Sunday, December 31, 2006


It's getting close to midnight where I live, so I guess I better bite the bullet and say:


End of the year surprise? Think again.

Turner's site is once again redirecting to his blogspot account, which displays in prominent, bolded font, "I AM, AS OF NOW, DEFEATED." Further along in the entry, Turner posts an extremely long list of IPs, which may or may not have effect or be entirely truthful in existence; at this point, one can only assume that Turner, end of the year approaching and invoices looming, has decided to enter 2007 on a rather dramatic note.

Turner also claims his show will be carried on AM & FM radio stations, via satellite. This has not been confirmed, and in all honesty, is somewhat unbelievable to think that he would last for a lengthy period of time on a public radio station given the nature of his show's content. However, this could be a possibile advantage for complaints about offensive content; Turner, if serious about being aired publicly, would have to drastically reduce and censor the level of content by showing a level of restraint, something that has been seen to be almost non-existant in the man.

Turner ends the entry with this; I will make other arrangements to stream radio shows for customers of Turner Radio Network.

I will make other arrangements for web hosting for my site, with mirror sites and a redundant "fail over" system

As the federal lawsuit I filed proceeds, I will release all the public record court documents in the case.

My entire existence on the internet has been utterly wrecked, by people I never met from places I've never been. What a way to end this year. -- December 31, 2006 7:00 PM EST

He notes that he plans to continue the hosting of his site, with subsequent mirror sites that, if equally attacked, would highly increase fees, and as of now, his main site is still presumably up; several Anonymii are reporting not recieving "unable to access" notifications from currently running bandwidth leechers, which indicates that Turner is suggesting a half-truth.

All of this, personally, reeks of horseshit. There is no definite answer that Turner is leaving the Internet even for a short period of time, and he himself has confirmed that he does not plan to end the show or the site. Charges incurred by the Anonymous are Turner's current problem, and to rid himself of it, he has announced defeat so that Anonymii will stop attacking his site and his show. He will, inevitably, revert back to the same format he existed in prior to his discovery, and irrevocably, Anonymous will continue attacking until he is heard of no more on the Internets.

This is to be presumed false and made of fail and lies. It remains to be seen what will develop from it further in 2007.


Turner's pledge of justice.

Screencap was taken about an hour ago, according to a helpful Anonymous, and can be found in his "Pope Says Gays Destroy" comment section. It's rather underscored with his remark of "a fight to the death."

For clarification...

There has been some confusion over what's legal and not legal concerning the attack protocols (wget, vampire scripts/sites, multiple-mass downloads), so here to set the record straight is a bunch of evidence compiled from the past few days!

NOTE: Turner responses are in italics

1. "'sup guys. Time for an FBI-chan update.

Here's some welcome news for everyone who missed me in the IRC channel last night, and some more for those who DID catch me but were in the US. Although I did not raid, I do feel the need to help you in some way with such a noble cause, Anonymous.

I wouldn't bother worrying about anything that Hal has to say against what I'm typing, either, due to the fact that I have three well-paid lawyers in two different countries, and he has... well, JACK and SHIT.

I got through talking to my barrister a couple of days ago on this matter. [For those who don't know what a barrister is, in the UK there are two types of lawyers - the barristers tend to deal with higher courts, whilst soliciters deal with lower ones. Anyway...] You have completely NOTHING AT ALL TO FEAR if you are in the UK. NOTHING. Let me say that again: NOTHING.

I also heard back from my US lawyer earlier today. The current 'attacks' on his site are 100% PERFECTLY LEGAL. It's only when you start pinging malformed packets with forged sender addresses that it becomes a DoS or DDoS attack. What you are doing is merely comparing the sizes of your BANDWIDTH PENISES. There is nothing illegal about downloading a file many times. The only person Hal has to blame regarding this is himself, he does have the ability to deny multiple simultaneous accessing of a single file from any given IP. But hey, we all know that Hal isn't exactly the smartest kid on the block. Even knowing that he has this ability, he would have no idea how to implement such a feature.

