Thursday, January 25, 2007

Done gone and fucked up

/i/'s been in violation of the 7chan datacenter's Acceptable Use Policy.

I'm actually kind of surprised FDC is picking up on it now.

Copypasta from 7chan dictates that Ian was notified by FDC through an email pertaining to /i/'s content: Our datacenter recieved an email re: the content of /i/. Needless to say after reading their AUP, I realised nearly every thread on /i/ violated it. They agreed to continue to allow to use their connection in exchange for /i/ being removed. From now on, if you post a raid thread, it will be deleted. No ban, no warning. Just removal. Legitimate legal talk can be discussed on /b/, or with

I realize that 7chan was created mainly in resonance of the events of /b/ Day, and during such, the rush to find a new location for a relatively-lawless /b/ spawned /i/, so it's somewhat understandable that not all the fine print had been read. I might be taking a soft position with Ian and /i/, but both he and FDC are both at fault for not realizing the other's standings for five months, Ian with the AUP and FDC with /i/'s content, which violates the good majority of the AUP when you compare the two.

However, as stated in the above copypasta, FDC is being lenient and forgiving, allowing 7chan to still exist for /i/'s removal, and Ian has taken a benevolent stance as well, removing raid threads instead of outright ban. Does this mean that 7chan has adopted its first official rule: no raiding? Possibly. In light of current situations, it's negligible.

Regular 7channers have taken a "fuck this shit" look to it, and many appear to be leaving. While /i/ did represent most of what was lost during the events of /b/ Day (yet 4chan's /b/ seems to be back in the old habit again), it really was just an inevitable cock-up waiting to happen. The spirit was there, but the legalities, not as much. I think it's pretty much put into words through this 7chan copypasta:

Dearest Anonymous,

Sadly, it seems that another chan has fallen from grace - 7Chan's /i/ has been closed (due to AIDS, obviously). This faggotry ceased being an inconvenience a long time ago; It has become an epidemic. No chan is safe from the tyranny of these so-called "rules", which prevent us from expressing ourselves with the reckless abandon that we desire. Nay, we REQUIRE to function.

We, Anonymous, swarm between chans searching for a permanent home that will never exist, because by hosting us, the administrator risks legal recourse. Inevitably, all chans will be censored, because they are centralised around a single point of failure, in the form of legal liability.

It is time to replace this - it is time to decentralise. To disappear into the darkness of the Internet, linked by a distributed web of nodes. To create our own, ultimate unstoppable chan.

I, Anonymous, am a programmer. I can create this - But I need your help. We shall all remain anonymous, and we shall all contribute to the end of the internet as we know it. Email to get involved. Repost this where ever you see fit. For extra lolz, replace random words with PENIS.

Wishful thinking, as I see it, but decentralization is the point of it, and that might work if it gets underway. It'll break down eventually--Anonymii would flock together at certain areas, and that area would collapse due to the great numbers and attention--but at an intial glance, it's a fine idea.

Back to the main topic; 7chan has something resembling plausible deniability, now that /i/'s been removed. Granted, a serious rule has been implanted and enforced, but it allows 7chan to still fucntion. FDC could've removed the site altogether, or Hal could've used /i/ as presidence for a harassment case. It could be worse. That much has to be said.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The site's up again

Hal's site is repopulated with articles once more. Does this mean that all legal action attempted against 4chan, 7chan, Nexis and Abjects has been halted? Possibly. Over the past couple of days--Tuesday being a notable mark--Hal's apparently hit a brick wall with Judge Peter G. Sheridan, who, in this PDF file, denied his motion. There hasn't been a word of it on his site so far, but the reinstatement of articles onto the frontpage is something of an indication that there may not be a worry about presenting a nice face, so to speak.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Lawyer Copypasta

Thanks to an Anonymous who literally dropped this in the comment section of my last entry.

Cut your hair, take a shower, and go to law school.

I'm rather surprised indeed that this would have been accepted due to many of the inconsistencies. The whole mix up with hal having the stamped documents already is one HUGE issue; another one is the fact that he used the wrong cover sheet, the correct one being a JS44 document (which is supposedly MANDATORY in New Jersey); then there is the issue about his complaint PDF where he already has the docket number and the judge's name, BEFORE he filed the complaint; then also the issue that he has paid the wrong price for a civil pro se case in New Jersey (New Jersey has a $150 fee; in some way, shape, or form; for a pro se litigant - either just the $150 fee, or that on top of the $350 fee civil case fee); then there is the issue of him providing additional copies of his complaint to every defendant, 25 pages for each of 1000 John Does is a lot of paper; and on top of that, the numerous legal errors and mess-ups made in the document itself... The legal system is extremely stringent, and things like this would not be allowed, even from a pro se litigant. Those stack up to quite a list. There could also be a point to be made that it may be illegal in New Jersey to post legal documents (fake or real) as a means of threat or intimidation... that would be an interesting avenue to explore...

For the legal case itself, it is pretty much hopeless. THE RIAA AND THE MPAA SPENDING MILLIONS OF DOLLARS PER LAWSUIT AND HAVE TROUBLE SUBPOENAING A SINGLE ISP FOR THE INFORMATION OF A SINGLE IP. As a public figure he is also liable to parody, that is protected as free speech. Even so, he couldn't find anyone who actually did cross the parody line; let alone prove that they had done it anyways. Since it is a civil case, and he is pro se litigant, most ISPs will pretty much completely ignore him. Then the very specific comments he has made about publishing private information for "street justice" are easily grounds for dismissal of a subpoena. For information on that, look into some of the off-shoots of the witness protection program, and more importantly cases dealing with suspected drug cartels and suspected drug informants. The drug cartel boss of an area would file a baloney case so he can subpoena the person involved in ratting out the works of the organization, the subpoena is denied on the grounds that the person's life would be in danger. Even so, as a copyright case, what exactly is he claiming copyright too? What is he claiming infringement for? A public website is a public website, in that sense anyone who wishes to, can access it. Since it is a copyright case, it no longer falls under the jurisdiction of a possible DDoS law. It also removes any criminal allegations involved (racketeering, fraud, harassment), as civil cases are for resolving money issues only. So I am very uncertain what he is suing over... Then comes the fact that the copyright he has there at the bottom of his site won't hold up for more then around 40 seconds in court, let alone the fact that I believe he has changed it very recently (which could be possible ground for tossing his case out the window).

