Sunday, December 31, 2006

End of the year surprise? Think again.

Turner's site is once again redirecting to his blogspot account, which displays in prominent, bolded font, "I AM, AS OF NOW, DEFEATED." Further along in the entry, Turner posts an extremely long list of IPs, which may or may not have effect or be entirely truthful in existence; at this point, one can only assume that Turner, end of the year approaching and invoices looming, has decided to enter 2007 on a rather dramatic note.

Turner also claims his show will be carried on AM & FM radio stations, via satellite. This has not been confirmed, and in all honesty, is somewhat unbelievable to think that he would last for a lengthy period of time on a public radio station given the nature of his show's content. However, this could be a possibile advantage for complaints about offensive content; Turner, if serious about being aired publicly, would have to drastically reduce and censor the level of content by showing a level of restraint, something that has been seen to be almost non-existant in the man.

Turner ends the entry with this; I will make other arrangements to stream radio shows for customers of Turner Radio Network.

I will make other arrangements for web hosting for my site, with mirror sites and a redundant "fail over" system

As the federal lawsuit I filed proceeds, I will release all the public record court documents in the case.

My entire existence on the internet has been utterly wrecked, by people I never met from places I've never been. What a way to end this year. -- December 31, 2006 7:00 PM EST

He notes that he plans to continue the hosting of his site, with subsequent mirror sites that, if equally attacked, would highly increase fees, and as of now, his main site is still presumably up; several Anonymii are reporting not recieving "unable to access" notifications from currently running bandwidth leechers, which indicates that Turner is suggesting a half-truth.

All of this, personally, reeks of horseshit. There is no definite answer that Turner is leaving the Internet even for a short period of time, and he himself has confirmed that he does not plan to end the show or the site. Charges incurred by the Anonymous are Turner's current problem, and to rid himself of it, he has announced defeat so that Anonymii will stop attacking his site and his show. He will, inevitably, revert back to the same format he existed in prior to his discovery, and irrevocably, Anonymous will continue attacking until he is heard of no more on the Internets.

This is to be presumed false and made of fail and lies. It remains to be seen what will develop from it further in 2007.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

He's talking smack. My IP was listed, and all I did was visit his site. He's just posted a bunch of IPs, probably from his stat counter.

Hal threatens LEGAL ACTION at least once a month and never follows through. The only time his fat ass is in court is when it gets hauled in by a subpoena.

10:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

See also where he says he'll post airing times and hosts for his interweb streams.

8:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We haven't heard so much as a peep from those legal actions that Hal is supposedly taking. He's full of hot air.

11:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well written article.

11:43 AM  

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