The only way that he has grounds for ANY sort of shit at ALL is if you keep ringing his house and threatening him, which I sincerely doubt any of us did. That's grounds for harassment, and even then it wouldn't hold up since it's pretty much suicide for him to sue you for something he's guilty of.

FURTHERMORE, feel free to WRITE ANYTHING THAT YOU WISH, and I mean -anything-. The first ammendment protects your right to libel and that means that written items (including those on the internets) cannot get you charged with slander.

See, kids? We fucking SLOPES/NIPS/CHINKS/GOOKS know what we're talking about, because we the white man's university places with our SUPERIOR intellect. This in turn gives us money to simply throw away on solicitors, barristers and lawyers as we see fit. Though I will concede, this is a good cause and genuinely deserved the extra consultation fees.


tl;dr: You're legally untouchable so far. Just don't ping malformed packets or call his house/threaten him repeatedly."

2. Sophren's post over legal grievances that can be used against Turner.

3. You do realize that 7chan (like 4chan, & TOR, AND Onion) do not keep logs on who posted what (the cycle over and over write themselves) due to the volume of traffic through their sight. So you'll be hard pressed to get that court order for their IP records.
Addidionaly, the chans (4chan 7chan 12chan etc) are communities (and i use the term loosley) for free discussion (albeit retarded discussion sometimes). As such there are few (if any) safeguards on that is disucussed.

Think again. That's how they arrested your member for putting up the threat to bomb NFL stadiums.
There ARE logs. You will be caught.

4. It only counts as a DDoS attack if people use malformed packets or zombies. Neither of which are being used here.
The bottom line is, you're providing a public service people are accessing it in large numbers.
This is legal. Also, I liked your radio show where you got your wife to pretend to be your mother.

Tell that to the judge. Explain to the judge why you needed 10,000 copies of the exact same image in a single day.
He'll laugh at you - before making you pay for what you did.
In law, there is something called "the reasonable person test" What would a reasonable person do, think, say?
Your actions fail that test. You and all your buddies are going to be hauled into court.

5. The saved 7chan page will eventually slide to the back and get deleted, rendering his information useless.

6. A fight to the death? On the internet? You gonna shoot kilobytes at us? lol Lets look at it logically. If you do get any of us, it'll be the dumb fucks who didn't bother to use anonymizers. I'm using a combination of anonymization websites and Tor. Tor runs not only through official Tor servers, but also server resources offered by other Tor users. 100000 of people use it a day. And since this isn't the destruction of a football stadium we're talking about, no government agency is going to bother with the damn near impossible task of sorting through all that. Now then, you could try to sue 4chan or 7chan into providing you with the IPs. You can't sue them directly, as I'm sure you've learned, because they do not take responsibility for the actions of their users, and in fact delete illegal content. Even if you do manage to get some sort of injunction and get the IPs, that doesn't prove that those users took part in the attack. Maybe there are some charges you can press, but thats assuming it even gets that far. On 4chan's /b/ board, threads disappear in an hour, leaving no record. Football bomb guy was caught because he posted multiple times over the course of a month. You might get a few of us, thats it. And even if you do get us, you forget that you threatened us with bodily harm, minors included, which is a crime. And ever heard of the unprotected wireless network defense? I have a wireless network with no encryption. Anyone with a laptop and a basic wireless network card within range could have logged in and used it to steal your bandwidth. A lady beat the RIAA with that excuse.

And to Hal's supporters: None of you have yet posted anything that any of us would give a damn about. The ranting of old rednecks and army marines, well, we don't care. And the religious fanatics? Wth would we care? You think you're being smug, but when we don't even believe anything you speak of, its just dumb pointlessness.