And this is coming from a LAWYER, not some pimply face 14 year old boy or some greasy redneck; but a practicing lawyer. This case is going nowhere, and hal is just going to keep shoveling money into it. I hope he gets his lulz out of it, we certainly will.

Most of you won't read that since it is rather long, but I hope some of you do and understand just how pointless this really is

Continuing on...

I have PACER access. Yes, I can confirm Hal has filed a lawsuit. He also filed a motion for some injunctions that were denied (IANAL myself).
Here 2 documents of interest:

And a response.

Those are very helpful, thank you.

I'm going to go over those now, and try to figure out what he's trying to do. The judge has already denied and removed almost all of his allegations. Hal was trying to make it a criminal case in some way, but it was the judge who filed it as a copyright case. Hal is fucked already. If I'm reading it correctly (or assuming that the judge added those as he did the other notions), the crossed out sections have already been removed from his complaint.

It's basically already over. Hal currently needs to come up with more information or else it is going to get thrown out of court.

Or I could be just blowing it out my ass, since I don't know the judge.

i'm just doing this for the feel of being useful;)

A quick edit to accomodate another entry that I didn't notice before I published this latest post.

There is absolutely no need to worry.

1) Hal has filed Pro Se, implying (along with his "financial ruin" statement that he has, essentially, no money, and cannot even afford a lawyer.

2) Not all courts will allow civil cases to proceed Pro Se--so if Hal cannot get a lawyr for the proceedings, well... lolz.

3) Hal will have to subpoena ISPs, the fees for which will DESTROY him.

4) Assuming he does idenitfy people, he'll have to subpoena them to come to New Jersey, and no sane judge won't grant a motion to quash here, so Hal's finances will have to bear the additional burden of meeting you in your jurisdiction.

5) If Hal does post your information, I'm sure you can get some sort of court order to remove it, or sue him for endangering you based on his statements.

6) Even if you DO get dragged into court, Hal'd going to have a devil of a time proving you responsible for 5000 dollars of damages.

7) Remember--he does not have every attacker's IP by their own statements, and their mere use of 7chan if by some total inconceivability he gets the server logs does not ensure him a suit against you.

Oh, and uh... there's always the possibility that though this was filed, the judge throws it out.

Which really doesn't look too unlikely.

Gradually, light is being shed on the actual status of Hal's case. The main claim to his imminent failure is the comparison to the RIAA and MPAA; these huge administrative bodies have difficulty tracking and apprehending suspected violators on the same allegations Hal's been making, so it appears that he himself has virtually nothing. More to come, guaranteed.


"An actual phone call from New Jersey."

The inquiry to the New Jersey court of the status of the PACER-listed case, to see whether it was filed truly under Copyright Infringement or Electronic Harrassment. You can barely hear the lady's voice on the other end, though.


Screencap of Hal's case on the PACER system.
Screencap of Hal's case in a list of filed cases, marked under Copyright Infringement.

So Hal's going forward with this, with his primary case as Copyright Infringement, which would give him notice enough to add on the other charges listed in his Complaint document. His copyright notice is as follows: © © 2007 - All text, headlines and commentary on this web site as well as the content of my radio show and internet webcasts, the sounds, inflections and intonations of my human voice and my appearance, image and likeness are all COPYRIGHT 1962 - 2007, Harold C. Turner; all Rights reserved.

So he's filing a case because we recorded his shows and made alterations to his image. Which may, on a technicality, be true infringement, since there was the 7chan dollar prank and the slew of shopped images (mostly involving cocks, some with several at once). Still, that could be claimed free speech, much like his show; his image may be copyrighted, but the shopped images could be claimed as artistic free speech. Bullshit, obviously, because it's not really artistic to shop a bunch of dicks over a man's image, no matter how funny it is, but it's still technically free speech in regards to the freedom to do such and not have it considered slander.

Still remains to be seen, natch.

Complaint.pdf available on Rapidshare

It was uploaded yesterday, but in case anybody needs it, I've linked it here for your downloading pleasure.

So far nothing's come about from the mass removal of content from Hal's site.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

The site's down...yes, again.

Hal's site is still technically up, but all the entries have been removed from the front page. All the subsequent pages, under the archive section, are displaying a 404. I'm running some searches to see if he's left comment anywhere on the Internets as to his actions. The site isn't down completely, so it's not necessarily anything wrong with his hosting service. You have to question, if Hal is going through with legal action, why he would remove the articles from the site, unless he didn't want attention directed at the negative aspects of his site; he could, speculatively, parade how his site is a simple front for his radio show as opposed to not being taken seriously due to the racist content.

However, should he attempt this, screencaps of several of the site's entries have been circulated around the boards, which could be used to prove that his site is promoting anti-semitism and general racism, which would lower his credibility substantially. The MiG entry, I believe, would be particularly damaging, since in that entry he listed several minority and governmental facilities as potential targets, as well as the Capitol and the White House. I'm sure his prospect of attack isn't going to be taken seriously, but the fact that he suggested it in the first place is noteworthy enough.

Keep a look out for any new developments in the apparent legal situation. My assumption is that he might try to put forth another "Got one!" post, like with the Googled bloody kid. Attempting that again would get him burned by the Anonymous crowd, but his ego demands that he win; this is proven fact now. The moment when he threatened, over his own radio show, that he would assign Nazi skinheads to attack a caller made this evident enough; he believes he has enough power to control people, and this may be true to some extent. That's been displayed through the donations made to his show, which have far outstripped any apparent need he would have for them. But his ego is driving him to self-destruction, evident in the changes of hosting services, the IP bans, the site-blocking, the faked images and allegations and documents, the constant lying and massive ego-stroking when his television appearance was canceled, and now, the removal of his site's content.

I just checked again. He's taken out all the links leading back to archive section, the ones responding with 404.

Hal, you bastard. You're becoming more and more like the Smiler; you've already begun cannibalizing your resources in an effort to keep support up with your followers, using your family as a buffer for sympathy, striking out without plot or plan. You're self-destructing with every action. ONLY YOU CAN STOP THIS.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

It's the thought that counts

I am laughing so hard.

If you can't access the .pdf file because of an IP block, use The Cloak or Proxify to view Hal's site and get at the document.

DOCKET #: 07-306 (PGS)



JOHN DOES(S) 1-1000
Case assigned to U.S. District Judge Peter G. Sheridan

United States District Court
Newark, NJ

He actually did it.
I'm not entirely sure you can press charges against Anonymous attackers that number somewhere between one and a thousand, but apparently it's okay.

