Friday, December 29, 2006


Sort of a late follow-up to the previous post.

Turner, as requested from the man at the start, has capitulated and given in to our demands of his removal of all traces of his broadcast, as well as apologies and acknowledgement of his inadequate being and failures. He will inevitably withdraw all attempted legal measures against the Anonymii and will fade away into quiet, relative obscurity.

Of course, you know as well as I do that the previous paragraph is utter and abject horseshit.

Since he has apparently "upped the bar," as stated by one Anonymous, in terms of battle--forcing it into a legal arena, gradually pulling away from the fervor of the Internets--Anonymous worldwide are continuing to fight beyond the simplicity that Turner presents; in essence, with the attacks on the VNN forums and other boards and organizations linked to Turner and his agenda, the Anonymii plan to solidify the position of battle squarely in their region of expertese, where relatively little harm can come about. While the attacks expand, and eventually become more frequent and massive, Turner struggles with his bandwidth fee; the notable part of this is he has made little mention of the fee aside from the commenting of how he is unable to pay it, and how he is going to attain some sort of legal restitution/retribution. Turner is still consistent with his reliance on his pride, which subsequently blinds him from the obviously simple choice of "cut and run;" he still remains steadfast in the belief that revenge will soon be at hand, despite the loss of support at the VNN boards (currently down). Turner still has supporters among the crowd, eager to bite back at commenters denouncing or flaming him; it remains to be seen how far their loyalties will go.

That's it for today. Feel free to continue to use the comments as planning/proposal areas, and provide information and links as you like. I'll try to see if I can throw in a late update before work, summarizing the day's events or noting a significant change. Carry on, Anonymous.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

atmosphere surrounding turner on "his" side of conflict is heating up, just look at this:

1:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha, this turner guy is kinda amazing if u think about it. he is getting raepd over the interwebs and just keep going. kinda like an irl "wimp-lo" (for those who have seen the movie Kung Pow)

5:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

cann anyone help me, i want to help take this bastard down but i dont know how

8:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, while his radio show page was up, he announced that he would charge anyone that loads his website over 10 times with $1 per reload, or something like that. I LOL'D. That's bullshit. That's like, I browse through the internet and suddenly I must pay fees for viewing a mere page? And next time, I'll need to give out my CC number to do a google search? Don't give me that crap. Far from being threatening, Hal Turner's words are shallow and meaningless; he's just a ridiculous and pathetic puppet of his own, false pride.

Anyway. The more I read those "support" comments to Hal's lying blog posts, the more I get the feeling that those white supremacist faggots cannot come up with any good argument that justifies Hal's nor their own point. They just repeat the same crap over and over again, and since they're pointlessly fighting against a majority which obviously is superior in matters of intellect and arguments, in the end, they'll end up resorting to violence again: that is their sad nature. Why is that? Because they're just a small minority that foolishly believes that every whitey out there shares their extremist views. I call bullshit. And while I'm saying that, they'd already think "oh another one that's manipulated by the government and bla bla bla" So what? I live my peaceful life in this multicultural society and guess what! I don't give a fucking damn! Argh I lost the motivation to continue talking, it's 6:20 am, I'm tired, and fuck I could rant forever, but let's simply keep it at that. The more I read about it, the more I wish those guys be hanged (hey saddam how's life up there).

Oh and Hal Turner, you can suck my white left nut, it itches and I don't want to dirty myself. You're so butthurt, go back to your hugbox, and get the fuck off the internets, unplug your telphoens while stroking your subpenis. >:3 lion omg car pixels etc

9:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said... site is down.
good work, Legion.

2:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I meant not his blog, but the domain. It no longer redirects anywhere nor is on the web.

2:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

His site's back up and fresh for the leeching (around 1:00 PM GMT/UTC.)

4:47 AM  
Blogger BFAnon said...

Hey Elmer. I actually thought you wouldn't take the time to find this blog.

And don't bother flagging it, as that would be ineffective. All I've been doing is simple journalism, or at least something of a parody of journalism.

7:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, this was fast. Instead of coming up with valid arguments, they just come with cuss and insults - best example is Mr. elmer frazier, who couldn't hold back his intellectual outpouring. Profanity is the crutch of the inarticulate - resort to violence? Make me, you're just a bunch of 0's and 1's. Prove some intelligence and unplug your ethernet cable, shoop da woop and be an hero.

And I forgot, my e-pen0r is 396 US Megabit long.

12:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Other races are allowed to defend themselves and act in self-interest and nobody attacks them. What is your problem with white nationalism? Illegal immigration, out of control crime,and "free-trade" are issues that affect all Americans. What happened to "tolerance" and freedom of speech. Disrupting Hal's website is nothing more than communist repression.

2:00 PM  

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