And to anonymous: We are here becuase Hal threatened us. He couldn't take a joke. Thats all. If you have a personal vendetta against this guy for being a racist dick, fine, but we aren't hear to make him tone down his views. I mean, he does have 1st amendment rights, you guys are just being retarded. We're here to show him that you DON'T fuck with anonymous. That is all.

7. Nobody is stealing from you because you are free to take the site down.

Nobody is stealing from the donaters because they are free to stop donating.

Nobody is maliciously harming your computer because they are simply downloading its content as your site allows, which is its intended purpouse.

The DDoS would be a zombienet or simliar setup flooding icmps packets or simply udp spam with spoofed header, this is just mass downloading.

It is NOT a denial of service, it is an abuse of your service. But while you still provide that service to the world, it is free to be downloaded, maliciously or not.

It's akin to you handing out free flyers, and some people kept taking more than they need and throwing them away, costing you money in producing more flyers, and causing unavailable flyers for legitimate targets.

And to top it off:

--------------- Hal laughs:

You may be "legion" but the people stealing the bandwidth and launching Denial of Service attacks are not "legion." The people raping the bandwidth and invoking Denial of Service attacks are a tiny group of social misfits who can't get along in real life, so they stay glued to their computers as though it is a life. From what I've learned about 4chan / 7 chan they are HUGELY popular web sites with very high traffic and very many users.

HOWEVER -- the people engaged in intentionally deluging my server with automated software designed to eat-up bandwidth are VERY few in number. The people invoking Denial of Service attacks are even fewer. Sure, this whole fiasco has gotten a lot of attention and publicity. There are very many more people coming to this site to see what the drama is about. Naturally, they want to chime-in with comments. Yet it is only a tiny fraction of a percentage of those people are intentionally doing harm. It is that tiny fraction of people that I am targeting with my legal action. When this is all said and done, I suspect it will turn out to be fewer than fifty people who did the most, real, harm. Those 50 or so will pay a heavy price.
Hal Turner

Sorry for the overtly-long post, but it's for clarification. Tl;dr--Turner's assuming the wrong things, Anonymous is protected by the argument of mass downloading of files, the RICO laws Turner constantly cites do not have any effect due to the type of attacks, and Hal potentially faces copyright violations because of hosting a 7chan HTML page. Numbers 1 and 2 originate from Blogspot (mine and Sophren's blogs, in fact), and the rest are from Hal's comment list.

You miss important events when you sleep

So I log back into Blogspot, ready to continue on with the writing, and I find, via a comment left by Anonymous, that Turner posted 7chan's raiding plan and tools on his site. In the 102 comments attached to said post, many Anonymii insult and post remarks pertaining to the legality of the attacks. Hal himself responds to several posts--my favorite being You people are spoiled brats. Spoiled rotten children - especially those of you who are over 18 years old. You are adult-children.

We are adult-children.

Hell of a way to start the last day of the year.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

NOW I sleep.

Nothing particularly exciting or notable happened with today's brief show, and I don't anticipate anything happening anytime soon, so I'm going to go ahead and break for the night. Be back, as usual, in the morning to continue coverage and updates.

One last thing:
This should allow you to rip the audio straight from the broadcast into an audio file for recording purposes. I haven't used it myself just yet, but I'll attempt it sometime tonight or later tomorrow. Until then, good luck and safety to all Anonymii.

No sleep for now, I suppose

Turner is broadcasting as of right now, playing some low-quality song; I'll try and stay up as long as possible in order to try and catch what he's going to say, and will log it here in the form of edits and summaries. I say summaries, since I'm not entirely sure about my dictation skills.

Edit: Turner reiterates his server issues. 100mbps has eased, apparently to 60-70mbps. Turner assures that Anonymous will not delete him off the Internets. He pledges to really offend Anonymous. Starts playing a vaguely-country song about Nigras and handouts.

Edit: Another anti-Nigra country song. Sounds like the same singer. Maybe he plans to play out the entire album?