The document's legality is already being questioned at 4chan, with several notable remarks: no case numbered 07-306 has been filed with PACER, a legal document tracker that requires actual name, address and credit card information; he hasn't submitted documents under his actual name; Ebaums hasn't filed anything in return; the document contains a number of grammatical and spelling errors; there is blatant flaunting of the show's apparent popularity, showing bias in favor of Hal; hypocrisy and more bias in favor of Hal, with--and this is probably the most noticable sign that Hal himself wrote the entirety of the complaint, since he strokes his own ego with more fervor than anyone I've seen--a huge laugh: "The Show is a national treasure." Bear in mind he expects this connection to be acceptable due to the "embodiment of free speech" remark.

Another sign of the invalidity of this document is the wording and implied comments made throughout. Anyone who is relatively uninformed and unbiased would have written the complaint in a manner that displays strictly factual material and information, instead of signs of favoritism. Also, there is a grouping involved that is incorrect. The Anonymous attacks have only occured since the end of December, almost exactly a month ago; the document states that for the past six years such attacks have been propogated. This is concurrent with Hal's belief that the Anonymous attackers are in collusion with outspoken organizations denouncing his show; what's more is choice of words used to describe attacks, both digital and vocal, made upon the show--it's almost verbatim to previous comments made by Hal concerning the attacks. Extravagant language, questionable phrases and wording, the fact that the report begins to read as though it were a story instead of a legal document, and the occasional discrepency between first and third person serve to destroy the credibilty of the document being of any actual legal standing.

The document goes on to state Hal's claim of extortion; the mistake made in this paragraph is the found in "the wording varied, but the message is the same." Not one email or message was screencapped for verification and proof, and although there were several individual demands for Hal to deactivate his site and stop the airing of his show, the one main request made was for he to write "'Sup /b/?" on his forehead, in an acknowledgement of surrender, and the attacks would cease. He did not, natch. As the complaint continues, 4chan and 7chan are listed, with the business of both sites being bomb threats and CP, not entirely true. Abjects is mentioned as being a free IRC provider, which allows discussions of supposedly-illegal activity; of course, Abjects isn't liable for the discussions that occur while using their IRC client, which would render any accusation of collusion and intent for criminal mischief moot, in regards to the site and owners. The now-infamous John Does 1-1000 are stated as "business unknown;" these John Does are associated by IP; I've little doubt that I'm one of them, considering I visit Hal's site to gather information. Guilt by association, you know.

Getting into the counts against the organized Defendants; the first count, Copyright Infringement, is invalidated considering Hal broadcasts his show for free listening. The business of subscription fees is only in use when airtime is purchased, to broadcast commercials and/or other radio shows. The type of Copyright Infringement he assumes is from the recording of his show, which would be incriminating if making a mix tape of songs from a publicly-aired radio station were equally as punishable. It's a fallacious claim.
The second count, Computer Fraud and Abuse, is a bit more plausible; however, as it states in the complaint, the data made "unavailable" was only deemed such due to the deactivation of the site by his host. The methods used have already been verified inside legal boundaries.
A few counts of Extortion and Fraud later...
Seventh count: Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organization(s). Since nobody put the banhammer to use during the entirety of the raids, 4chan, 7chan, Nexis and Abjects are all being charged with RICO counts. Disclaimers on all sites, stating that in no way are the sites liable to user actions, are working against this count, which would force it to trickle down to the users themselves. Owing to the fact that most of the Anonymous involved in the attacks stayed Anonymous, this charge should have little merit. I'm not entirely versed in legalese or the process of which RICO applies, but both Anonymity and the disclaimers should be enough.

And I thought it wouldn't get interesting again.

NOTE: Many thanks to the Anonymii who pointed out facts and irregularities in the document, as well as the one Anonymous who screencapped the document-tracker search results.

Monday, January 15, 2007

What a Monday

Read Hal's MLK-Day comment list. Fucking hilarious. I haven't stopped laughing since I started reading all the comments written. Serious business.

It's also a sign that everything that happened during the Chan-Turner war has pretty much been forgotten. Everything has gone back to normal at Hal's place, with everybody flailing their e-penii around frantically.

This is why racism is so funny. I don't mean funny as in a racial comedy act, or funny in an awkward hate crime sort of sense; I mean funny "you hate me because I'm differently tinted" funny. The thought that someone can be enraged and moved to such an emotional level just by the notion of differing skin is absolutely and totally hilarious to me. How can somebody be that angry over something so basic? If it's about actions perpetrated by a race as a whole, that's only a generalization, and every race has done things that are inflammatory to their populations' reputations. You get stupid stereotypes from generalizations: "Blacks steal and mug," "Mexicans are lazy and never finish jobs," "Jews horde money and always rip you off financially," "Whites are nothing but fat, old Republicans."

And it falls into a domino effect; stereotyping begets more stereotyping. And really, pride of a race doesn't help much, either. It's one thing to be proud of the bloodlines of your family and race, but another matter entirely when organizations crop up dedicated to purity of the race, regardless of what race it is. Racism is pointless because eventually, if one master race comes together and conquers the lesser races to permanent servitude, or at the most, extinction, there will be in-fighting. Arguments over purity of blood, who is more qualified to exist over others. The only way in-fighting would be avoided is to engineer a race that has only one single genetic code between them; no deviations, no chance of mutation. Just the single, constant gene code that would make everyone perfectly similar. Essentially, a clone race. Not exactly ideal, but the only real way.

I'm waiting for hate to stop being on a racial level and start existing on a level of species. Fuckin' aardvarks.

Friday, January 12, 2007

I couldn't pass this up.

Hal found a MiG for sale online

Naturally, his first thoughts are exploiting his listeners' support by asking them to pony up the money in order to buy the aircraft to attack, natch, Jews and the Government.

I'm not going to even pretend that this isn't stupid. As you can see in the image above, he's dead serious about it. This is what a MiG-21 looks like, if you haven't Googled it yet. I'm sure it'll all be good once you get it registered in your name, past U.S. Customs (which has even stricter regulations on aircraft and weaponry, chiefly those used in wartime situations), and into a local hangar where it'll sit for the rest of its natural life because you can't get licensed to fly it and you don't have enough money to afford the fuel, weaponry, and training for the half-ass plan you concocted while staring at an image of said aircraft.

