Saturday, December 30, 2006

ADL Employee: Anonymous no more?

This just in; a Jewish employee is implicated in the Anonymous attacks, and is currently undergoing federal investigation. This occured on the 28th, and no follow-up has been posted.

Key points:

According to information posted today on VNN Forum, a computer in the Manhattan offices of the ADL has been found to be the source of a Denial of Service attack that took the VNNForum website down earlier today

Since the information came from the VNN boards, the validity is unsure, especially since the corresponding news post was located on a site that promotes white supremacy and anti-semite sentiments; also, how a Jewish ADL member was singled out instead of another, less descriptive person, is notable considering their bias against Jews.

It is unclear what kind of action will be taken against the ADL because of this. Turner has indicated he has complained to the FBI and is planning a civil suit, but it appears he is blowing hot air.

We can see that Overthrow doesn't entirely support Turner, similarly like that of the VNN members, which could be residual sympathy with VNN; essentially, "my friend doesn't like you, so I don't like you," or something to that extent.

The campaign against major white websites started with a series of harassing phone calls to Hal Turner after an IRC chat between a bunch of Jewish teens. When several of the teens were hunted down and had their personal information posted on the internet, they became more vicious.

More Jew targeting. Also, the information is incorrect; the IRC chatters were never specified as Jews, and were only hunted down through phone traces and proven to be minors, at which time Turner proceeded to suggest harm be done to them. You already know this, though, so it's a relatively minor point.

The attacks have been paired with harassing emails and phone calls directed against white activists by a number of individuals who post regularly on the NIM Busters forum, and who appear to be connected to Anti-Racist Action and / or the One People's Project, criminal organizations who mask their illegal activities under a veneer of anti-racism.

The N.I.M. Busters. I'm not really sure what to say about this one, but if they're pulling off illegal activities under a veneer of anti-racism, they're goddamn good at it.

Only staying within the bandwidth-leeching/massive-file-download-repetition pathway will keep Anonymous safe. Remember: it's only downloading a single file many, many times over. Whatever happens because of it is just circumstance.

Out for today. I'll continue coverage once again tomorrow morning, so keep on with the comments and information, and I'll keep on writing to inform. Stay safe and secure, Anonymous.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ARA and OPP are not, as far as I know, criminal in any way. I'm not as familiar with OPP, but I know that one reason Nazis call ARA "criminal" is that they are not afraid to fight back when threatened by Nazi/supremacist groups.

For example, ARA often affiliates themselves with the local "scene" in various cities, this being the owners of clubs and bars. They then watch for anyone sporting Nazi-type clothing and ask them to leave. If they don't, the bouncers rough them up a bit and throw them out, etc.

So then the scum put forth the same argument Hal does, that their "opinion" is being "oppressed". It's really no different.

10:11 PM  

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