Edit: He's playing a parody song. Sounds like that song from The Big Lebowski when the Dude gets his car back. All I remember from that part is the Dude pounding on his car's roof in tune with the song. Another song, this time a parody of "Imagine." Sounds like Sylvester Stallone or a Brooklynite singing.

Also, how is this supposed to garner support? It's too goddamn hilarious to act as support for anything.

Moar songs. I'll pause updating until he actually starts talking instead of trying to "insult and offend" Anonymous. He's completely missing the point of Anonymous' attacks, thinking it's about race.

Edit: Talking about Jews now. "A Jew is a Jew is a filthy rat Jew." I'm assuming this is either an attempt at a song or insulting somebody. Parody advertisement for the "PNL." You figure out what that means.

Edit: He's playing recorded calls to the Gay and Lesbian Channel, obviously crank calls. Hypocrisy much? After being asked if he was gay, the caller responds "my sexuality has absolutely no bearing on this."

Edit: Advocation of his agenda. Resumes songs.

ADL Employee: Anonymous no more?

This just in; a Jewish employee is implicated in the Anonymous attacks, and is currently undergoing federal investigation. This occured on the 28th, and no follow-up has been posted.

Key points:

According to information posted today on VNN Forum, a computer in the Manhattan offices of the ADL has been found to be the source of a Denial of Service attack that took the VNNForum website down earlier today

Since the information came from the VNN boards, the validity is unsure, especially since the corresponding news post was located on a site that promotes white supremacy and anti-semite sentiments; also, how a Jewish ADL member was singled out instead of another, less descriptive person, is notable considering their bias against Jews.

It is unclear what kind of action will be taken against the ADL because of this. Turner has indicated he has complained to the FBI and is planning a civil suit, but it appears he is blowing hot air.

We can see that Overthrow doesn't entirely support Turner, similarly like that of the VNN members, which could be residual sympathy with VNN; essentially, "my friend doesn't like you, so I don't like you," or something to that extent.

The campaign against major white websites started with a series of harassing phone calls to Hal Turner after an IRC chat between a bunch of Jewish teens. When several of the teens were hunted down and had their personal information posted on the internet, they became more vicious.

More Jew targeting. Also, the information is incorrect; the IRC chatters were never specified as Jews, and were only hunted down through phone traces and proven to be minors, at which time Turner proceeded to suggest harm be done to them. You already know this, though, so it's a relatively minor point.

The attacks have been paired with harassing emails and phone calls directed against white activists by a number of individuals who post regularly on the NIM Busters forum, and who appear to be connected to Anti-Racist Action and / or the One People's Project, criminal organizations who mask their illegal activities under a veneer of anti-racism.

The N.I.M. Busters. I'm not really sure what to say about this one, but if they're pulling off illegal activities under a veneer of anti-racism, they're goddamn good at it.

Only staying within the bandwidth-leeching/massive-file-download-repetition pathway will keep Anonymous safe. Remember: it's only downloading a single file many, many times over. Whatever happens because of it is just circumstance.

Out for today. I'll continue coverage once again tomorrow morning, so keep on with the comments and information, and I'll keep on writing to inform. Stay safe and secure, Anonymous.

Second Wave

Turner's site is down yet again, thanks to the second mass-attack by grouped Anonymous forces. The VNN boards are inaccessable as well, and little has been heard from Stormfront. Clearly, the Anonymii are striking back at Turner for reviving his site and continuing as though nothing had happened; notation of the attacks has been removed from the site's index page, with the remaining posts referring to Saddam's execution, and several other articles (can't remember off the top of my head, don't have a screencap, and I can't confirm on his site; great planning, hey?).

Assumedly, the site is down. However, overseas Anonymii are reporting with the occasional message that the site is still up, and that the vast majority of the Anonymii who cannot access it have been IP blocked. This is highly probable; regional IP blockage does not seem beyond his capabilities for defense. Also, a rumor of a script-kiddie being "employed" by Turner has been quietly circulating. No confirmation of this has been stated. Moreso, several vampire/anonymouse refresh sites that have been used for past bandwidth consumption have been exceeding bandwidth themselves, as recently as an hour ago. wget and linux scripts should be reimplemented in order to ease the strain off of the sites.