Some comments from supporters:

Hey Hal let's not forget to paint a(It gags me to say this) star of david on it so the sheeple think SHiTsreal is responsible for it! -Morbid

-interesting notion HT, --however for a lower profile, just a modern/used TurboProp(jet-turbine)-powered light-aircraft (fixed-wing or helicopter) fitted with a proper air-to-ground missile-system would likely prove quite effective as well; --Ha, just look in fact what one already did to the almighty Pentagon for crips'sake... ~AK

Hey Hal-This fellow out where I'm at bought one of those, a newer model. Sadly, it has only one seat so he cannot get licensed to fly it, so it just sits in his hangar looking pretty. I do like your idea though! What would really get my rocks off is seeing B-52's bombers put back in action, and DC carpet bombed. I'd also include Mexico DF in the deal. You know, I am simply amazed that critters like Foxman and Dees are still walking around wasting good air. What would it take to send a 7.62mm message? Anyhow, as far as airstrikes go, good idea but I think for practical application, getting ahold of a mortar and RPG's would be the way to go. With a map and a yardstick the target can be pinpointed. Especially with GPS coordinates. Also, mortar fire isn't a direct fire weapon, by the time they're slamming into the target the vehicle platform could be on the road and out of the area. It's only a matter of time before people realize that force is the only option we have. -AryanVengeance

Finally Hal. I've been suggesting this for years!

Quit spending money on stupid desert toys and buy a T-70/80/90, BMP, LAV, or a Mig! The White Russians would love to help deliver some fine surplus. You all saw what one tweeker did in San Diego with one M60 tank, unarmed, in the 90's, right? So, think of what some dedicated individuals and crews, working in cohesion with a private American citizen air force providing support can accomplish? Let's make some history! I'm working on my part, how about you?

I'm actually curious to know whether or not all of this talk of attacking the White House and governmental buildings constitutes a possible domestic threat? Brahm messed with football (he turned himself in, but it was still taken as a serious threat, what with the media coverage); but Hal uses 9/11 as an example of the time lag it took pilots to respond to the four aircraft, and even goes so far as to boast about being able to make several strikes on multiple targets, something obviously not possible given the distance between targets and the factor of "radar-covered airspace." Hypothetically speaking, and this is way into the assumption Hal purchases, arms, fuels and learns how to fly the craft, even if one target was successfully attacked, the MiG would be immediately overtaken by multiple on-standby fighter jets. I think the current domestic-defense fighters are F-15s, which were the air-superiority fighter for at least two decades. A MiG-21 could never stand up to one.

It's all "if" talk, though. Hal won't be able to successfully maintain and rearm the aircraft, and I doubt there will be any or enough aircraft mechanics to even assist with the upkeep. Hal is probably losing listeners and visitors to the site--evident enough with the lowering of the IP blocks--and is trying something reletively oddball to garner more attention. The regulars are gung-ho for it, but there's only a handfull, not nearly enough to make a prominent bid.

Though it does somewhat bother me that there are bids already on the craft. They're probably bullshit bids, but otherwise...

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

To the Death of Fun

Well, it's pretty much slowed to a crawl. I think with the exception of a few die-hards, the attacks are pretty much over and Hal can have a relatively normal month. is still reporting some pretty high bandwidth usage, but nothing so close to the magnitude of the initial waves. The other sites--that is, Stormfront, VNN, AryanWear and other fringe sites hit in randomized attacks--have returned to quietly masturbating amongst themselves; with the exception of Kevin Strom's detainment (which would've happened without the Anonymous attacks anyway, I presume), it's as if nothing happened these past few weeks. It'll be recorded and remembered, natch, but it's gone for now.

And damn it, it was fun while it lasted. Thanks and gratitude to all Anonymii who helped with information gathering and contributing links; this blog wouldn't have been quite as effective nor as quick to respond had it not had support from the Legion. I'll keep reporting the odd entry made by Hal if it pertains to Anonymous, but otherwise it's Good Night Gracie, and So Long and Thanks for all the Fish.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Hal roars at 7chan

Hal denounces the 7chan claim of collusion for publicity.

Most of /i/ denied the claim in the first place, declaring it to be a lone Mod attempting to dissuade 7chan's involvement in the attack. One rational argument, however, came from one of Turner's biggest supporters:

"The best and only way to put these stories and all doubt to rest is to publish the filed court documents and, as the matter continues to progress through the courts, civil and/or criminal, continue to publish supporting documents, court filings, police reports, etc. that will document the truth of the situation. Once real records such as these are part of the public record, are viewable here and available to be checked and verified, then the truth of the matter will be known and can no longer be lied or speculated about."

Days ago, Hal claimed documents would be posted. We're still waiting, of course, and nothing since has really has bolstered his assertion.

Also, Hal can face legal problems similar to that of 7chan, hypothetically speaking, since 7chan has essentially associated Hal with themselves through the claim of an alleged gain of publicity. This is unconfirmed, but possible if a judge views the attacks fit enough to put the Mods of 4chan and 7chan in a trial setting.

A critical step in Journalism... making sure you can back up your claims and assertions with proof.

Granted, being military sources, releasing the names and information of contacts would be detrimental, of course. However, unless Hal has contacts within the Israeli military, he could cite at least the webpage he's gotten his information from. What's that you say? The information was taken from a newspaper?

That's right. That paper was the Sunday Times, and the information was given last week. How funny that Hal should release information on his site today.

Link contains full story, not just the segmented version given on Hal's site, and was the first result of a Google search. While it does seem possible that the strikes will occur, it will only be after the U.S. has washed its hands of the ordeal, leaving Israel to defend itself as it chooses. With Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad advocating the destruction of Israel--not exactly a relatively new development--and the U.S. acting as a diplomatic buffer, of sorts, Israel finds itself on the brink; they literally straddle the edge of war.

But wait. The same idea was reported almost two years ago by the Sunday Times. So either the Times has a bad memory, Israel's getting their shit together after nigh-two years' worth of UN deadlock, or Hal doesn't understand the concept of "breaking news."

Saturday, January 06, 2007

A Paradoxical Apology and an Arrest.

First, Kevin Alfred Strom, head of the National Vanguard, has been arrested on a CP charge. Screenshot of Hal's site with his take.

Second, Hal's apology to Blacks, compiled in .rtf format, since the site is still inaccessable. It's a Megaupload file, hopefully it shouldn't be much of a problem. As a strage follow-up to that, here's a screencap of his apology preceding a condemnation of the Jews. Hal's information comes from this site, YNETnews. It kind of boggles the mind that he can "pardon and forgive" one race, yet still completely bash another.

