Thursday, December 28, 2006

Initial draft of release released.

Copy-pasta'd from the Press Release thread:

On the human interest side today, reports indicate white supremacist websites and internet radio shows are being attacked by large numbers of- nobody!
Yes, a little-known feature of the internet has grown teeth and a bad attitude, and taken on the punishment of hate sites not for morality, not for vengeance, but from simple mischief and distaste.
"Anonymous" is the person behind these heroic acts- the aggregate name for countless faceless people who post to anonymous message boards. The culture is anarchic, the pace fast, the rules- and the mercy- nonexistent.
Hal Turner ran afoul of 'Anonymous' when posters from one message board pranked him, and he followed them back to their board and posted death threats and faked images of a child he claimed to have beaten bloody. In so doing, he sealed his fate...

Anonymous steps forward to make this statement to Mr. Turner:
"Dear Hal,
Congratulations on your show. We know you are following what Anonymous thinks. Last time we dared you to take this further. Last night you admitted defeat.
I shall repeat myself. We are not necessarily black. We are not necessarily Jewish. We are mostly normal white people who object to idiots like you... but today we get to talk about more serious matters.
We know that you're just asking for money from Stormfront and the like so that you can play hero. It won't work. You have no allies, Hal. You only have names on a screen who turn their backs on you as soon as your name is mentioned. You have no credibility, no worth- your existence is as meaningless as the hate you preach.
We asked you to stop what you were doing, and you ignored us. We reacted and you ranted about how we dared do such a thing. You lied and threatened and dragged many others into your little mess in the process.
Then you relented. Just like that.

We don't buy it Hal. You're not giving up. You're waiting for this to blow over so you can go back to what you were doing. It's far too late for that now. There was a point when Anonymous would have just let it be but you decided to make sure that never happens...
Now Hal Turner, voice of the white man, telling it how it is... let us tell YOU how it is. We're sick of you. We're sick of your kind. We're sick of the poison you spout which is why we banded together to take action.
There is no place for you in this world Hal. Not for you, not for your views. Now Anonymous is waiting for your next move. We have seen our combined forces and it amazed even ourselves. You have brought out the good in us Hal Turner and for that we thank you. You have also brought out the cruel in us, and surely nobody would understand this better than yourself.
The game continues, Hal Turner. You will never preach hate and racism again. You will remain a sad, defeated man and trouble the world no longer, or...
Today we raise the stakes.

So far, it seems somewhat biased, slightly flowery (primarily at the conclusion), but otherwise can be ruled as a good personal-address piece. It's questionable whether or not it would be allowable by a news source; at best, it would currently be more applicable as either a direct email to Turner or as a post in his comment section for everyone to see and discuss.

Currently, the Westboro Baptists Church is being pushed for as a suggested target once Stormfront and Turner's show are adequately beaten down.

Also, this is the last post for today's updates. I unfortunately have work soon, and must leave for the night. However, coverage and information regarding the Chan-Turner War will resume tomorrow morning. Any Anonymous wishing to continue using the comments section for planning/proposals may do so, and I'll post a compilation summary of any plans made/executed overnight during my absence in the morning. Until then, good luck to all Anonymous.

EDIT: is redirecting to Turner's blog. Curious...


Blogger BFAnon said...

I need information in order to update and maintain a relatively constant stream of information for the blog. You guys are the eyes and ears all over the Internets; if you hear or find something pertaining to the Chan-Turner war, or develop a new idea or plan, post it here so I can compile it into a post-update; this way, we can have up-to-date reference material for Anonymous who don't know the whole situation.

I'm out for now. Be back in the morning.

3:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

okay another copypasta just for the view:

dear fags,

If you're really intent on doing this, for Christ's sake:

Spell check. I don't think there's been a "news release" posted in this thread YET without at least one glaring fuckup. The same goes for grammar, punctuation, and all the other things that (ought to) differentiate a "news release" from a "4lulz post on intertube."

Write well. Ditch the self congratulatory "Anonymous" thing, for starters. Also: there was no one single motive for the attacks. There never is. Some of you were in it for the lulz, some because Hal's a racist, some because he posted people's information and called for violent retaliation, etc. If anything, mention needs to be made of the fact that there WAS no single motivating factor.

Present the facts. We fight dirty. Presenting this as a "Hal was in the wrong for inciting violence" thing is ridiculous, and it ignores the sort of antics we get up to when these things blow up.

3:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i read the initial draft, and although it is well written, it goes off topic as to why this is actually happening. We picked Hal Turner as a target because we thought it would be fun to mess with him. it was. then he wanted to get back at those who had attacked and decided to post the prank caller's phone numbers and told his "skinhead followers" to look up their addresses and beat the shit out of them. he changed the name of the game from fun to maliciousness. And that's fine by anonymous, but he's sure as hell not gonna get the last laugh. he can raise the stakes all he wants, but a true betting man knows when to fold and count his losses. so guess what, we screwed with Hal every single way we could. not because he's a bigot or a hate-monger, but because he tried to fuck us back. he tried to fuck with anonymous. he picked the wrong fucking battle and he's now the sticky remains stuck to the bottom of anonymous's shoe as we crushed him like the minuscule ant that he is. and we SURE as hell had fun doing it. the only question now is, who's anonymous gonna squash next?

3:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Member agrees not to transmit through the Service any unlawful, harassing, libelous, abusive, threatening, or harmful material of any kind or nature. Member further agrees not to transmit any material that encourages conduct that could constitute a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability or otherwise violate any applicable local, state, national or international law or regulation. Attempts to gain unauthorized access to other computer systems are prohibited.


3:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


"Within a week, they drove my cost up to almost $8,000. in bandwidth fees.
I was facing economic disaster."

3:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with Anonymous. This should focus on why Anonymous attacked (for the lulz, in case that hadn't crossed your mind) as opposed to who we are and how awesome everyone already realizes we are. You can have a message from us, but make it short, sweet, and to the point. Don't make it seem like we don't want to hear what he says. Just make sure he knows that we are blacks and jews and whites who actually believe in what he says and everyone in between, not doing this so he can't spread his message, but just because we can. Include "your resistance only makes my penis harder" or something to that effect too.

Also, try not to blatantly skew the article: these are not "heroic acts", these are just very big lulz.

3:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Within a week, they drove my cost up to almost $8,000. in bandwidth fees.
I was facing economic disaster."

I call bullshit.

4:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Attacks against my server continued this evening, with 90 Mbps coming into the server during the Paul Gellar Show. They failed to knock the show off the air.

The Denial of Service (DOS) attacks are spreading other other sites of similar subjects as mine:

VNN Forum is under heavy attack

Stormfront is under heavy attack

Frank Weltner's site (jewwatch) is under heavy attack

No word about David Duke's site or National Vanguard's site.

This attack effort is a well planned and carefully executed assault upon any web site that does not tow the politically-correct line.

Wow, wow, wow, so he thinks there is someone who COMMANDS ANONYMOUS.
It's surely Candleja

12:51 AM  

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