Dissent is slowly growing amongst Anonymii ranks over decisions concerning VNN, Stormfront, Jewwatch, and Aryanwear. Some want to attack the sites for being connected to Turner, while others would rather keep them relatively unharmed, citing Turner as the main target and objective.

Moar to come.

Oh, it's on (again)

In response to Turner's seemingly defiant reactivation of his site, Anonymii have once again begun to attack. One must question what must be going through Turner's mind right now, allowing the site to return to normal status in the face of the Anonymous attacks. Reports indicate upwards of several GBs per individual (as of five minutes ago), with more lagging behind at varying MBs gathered.

For one moment, imagine what it must be like, to be in Turner's position. Unknown digital assailants, frustratingly chipping away at your finances; the VNN members, or the majority at least, turning their backs on you completely, disregarding your pleas for assistance, however misplaced they may be, depending only on donations from die-hard sources, and even those are unsure; knowing that you are unable to legally do a thing, despite the front put forward, and yet still maintaining stubborn pride.

I'd liken Turner's situation to the Smiler, but I don't want to make myself out to be like Spider Jerusalem.

Calamity, confusion, chaos, and an attempt at peace

Morning, all. Back again to resume coverage.

Currently, Turner's blog comments for the latest post show 40 in total, with several Anonymous (under blogspot login names) providing counter-claims and information against Hal's legal threats of Robbery and Extortion per RICO act and CyberCrime specifications. Yesterday, one Anonymous posted what is now the primary argument against Turner's accusations here; within ten minutes, the comment was split into two parts and reposted within the at-the-time dominant Turner thread.
Approximately mid-day yesterday, a vote was cast among the Anonymii--a proposal of ending the attacks and allowing Turner to supposedly continue with his broadcasting and agenda unmolested, according to certain criteria--and at 4:54 PM (according to comment logs), was posted in the comment section of Turner's blog. The conditions are as follows:

We agree to leave you alone and not take part in any more attacks if you

A: Cease pursuing any legal avenues against Anonymous
B: Post a picture of yourself with the words "I SURRENDER TO (undisclosed)" written on your forehead in ink.

Nothing has come about thus far, so assumedly, Turner is still attempting to follow through with his legal threatenings. This is doubly assumed by the fact that his site is back up once again.

Friday, December 29, 2006


Sort of a late follow-up to the previous post.

Turner, as requested from the man at the start, has capitulated and given in to our demands of his removal of all traces of his broadcast, as well as apologies and acknowledgement of his inadequate being and failures. He will inevitably withdraw all attempted legal measures against the Anonymii and will fade away into quiet, relative obscurity.

Of course, you know as well as I do that the previous paragraph is utter and abject horseshit.

Since he has apparently "upped the bar," as stated by one Anonymous, in terms of battle--forcing it into a legal arena, gradually pulling away from the fervor of the Internets--Anonymous worldwide are continuing to fight beyond the simplicity that Turner presents; in essence, with the attacks on the VNN forums and other boards and organizations linked to Turner and his agenda, the Anonymii plan to solidify the position of battle squarely in their region of expertese, where relatively little harm can come about. While the attacks expand, and eventually become more frequent and massive, Turner struggles with his bandwidth fee; the notable part of this is he has made little mention of the fee aside from the commenting of how he is unable to pay it, and how he is going to attain some sort of legal restitution/retribution. Turner is still consistent with his reliance on his pride, which subsequently blinds him from the obviously simple choice of "cut and run;" he still remains steadfast in the belief that revenge will soon be at hand, despite the loss of support at the VNN boards (currently down). Turner still has supporters among the crowd, eager to bite back at commenters denouncing or flaming him; it remains to be seen how far their loyalties will go.