Friday, January 05, 2007

It's not what you think

Check it.

If you can't access it, then you've probably been blocked. After a 7chan mod denounced the attacks as false and claimed to be in collusion with Hal as a publicity stunt, the whole of 7chan was shut down and redirected to the FBI's CyberCrime page. So either the mods at 7chan are dicking around again, or something's happened. I'd like to believe the former.

Hal's site is up once again, contrary to the belief that is has been taken down or is in the process of being rehosted:

Screencap 1.
Screencap 2.

Note the times and dates. He claimed on his Blogspot account that the site was up, and he wasn't lying this time. is still recording bandwidth being used up, but now it's almost unsure. 7chan's denouncement, Hal's AT&T and Verizon blocking, the switch from live broadcast to possibly edited shows via upload service; a downward shift has occured.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Tl;dr post over at Hal's blog

The data center has "null routed" my machine. This attack has caused them to completely shut off all access to my server. They will not permit me to bring it back online.

I'm starting to think he actually reads my entries and comments, because not more than a day ago, an Anonymous mentioned a 7chan attacker being nullrouted from the 7chan server if attempting to attack. Today, Hal mentions nullrouting by his host. Pardon my abject paranoid muttering.

Anyway, he goes on to apologize, playing the victim (he is the victim, but I meant in a more dramatic fashion than necessary) and pandering to the sites he evidently hosts. Yesterday's John and Ken show gave him a reason to revive the site for attention purposes, and subsequently allowed the Anonymous Legion to attack the site again.

And what a massive attack it was.

Hal was burned by the risk of attempting a grab for attention during the John and Ken show, and the follow-up was delivered during his own broadcast. Hal's main site is still down, and apparently will remain down until he switches hosts again. I find it somewhat odd, however, that this downtime comes in the same area of time Turner stated thathe was in the process of changing hosts. A coincidence? Lucky timing? Manipulation of the attacks for the benefit of him saving face? Only he knows.

Turner also acknowledges the content-wary Blogspot's restriction on offensive material, stating that although the show will continue, it will be in a restrictive format; essentially, call in, speak your piece, Hal records it (without editing? Something to consider is his sudden ability to now tailor his broadcasts before he uploads them, instead of having it completely live and unedited. Look for breaks in speech or oddly-worded lengths of conversation/ranting), and uploads it. Show by proxy, as it were. It remains to be seen whether or not calling in as Pedro, Ronald or his chronically-ill Father can still be done and will be as effective.

Also, about the names and addresses: this is another example of how he's inadvertantly promoting IRL violence against Anonymous. Based off of the audio of this YTMND page, standing orders to seek out and attack Anonymii are still in effect, and he's again incited possible attacks.

TV Appearance: watch and wait, is all I can say. Anticipation soars.

Donations: FUCK. I wouldn't put it past him to falsify the truth concerning donation amounts, but it wouldn't surprise me if he has been recieving moderate sums from his supporters. And now, due to this latest attack, he has another pity-fuck method for cash. It is eased slightly by how serious he's taking it all;

"I am in the fight of my life to continue to exist on the internet."

Internet Existence: Serious Business.

One last thing:
"P.S. To those of you engaged in these attacks. . . . . I am LAUGHING at you. You may have wrecked my site but you cannot stop my show. You cannot halt the radio broadcasts and you cannot bring down all the upload sites that will store my archives. I am defeating you and will continue to defeat you because my message will continue to be broadcast.
You are utterly powerless to stop me. You are, collectively, a complete joke. Listen carefully. . . . hear me laughing. I'm laughing at your powerlessness."

Laugh all you'd like, Hal. You still have not understood the basis of the Anonymous Legion's attacks, and you probably never will if you keep harkening your own masturbation. Sure, you can get the shows out on the upload sites, but from what I see, it only takes a few complaints to get them brought down. Anonymous is not after your show; in truth, that's more of a triviality now, a funny side-joke to the Great Punch Line. Anonymous wants you, Hal. Anonymous wants to see the entirety of your life in shambles, not just your Internets existence. With the damage done thus far, it would be wise to heed Anonymous' suggestions. It can be much worse for you, Hal, and that's not a threat. It can't be considered a threat because of the sheer validity of the statement, the staggering truth behind it. You and a few supporters stand against a very, very strong Internets existence. You are not the plucky hero, and this isn't some fairy tale story of good and evil. Your bills tell you that it's real enough. The longevity and dedication of the attacks and the attackers almost slap you in the face with the reality of it all.

And yet you still persist in assuming you're right and we're wrong. If you're reading this, by chance, and have made it this far, you still haven't begun to understand the breadth of what's at hand. Anonymous is literally everywhere; on the bus, in your favorite restaurants, in the libraries and behind the counter. You can't tell who is Anonymous. Seriously consider your options.

...and I'm spent. Had to get that out.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007


Once again, I have to say thanks to the Anonymous legion for helping provide information. A recording was made of Hal's latest show, with the KFI AM 640 radio show--namely the John and Ken show--and here is a breakdown of the show in case you either missed it or wanted a piece by piece analysis on how Turner gets ripped a new one by the hosts.

"...not only this-this Internet show, but a, uh, a website where he announced an assassination schedule for members of Congress who, ah, promote amnesty for illegal aliens. Here's one of the, uh, postings: 'We MAY have to assassinate some of the people you elect on November 7th. This could be your last election chance to save this republic.' Of course, that was before the elections, now that Congress is turned over to the Democrats, talk is now that we WILL have an amnesty bill coming outta there, maybe in the next few months. The New York Times ran a story on Christmas, ah, Day, or the day after Christmas, that there is a new effort to get a new immigration bill with amnesty in it through Congress and to the President. So...well, we're gonna get Hal Turner on, because he's attracted quite a bit of attention. (static burst) many followers he has, or how many listeners, or readers on his website, but when you put out an assassination schedule, it certainly gets people looking and talking. Hal, welcome to the John and Ken show."

(From here on, we'll address points that Hal makes throughout the show, disprove or confirm them, and comment on John and Ken's reactions.)

"The effort to give amnesty or a path to citizenship for illegal aliens is a betrayal of every American, whether they were born here, or came here and were naturalized."


"Alexander Hamilton said, 'if the representatives of the people betray them, they must rush tumultuously to arms."
"Tumultuously and what, kill them?"
"Well, that's generally what it meant, yeah."

