Thursday, December 28, 2006


Anonymous across the Internets have joined in battle against Hal Turner, the latest Internet Tough Guy to emerge from the disheveled mash of fuckery and asshats that clump our fair series of tubes.
As of last night, according to several Anonymous and Turner's own show, Hal has purportedly made mention of ending the show--essentially the bullshit card of "I'm closing shop unless you pay to keep me here"--in lieu of the recent DoS attacks made on his site, which previously redirected to the FBI homepage. Supposedly, as discovered by one Anonymous (conclusive results forthcoming), Turner recieved a donation equating to or in excess of $10k, either earlier in December or fairly recently. This is rather questionable and, once again, hasn't been confirmed. It remains to be seen whether or not Hal continues his show next week, and in all likelihood, will do so with much false trepidation and scrounging for money.

Also, digg this blog. This particular Anonymous has compiled an updated report on the battle between Turner and the Anonymous legion; it's fairly lengthy, but with good evidence showing Turner's susceptibility to the legal system he's evidently been both criticizing and depending on simultaneously.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

double post for phun

Oh, btw here are the scripts anonymous used for attacking:

(in linux console) while true; do wget -O /dev/null; done

but it's far from being complete armoury against Hal.

2:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

guys we need to prepare for second strike. It would be much lighter, as the Habbo raids were, but anyway be around when hal's website comes back.

2:22 PM  
Blogger BFAnon said...

Earlier, and by earlier I mean about three hours (thereabout) ago, I checked the status of Hal's site. It was up, and I could access a few of the pages branching off of the main index, but it quickly closed itself again. I'm not sure what this means, but yes, we should make ready the Linux scripts and the Windows' wget files.

Also, and this is solely my assumption, I believe that wget's information may have to be updated in case Hal altered things while the site was down. It's probably just my paranoia, but it still is a likely possibility.

2:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

also, put this in the links section

2:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HALTURNER.COM redirects to his blog. We have another round then.

3:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hal's info on ED:
With Dox and all.

2:14 PM  

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