That's it for today. Feel free to continue to use the comments as planning/proposal areas, and provide information and links as you like. I'll try to see if I can throw in a late update before work, summarizing the day's events or noting a significant change. Carry on, Anonymous.


Under the Computer Fraud and Abuse act, (Title 18, United States Code,
Sub-Section 1030) attacking a protected computer for the purpose of
stealing data or making data unavailable (Denial of Service) is another federal
felony! My computer falls within the definition of "protected computer" since
it is "used in interstate commerce" for "communication."

Hal's computer is as protected as your PC, my PC, and everyone else's PC since we're using our machines for "interstate commerce" via "communication," or in tl;dr, Internets: use them and have protection.
Essentially what Turner means is, since he uses his server and PC for broadcasting purposes, his "interstate commerce for communication," he automatically gains a special type of protection under the CFA act; this is, however, a negligible position considering that act is subject to varied interpretation, meaning differing positions due to skewed perceptions concerning the act.

I realize after this short part that I'm skipping around the article, but I'm addressing certain points, so bear with me.

In addition to felony Robbery, I have received dozens of e-mails telling me the attacks will stop "if I apologize and shut down my site." Telling me to shut down my radio show is an attempt to gain something of value - the shut down of a $40,000 - $60,000 per year enterprise.

I don't exactly see how maintaining a free-to-listen, free-to-call internet broadcast is a $40,000+ enterprise, as well as how it's of an equivalent monetary value in terms of extortion (he addresses this right after the bolded portion); could somebody enunciate on this?

A third example happening as I write this at 11:38 AM on Dec. 29, is this IP address located in Sweden making hundreds of connections PER SECOND, to intentionally ROB my resources:
tcp 0 0 SYN_RECV (repeats for multiple lines)
These are just three examples out of hundreds of different people perpetrating this same effort in many places around the world. They have screwed themselves very badly.


Those who think they are anonymous by virtue of Proxies, think again. The proxies maintain
records of inbound connecting IPs.

Those of you who think you are anonymous by virtue of TOR, think again. A subpoena has been issued for disclosure of all Onion Routers and those router owners will be subpoenaed to reveal origin IP addresses traced back through the Onion router network. You WILL be caught.

Some time ago, several Anonymous claimed that a subpoena issued for the disclosure of any proxy servers or subsequent requests would be ultimately met with failure, though it's not completely clear. Will update on this.

Under U.S. law, when two or more people engage in an "ongoing criminal enterprise" which perpetrates two "predicate felonies" over a ten year period, then ALL of the people in that enterprise, wherever they are located, are guilty of racketeering under the Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organization (RICO) Act.

ALL of the people who took part in this attack - even if it was only one time, - are guilty of a federal felony under the Racketeering law.

What he fails to note is the ten year period in conjunction with the predicate felonies--in this case, robbery and extortion--and how something that's lasted maybe a week at most, if not slightly longer, falls nowhere near the RICO time span. Also, there is the difficulty of tracking down all associated criminals who were active in the attack.

The RICO Act allows for private causes of action; meaning a citizen can bring the charge without the need for a U.S. Attorney or any other law enforcement! I am bringing this charge.
Many of the perpetrators are in Europe and Australia, so they think they are beyond the reach of U.S. courts; they're wrong.
Both the European Union and Australia have signed the International Convention on Cyber Crime, a Treaty in which each country agrees to honor the subpoenas and Extradition requests of other member countries in cases of computer crime. The U S Senate Ratified that Treaty this year! Those participating in this attack who are outside the USA can and will be extradited.

I'm unsure about the validity of this. I'll be checking the RICO specifications, and am requesting pertinant information, if anyone has any available.

Comments and replies to Turner's blog post are already being posted.

Sucking at the wallet.


The sympathy ticket.

EDIT: The bills are from 2002. Go figure.
Yet another lie from Turner.

Back Again, with (relatively) fresh news.