(Full page from the Federalist, from which Turner interprets his statement. As always, there's more to it than what is originally mentioned.)

"We gave amnesty 20 years ago and there was no revolution."
"No, no there wasn't, because at the time, if you recall, Congress said 'We're only going to do this once, we absolutely, positively will never do it again, AND, to make sure we don't ever have this problem anymore, we are going to increase border enforcement to make sure people can't come here illegally."

(He's starting to dodge questions with this statement. Turner doesn't directly address the assassination schedule and instead provides a relatively weak background argument for justification. The whole of the amnesty ruling can be found here. It's pretty damn long.)

"But doesn't an announcement like that make it look as if the anti-immigration forces are insane?"
"I don't think so one bit, you know sooner or-"
"You don't think an assassination schedule is an insane response?"
"Not at all, I think it's a perfectly prudent response, it worked for the Founding Fathers, it can work again if it has to."
"Well, how did it work for the Founding Fathers?"
"When the government of the colonies, back in 1776, was routinely betraying the people who lived here, they overthrew that government by force. Now we're here, 230 years later, 230-someodd years later, our own government is betraying America by giving people citizenship against our law, who are uninvited, and who took to our streets with foreign flags over the past couple of months."
"The difference is we have a Democratically-representative government now, that's how we forced change over the course of time, through elections. The colonists, who rose up, had no power over the King of England."

(That last statement alone breaks Hal's revolution-argument. The democracy instilled in the post-colonial uprising America allowed for change to occur, as opposed to the monarchial control of the King. This is basic high-school government.)

"Those people in Washington are supposed to do what we, the people want."

(If they did everything based on a purely constitutional-republic based methodology, nothing would be done. It would be a massive conflict of interest, not to mention a horrible mash of interpretation.)

"...and if you look at any Zogby poll, Zogby is a very reputable polling outfit; Zogby poll has polled Americans on this issue several times...80 to 85% of people in those polls say they want illegal immigration stopped, and they want legal immigration reduced."

(Meanwhile, back in California of 2001...)

"There are voices in the media, like you guys and me, who promote certain ideas, and that's how people start thinking about certain issues-"
"Yeah, I know, but I want to differentiate from me, and Ken, and you, because you are promoting assassination, we're not."
"I am not promoting it, I'm saying it is an option that we may have to use."

(Hal, you two-faced shit-fucker, you dug your own grave with those words. It's quite a wonder how a guy can have a schedule of assassinations and a plot, with a easily influenced audience who clings to the ass hairs of your vocal buttocks, publicly threaten people with injury and death via proxy through followers, and still not claim to promote it.)

"Well, apparently something else you, eh, 'ranted' about, you said that you have, or you know where all of your New Jersey Congressman and Senators live?"
"Yes, I do."
"And the purpose of that?"
~awkward silence~
"To know where they live!"

(I laughed for about five minutes straight after hearing this.)

"Now, are you doing this for yucks, or are you doing this to get some attention, or you really believe, like if somebody, tomorrow morning, shot up a New Jersey Congressman and said it was over the amnesty issue, you'd really be happy about that?"
"I wouldn't shed a tear."
"No, even when you see the grieving widow and the crying children, the whole business, you would say, 'Well, that had to be done.'"
"Look, in my view, these guys have the power, they know what the stakes are, they make their treehouse, let them sit in it."
"Does-does illegal immigration, is that a big issue in New Jersey, that's where you are, right?"

(It's obvious by this point John and Ken are humoring Hal.)

"This is a very, what should I call it...ah, yes. DIVERSE community, and I have seen the lie of diversity, I have seen the destruction of multiculturalism, and unless we want the entire rest of the United States to turn into the Third World cesspool that Hudson Country, New Jersey, has turned into, we better draw a line in the sand and say, "No more."

(It's funny that he uses a phrase from Texas, because if he ever tried living there, he'd probably go insane, if his neighborhood is as corrupt from diversity as he claims.)

"It got so bad, there were so many different agents, there were so many different agencies coming here, that they assigned two agents from the Joint Terrorism Task Force in Newark to be the sole contact between me and the Federal government of the United States."
"But-but if somebody kills a Congressman tomorrow and says, 'Hal Turner inspired me," are you legally liable?"
"There may be some criminal culpability there, yeah, but, uh, you know, we'll cross that bridge if we come to it."

(Now it's BLATANTLY obvious he's proud of his government watchdogs and apparent liability to the US. Also:
FBI Newark
11 Centre Place
Newark, New Jersey 07102-9889
(973) 792-3000

Also also, no report has been filed concerning agents visiting Hal's home, or at least no public report has been stated.)

Subsequent conversation is about site traffic and his ties to white supremacists, which Turner claims he has only in name. Completely disregarding his recorded threat to assign skinheads to beat the shit out of opposers, that is.

So that's the take on tonight's show. It became very, very clear about halfway through that John and Ken were in disbelief concerning Hal's agenda and methodology, and showed it more than once. Hal dodged a few questions, namely his white supremacist ties and the assassination list, but overall, still managed to come off completely insane to everyone else but his supporters. As of the posting of this entry, I believe that his radio show will have been aired for about 45 minutes now, thereby disproving once again his promised surrendering.

Hal Turner KFI Show

(This is a summary. My dictation skills are shitty. Somebody should be recording the show, hopefully.)

Hosts are talking about some issue concerning another radio show host...and then the stream crashes and nobody hears anything. Fuck.

Paranoia dictates that this entire thing, from clambering for a chance to listen to bandwidth overload, was planned. Not sure about this, but it is a possible idea, however mad it sounds.

Fuck it. I suppose we'll have to wait for the .mp3 recording. The main stream is playing nothing but commercials.

7chan mocks Hal

Holy shit, 7chan.

Like a slap in the face, 7chan responds to the revival of Turner's site with a site change of their own. The revival of the site and Hal's appearance on the show are much, much too close to be entirely coincidental, and accordingly, anticipating a visit to the site by the show hosts or even Hal himself, 7chan cut off access to the entirety of the site and posted the above image.

Bravo, 7chan. Bravo.

The show's about to start soon, literally and figuratively.

Journalistic Attack-Organs at the Ready!

Site for the streaming audio of the KFI 640 (LA) show, which will be featuring Turner as a guest. We need recordings, text records (if you can either summarize or write via dictation, so much the better), and screenshots if they display anything on the small video window.

