissed at his supporters again? Hal's recently established-then-destroyed PayPal account--the one he planned to have donators drop their bank accounts into--was canceled due to an Anonymous (I assume) calling PayPal's main office and reporting Hal's site as a racist hate site, which it is, natch; only thing is, he claims it was everybody else that cause the cancellation: "It turned out that they objected to the terminology being used in the off-site, third-party visitor comment areas! (Nigger, Spic, Kike, Hook-nosed jew etc.) Yes, you read that correctly! YOUR comments on an outside, third-party site got MY PayPal Account turned off!"

Read his article, it's hilarious how incensed he is over this. Partway through, another bout of ego-stroking occurs, horrendously: "Ask yourself why they go after me so fast and furious? Out of all the pro white sites in the world, why go after Hal Turner so fast and furious?
. . . . . . . . The reason they go after me so quickly and so virulently is because I am effective! They KNOW that I eloquently and passionately argue our cause and do so in a manner that has very wide appeal. THAT is why they view me as dangerous. I expose their plans. I expose the utter failure of their ideas and they HATE me for it. Since December 20 of last year, I have been under relentless attack by our enemies. They have resorted to both legal and ILLEGAL activities to try to get this site shut down and the radio show off the air. This is a war of attrition. They are fighting with everything they have to see if I simply give up.

They can go fuck themselves! I won't give up.

Despite the fact that Anonymous hasn't been entirely too secretive with planning and coordination (I mean, come on--anyone can go on the boards to see the raid threads. That's not what I'd call a tactical stealth maneuver on Hal's part), Hal insists that he is the only one who can stop us, once again placing himself as the poster boy for everything WN and savior of the White man's truth and justice. So not only is he letting it go to his head (again), he's created an inadvertent crusade (in his and his supporters eyes) against PayPal, who is now being accused of being Jewish. Also, a compromise has been suggested by one of Hal's supporters, who truly believes that caps lock is Love.

Seriously. That last comment is fucking stupid. I can't really describe it in another way.

Also, a site for people who've been burned by PayPal, by people who've been burned by PayPal. And maybe possibly raped.


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