"Within a week, they drove my cost up to almost $8,000. in bandwidth fees.
I was facing economic disaster."

Dramatic bullshit, or actual damages? You be the judge. $8,000 seems a little far-fetched at first glance, but considering the massive amount of Anonymii DoS'ing his site at once, it does begin to sound plausible. One Anonymous, replying from the TurnerChan blog comments section of the first post, states:

"Hal uses the "real money" and "ddos" argument.
lets take that apart, shall we?

1. Hal stated on his show that the damages were $1800. His lawyer demanded $5000 up front. he says he cannot pay the $1800, so he has hired a $5k lawyer to help him.


2. I don't personally know of any "data center" that charges people more if they exceed their bandwidth. they simply cut off access.

3. Hal says he turned his computer over to the FBI for 12 hours. the FBI does not take computer if they have been ddos'd. ISPs and local authorities may eventually get the FBI involved, but the feds don't just take a comp for a small time, forward the address to their homepage,and return the box.

Mr. Turner, i call bullshit.

Anonymous' second point renders Turner's point of being charged with exorbitant bandwidth fees moot, though it has been discussed between several Anonymii that some companies screw their customers over by promising a small fee after monthly bandwidth are surpassed, and then gutting them with additional, undisclosed fees, while other companies simply cap the bandwidth, preventing any access to the site and subsequently preventing increases in fees. So, in all probability, the attack did run up the bill to approximately $1,800, as Turner stated on his show; where he pulls the other $6,000 from is beyond me. The third point stated is accurate; the FBI would take more than just a few days to examine and poke around inside his PC, if it would be necessary to do such an action in the first place. It's likely Turner redirected the site's index page to the FBI homepage in an attempt to have those Anonymous participating in the DoS attack inadvertantly attack the FBI, which would subsequently bring them in quicker than normal, if at all, since it would be a "direct" attack on them, much like the current inadvertance of attempting to attack his site and ending up attacking Blogspot and ultimately Google.

Also, things are starting to unravel.
More soon.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Initial draft of release released.

Copy-pasta'd from the Press Release thread:

On the human interest side today, reports indicate white supremacist websites and internet radio shows are being attacked by large numbers of- nobody!
Yes, a little-known feature of the internet has grown teeth and a bad attitude, and taken on the punishment of hate sites not for morality, not for vengeance, but from simple mischief and distaste.
"Anonymous" is the person behind these heroic acts- the aggregate name for countless faceless people who post to anonymous message boards. The culture is anarchic, the pace fast, the rules- and the mercy- nonexistent.
Hal Turner ran afoul of 'Anonymous' when posters from one message board pranked him, and he followed them back to their board and posted death threats and faked images of a child he claimed to have beaten bloody. In so doing, he sealed his fate...

Anonymous steps forward to make this statement to Mr. Turner:
"Dear Hal,
Congratulations on your show. We know you are following what Anonymous thinks. Last time we dared you to take this further. Last night you admitted defeat.
I shall repeat myself. We are not necessarily black. We are not necessarily Jewish. We are mostly normal white people who object to idiots like you... but today we get to talk about more serious matters.
We know that you're just asking for money from Stormfront and the like so that you can play hero. It won't work. You have no allies, Hal. You only have names on a screen who turn their backs on you as soon as your name is mentioned. You have no credibility, no worth- your existence is as meaningless as the hate you preach.
We asked you to stop what you were doing, and you ignored us. We reacted and you ranted about how we dared do such a thing. You lied and threatened and dragged many others into your little mess in the process.
Then you relented. Just like that.