Worst-case scenario leads me to believe that Turner will rave on and on about 4chan and 7chan, how they've ruined his life and need to be deleted from the Internets, and that in turn will lead the hosts to invesitgate the sites while still on the air, and then they publically read posts from both sites. This subsequently will bring more people to the sites, investigations and general chaos ensue. Neither sites need media coverage, and from what Turner is probably going to speak about, they're going to be getting it.

Get on the stream right now; it's going to be laden down with listeners soon, so it's best to sit through the current bullshit and wait for the coming show. Also, someone should try to find a way to immediately respond to whatever Turner's saying on the show, aside from firing off email after email. It'll give us a chance to disprove and counter-point his blathering.

EDIT: I just heard a brief excerpt from the John and Ken show, the show Turner will be attending. Goddamn it, I was right.

A 7chan Attacker and Stuff from Hal's Followers

Remember this?

Apparently the head of has been doing some background research and attacking of his own, namely against 7chan. He claims he's unmasked one of the key Anonymous behind the original 7chan attack on Overthrow, so this is almost completely irrelevant to the Chan-Turner war, like a different conflict in a far-off land, of sorts. However, it is of some interest as to how he obtained the information of the Anonymous--probably from a follower simultaneously DDoSing 7chan as well--if he can't find the information for this guy on his own.

In any case, an Anonymous has uncovered information on him, which will be put to good use, I assume.
White, William
PO Box 8601
Roanoke, VA 24014
Phone: 540-798-1393
Fax: 123 123 1234

On the Turner side of things, his followers seem to be garnishing him with latent praise, after his lot started attacking the -Chans with the same methods the Anonymii have been using. Took them a while, but they caught on in the end. One supporter (a blank quick-comment profile) suggests the following:

Just go to your Domain Name Provider/Registrar (the good folks that you paid and have
your domain name registered with) Log in to your User Account (or admin account in some
cases) and change the DNS (Domain Name Server) setting numbers to point to the IP numbers
of,, ebaum, or whatever. Then their own attacks towards your url
are routed directly back to their own servers. They will in effect be attacking themselves.

Whether or not this is valid is unconfirmed, but it might explain why has still been churning out bandwidth information.

Also, my gratitude to the Anonymii who keep sending in information. I can only do so much without you guys. Thanks.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

I mean, goddamn, man. Seriously.

What the fuck, Hal?

Yet again, he's asking for more money. He's fucking epitomizing a Mel Brooks joke. The upshot to this is he's posting scans of legal documentation filed against the "John Doe 1-1000" Anonymii. The rest of his entry is so much ego-stroking and community masturbation:

Ladies and gentlemen of our ilk, we are literally under violent, criminal electronic attack specifically designed to halt our free speech, our freedom of association and our ability to socialize electronically with like-minded people. Electronic war is being waged against us and we must step up NOW to do battle.

This is literally "war" and YOUR freedom is at stake!

What will you do without the freedom to speak your mind on the internet? God knows we've already lost our right to speak our minds in public; just go ahead and utter the wrong word out in the real world and you can lose your job, be thrown out of social clubs and civic groups, maybe even be hauled into court for "ethnic intimidation."

If they can successfully destroy my private property (my web site) and get away with it what's next? Who is next?

(I kind of like the fact that he's essentially shooting his credibilty in the foot here, by publically admitting anything attempted at prosecution is ultimately futile thus far.)

While the attacks they launched against me could not hack into my server because it was too powerful and too secure, they did manage to undertake activities to increase data flow into and out of that server 100 times the normal rate. By doing that, they put me in the position of either leaving the site online and getting hit with ten thousand dollars a month in data transfer (bandwidth) or taking the site off line.

(I thought there was only one attempt to hack the server, and that was backed off after the legal implications, instead reverting to the moar-legal DDoS? And he's going back to the OVER NINE THOUSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND!!!! fee argument, which takes it from $8000 to $10,000+ to $1800 to $10,000 again.)

So far, it appears we WILL be able to put my site back online after a couple thousand dollars in programming changes to the software. So my web site absolutely, positively WILL be back. I am down but not out.

(I'm not entirely sure what can be done to the programming of his "expensive and powerful" server and his use of FrontPage--because more than likely, that's what's going to have the most change to it--but that implication of a "couple thousand dollars) allows him to segue right into...)

Earlier, I mentioned how folks may choose to step up and do battle. One method I didn't mention is something that can be done by almost every single one of you: Write a check. If not to me, then maybe you can offer to pay the techies directly; or pay a portion of the techies. Whatever you do, remember this: Now is the time. Now. Right now. Today. It is that urgent.

(This! Also, with his common reference to the "techies," he makes it sound like he hasn't yet switched hosts or done anything with his server. Also, he never specifies who or where to make it out to without needing to do some sort of detailed researching.)

Once I find the ways to block these attacks, I can share and will that information with the other sites of our ilk. This way we don't have to keep re-inventing the wheel for every individual site. Helping me will help all those other sites because I pledge to share the info. I will share it even with folks whom I've disagreed in the past simply because they are my brothers in this "movement" too.

(Touching, but just so much of a "I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine" gesture; it addresses a common problem with a possible solution, pricking up the ears of anyone who might be from the other boards and sites, thereby giving him a shot at garnering more donation monies.)

It is going to cost quite a few bucks for the Process Servers to personally deliver a whole slew of subpoenas. Maybe you can agree to pay a single invoice for a single serving?

(Oh, horseshit. If that's not outright suck-off, I don't know what is.)

They have announced their intentions to do the same to other sites named above. We could find ourselves without ANY viable "movement" site within the next thirty (30) days. They can ALL be forced off the net by electronic attacks designed to break them financially.

(If anything, that would probably be aimed at Moot and the 7chan SysOps; I'm not sure about 7chan's servers, but I do know Moot's are hardy little bastards. Since the beginning of the DDoS attacks on 4chan--I may as well drop the protection, since everyone knows where the Anonymii are coming from--nothing's been heard from the Mods or even Moot himself, and if you haven't noticed it without anyone telling you about it, that's how effective the attacks are.)

This is more serious than any attack upon our movement - ever. Our entire effort, years of work by hundreds of dedicated people, is in direct, dire jeopardy. Please, I implore you, step up and help. If, for whatever reason, you cannot bring yourself to help me, then help VNN. If not VNN, then help Stormfront, If not Stormfront, then help VonBluvens. If not VonBluvens, then help JamesWickstrom. If not James Wickstrom, then help Aryan-Nations.
We are literally DAYS away from the complete and utter destruction of every site we find favorable. Without your immediate help, our movement will end up on the ash heap of history by the end of January.

