Saturday, December 30, 2006

Calamity, confusion, chaos, and an attempt at peace

Morning, all. Back again to resume coverage.

Currently, Turner's blog comments for the latest post show 40 in total, with several Anonymous (under blogspot login names) providing counter-claims and information against Hal's legal threats of Robbery and Extortion per RICO act and CyberCrime specifications. Yesterday, one Anonymous posted what is now the primary argument against Turner's accusations here; within ten minutes, the comment was split into two parts and reposted within the at-the-time dominant Turner thread.
Approximately mid-day yesterday, a vote was cast among the Anonymii--a proposal of ending the attacks and allowing Turner to supposedly continue with his broadcasting and agenda unmolested, according to certain criteria--and at 4:54 PM (according to comment logs), was posted in the comment section of Turner's blog. The conditions are as follows:

We agree to leave you alone and not take part in any more attacks if you

A: Cease pursuing any legal avenues against Anonymous
B: Post a picture of yourself with the words "I SURRENDER TO (undisclosed)" written on your forehead in ink.

Nothing has come about thus far, so assumedly, Turner is still attempting to follow through with his legal threatenings. This is doubly assumed by the fact that his site is back up once again.


Anonymous Anonymous said... doesn't give a shit.
face it, we'll come back to glory only if something like yesterday's 4chan topic happen. or if he posts another thing that will unravel the rage of anon.

5:45 AM  
Blogger BFAnon said...

Wait for this coming Wednesday, is all I can say. I'm hoping he'll post another entry into his blog, but it seems almost unlikely now; he's said what he's wanted to say, and will now hunker down into his stolid being, like he's been doing ever since the whole thing started. All of his supporters, or at least the most vocal of the bunch, are spouting how foolish Anonymous is to try and post falsified facts. The basic Internet Tough Guy routine, how they pledge their support, financially and through muscle, but they consistantly don't realize that this is the Internets, and that their big-talk amounts to nothing in the face of what has been done and still is being done.

I'll continue to update regularly, though, despite his relative silence.

5:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

holy shit, this seems like it is really "well planned" (lol hal's blog).
ok. i'll keep vampirin' dirty.

7:22 AM  

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