We don't buy it Hal. You're not giving up. You're waiting for this to blow over so you can go back to what you were doing. It's far too late for that now. There was a point when Anonymous would have just let it be but you decided to make sure that never happens...
Now Hal Turner, voice of the white man, telling it how it is... let us tell YOU how it is. We're sick of you. We're sick of your kind. We're sick of the poison you spout which is why we banded together to take action.
There is no place for you in this world Hal. Not for you, not for your views. Now Anonymous is waiting for your next move. We have seen our combined forces and it amazed even ourselves. You have brought out the good in us Hal Turner and for that we thank you. You have also brought out the cruel in us, and surely nobody would understand this better than yourself.
The game continues, Hal Turner. You will never preach hate and racism again. You will remain a sad, defeated man and trouble the world no longer, or...
Today we raise the stakes.

So far, it seems somewhat biased, slightly flowery (primarily at the conclusion), but otherwise can be ruled as a good personal-address piece. It's questionable whether or not it would be allowable by a news source; at best, it would currently be more applicable as either a direct email to Turner or as a post in his comment section for everyone to see and discuss.

Currently, the Westboro Baptists Church is being pushed for as a suggested target once Stormfront and Turner's show are adequately beaten down.

Also, this is the last post for today's updates. I unfortunately have work soon, and must leave for the night. However, coverage and information regarding the Chan-Turner War will resume tomorrow morning. Any Anonymous wishing to continue using the comments section for planning/proposals may do so, and I'll post a compilation summary of any plans made/executed overnight during my absence in the morning. Until then, good luck to all Anonymous.

EDIT: is redirecting to Turner's blog. Curious...

Congregating...please wait.

Plans are being drawn together to prepare for the raiding and attacking of Stormfront, once the site's downtime is over and the forum is accessable once more. Concurrently, suggestions are being taken for the composing of a press release, which will subsequently be sent to the local news outlets within the area of the Anonymous who is drafting the letter. He has pledged to keep the Anonymii as relatively cloaked in secrecy as possible, though complications are expected to arise concerning anonymity. The idea, so far, seems favorable. Expect updates regarding the release.

The British Nationalist Party and National Front are expected targets, though no extensive planning has been put into suggestion or effect, due to Stormfront's downtime. One Anonymous explained, succintly, that the BNP were "all a bunch of cunts."

More later.

Marching Onwards--Stormfront

Recent break: suggestions for attacking have been announced, with the general populace of Anonymii agreeing to either a forum raid or DoS attack, though there is one snag; the forums are already down, inaccessable.

One Anonymous stated, "Word is SA DDoS hit them earlier," SA being the Something Awful forum group, or the SA Goons. If this is such the case, then even without the involvement of the gathered Chans' Anonymii, Stormfront is less banded and organized than one would assume; presumably, this is just a failure on the Stormfront mods' part in terms of foresight of attack, whether from Anonymous or Goon, a sign of lax inattentiveness and unreadiness by forum-goers and mods alike, or a subtle mark of defeat and surrender. The latter is purely speculative and unlikely, but still possible.

An interesting side-effect to the whole of this is the sudden unity of Anonymous and Goons, common rivals. Something of a (potentially) lasting unity between the two does not seem exactly inadmissable at this point.


Anonymous across the Internets have joined in battle against Hal Turner, the latest Internet Tough Guy to emerge from the disheveled mash of fuckery and asshats that clump our fair series of tubes.
As of last night, according to several Anonymous and Turner's own show, Hal has purportedly made mention of ending the show--essentially the bullshit card of "I'm closing shop unless you pay to keep me here"--in lieu of the recent DoS attacks made on his site, which previously redirected to the FBI homepage. Supposedly, as discovered by one Anonymous (conclusive results forthcoming), Turner recieved a donation equating to or in excess of $10k, either earlier in December or fairly recently. This is rather questionable and, once again, hasn't been confirmed. It remains to be seen whether or not Hal continues his show next week, and in all likelihood, will do so with much false trepidation and scrounging for money.

Also, digg this blog. This particular Anonymous has compiled an updated report on the battle between Turner and the Anonymous legion; it's fairly lengthy, but with good evidence showing Turner's susceptibility to the legal system he's evidently been both criticizing and depending on simultaneously.