(Turner knows how to play the crowd's anticipation and sense of urgency...)

I wish to say a special "Thank You" to retired senior citizens Artie Wheeler and his wife Elizabeth who sent $100. I wish to say a hearty "Thank You" to Lachlan who wired AU$500 (US$320) from Sydney, Australia today.

(...since he's apparently already been sent money.)

It may be coming to a head within the next few days. Personally, I think Turner's grossly-dramaticizing everything, which is his common trait, but the problem is, really, how many people are willing to be suckered into this. If it really, truly is going to cost him that much, Turner would swallow his pride and get off the Internets for a short time, deal with his financial problem, and work slowly before going back up. But since he's forging ahead in the name of "truth, justice, honesty" and other bullshot he's manipulating for his agenda, he can suck the hairy ass of the Internets.

And I'm starting to realize how much I'm drama-whoring it up with that last paragraph, so I'll call it a night.

I don't mean to be an ass, but...

It's no secret that during the longevity of this ceaseless skirmish (read: the past week) many Anonymii have created temporary profiles for the sake of posting to Turner's blog, most of which have some correlation to memes or Anonymous itself. Yet, in that mash of hastily-created pseudonyms and nomenclature, you can find those who have either created a profile just for the sake of supporting Turner via a one-post-salute or have had lasting profiles and blogs, and either support or condemn Turner. The point is, some people need to stop masturbating all over his feet.

Will Insidiousness Defeat Christian Honesty, Science?

Anonymous has been called many things, true, so this isn't so much an insult as it is a stupid attempt at bravado.

Well well, I note I myself am back fm "winter break" whence I can somewhat commentate. Observe good comrade, Christian soldier, Hal Turner, has uncovered most interesting subverters (conspiracy of criminals pleading stupidity on grounds of "MORALITY," note) who pretend to "citizenship"--it actually tells us a lot about large cultural problems, psychologic and political-economic for society.

Two things to point out with this; one, Turner STILL has not provided proof of "uncovering" any of the attackers, so any and all attached assumptions of basing the attacks on morality--and where he pulled that from, I'll never know--are immediately nullified, and two, learn to fucking gather your argument and present it in a readable format. Seriously, everything after his parenthetical statement is horrendously organized. Also, how pretentious can you get?

Okay so these demented computer "nerds" are psychotically determined to crash upon the rocks of Christian honesty and solid Journalism, as of our good comrade patriot leader, Hal Turner. It all (Hal Turner victimization by moralist psychos) teaches a lot about mentality, how MORALISM affects it, so tragically.

And aside from still presenting the idea that Anonymous is attacking based on a moral agenda--when it originated from the threats Turner presented against Anonymous--it infuriates me that this asshat believes that Turner represents "honesty and solid Journalism." I may not be a journalist, but I certainly know that I'm doing a better job than a guy who routinely pulls facts and statistics from Wikipedia.

Note the overall lesson (in present ongoing Hal Turner ambush by computer psychos) is for the MENTALITY OF THE VOLK. Are we informed?--Yes, thus we see how moralism wielded by psychotics, hence their masterminds, Jews, AFFLICT the overall culture, in Spenglerian "Decline of the West."

Thus we patriots affirm great value of RULE-OF-LAW which defeats then such psychotic moralism--at least in theory and imagination. And Hal Turner is our soldier-hero who helps defend the rights of the people fm such criminal conspirators, demented moralists and Pharisaists.

Apparently Anonymous is led by Jews, and are Volk. I think he's trying to put it into sort of a Socialist view, I'm not really sure.

My own comfort is there are equal number of computer-competent heroes, patriots, and soldiers among our own white volk who are surely rallying to the ever intensifying cause as good comrade, soldier, and patriot Hal Turner keeps us informed.
CONCLUSION: Only thing to say for comrade Hal Turner is: TAKE NO PRISONERS IN RETRIBUTION, good comrade, do it for the volk, and do it spirit of that great conqueror, never defeated, St. Constantine the Great. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian

"Surely rallying."
I dearly wish he finds out about Stormfront and the VNN boards soon.
Seriously, I wouldn't be surprised if this was a troll. I'm almost hoping this is a troll, somebody being sarcastic as all hell. The conviction he issues from his text, how sincere it almost sounds, makes me really question that, though.

I almost feel bad for Hal, having supporters like this guy.

Monday, January 01, 2007


Turner will be beginning his shift of web hosts January 2nd, tomorrow (or today, for those not in or close to the US Time zones).

Also, Turner still hasn't provided proof for the alleged discovery of the two Anonymii, unlike his now infamous attempt at claiming victory over a Google image search.

We all knew he'd continue

Lies, again

When I begin broadcasting again this Wednesday, I will be using the new AAC+ audio stream.
This will allow me to cut my outbound costs by one-third while still improving audiuo quality.

Intent as ever on continuing. It's really an interesting development; if his bandwidth bills are really as high as he claims, why is he still airing and advertising his site? I'd imagine at this point all he would want visiting the site are the regulars. Also, despite the fact he claimed defeat and followed almost immediately with a threat, he continues with the idea that Anonymii are being discovered and prosecuted. Turner even goes as far as claiming that he spoke with the father of one of the Anonymii:

The son admitted writing "vampire scripts" which he loaded on to IRC channels and servers all over the internet, specifically designed to automatically and repeatedly download and re-download content from my web site - non-stop for days - with the intent to drive up my bandwidth costs and put me out of business! That is willful fraud!
The father told me what shocked him most was the "bravado" of his son, to not only do this, but to admit to it as though he had done nothing wrong. The father told me he seized the son's server and shut off the son's internet connection, promising the boy would not be allowed on the internet for a long time.

There are a few technologically-unsound statements in there, namely with the seizing of the kid's server and the vampire scripts into IRC--which he would have no knowledge of had nobody informed him of what they are and how they perform--but the main idea is that Turner's still continuing to lie about Anonymous. News sites don't turn up anything, and I assume that something of this level of "cyber-crime," as most news networks and outlets would believe this to be, would be big enough for at least some coverage. It could be likened to Brahm, which would make for a good enough story to provide a sort of pseudo-follow-up.


Turner is lying once more, and is intent as ever on making sure the show goes through, which would be a noble show if he wasn't such an asshat.