Thursday, January 04, 2007

Tl;dr post over at Hal's blog

The data center has "null routed" my machine. This attack has caused them to completely shut off all access to my server. They will not permit me to bring it back online.

I'm starting to think he actually reads my entries and comments, because not more than a day ago, an Anonymous mentioned a 7chan attacker being nullrouted from the 7chan server if attempting to attack. Today, Hal mentions nullrouting by his host. Pardon my abject paranoid muttering.

Anyway, he goes on to apologize, playing the victim (he is the victim, but I meant in a more dramatic fashion than necessary) and pandering to the sites he evidently hosts. Yesterday's John and Ken show gave him a reason to revive the site for attention purposes, and subsequently allowed the Anonymous Legion to attack the site again.

And what a massive attack it was.

Hal was burned by the risk of attempting a grab for attention during the John and Ken show, and the follow-up was delivered during his own broadcast. Hal's main site is still down, and apparently will remain down until he switches hosts again. I find it somewhat odd, however, that this downtime comes in the same area of time Turner stated thathe was in the process of changing hosts. A coincidence? Lucky timing? Manipulation of the attacks for the benefit of him saving face? Only he knows.

Turner also acknowledges the content-wary Blogspot's restriction on offensive material, stating that although the show will continue, it will be in a restrictive format; essentially, call in, speak your piece, Hal records it (without editing? Something to consider is his sudden ability to now tailor his broadcasts before he uploads them, instead of having it completely live and unedited. Look for breaks in speech or oddly-worded lengths of conversation/ranting), and uploads it. Show by proxy, as it were. It remains to be seen whether or not calling in as Pedro, Ronald or his chronically-ill Father can still be done and will be as effective.

Also, about the names and addresses: this is another example of how he's inadvertantly promoting IRL violence against Anonymous. Based off of the audio of this YTMND page, standing orders to seek out and attack Anonymii are still in effect, and he's again incited possible attacks.

TV Appearance: watch and wait, is all I can say. Anticipation soars.

Donations: FUCK. I wouldn't put it past him to falsify the truth concerning donation amounts, but it wouldn't surprise me if he has been recieving moderate sums from his supporters. And now, due to this latest attack, he has another pity-fuck method for cash. It is eased slightly by how serious he's taking it all;

"I am in the fight of my life to continue to exist on the internet."

Internet Existence: Serious Business.

One last thing:
"P.S. To those of you engaged in these attacks. . . . . I am LAUGHING at you. You may have wrecked my site but you cannot stop my show. You cannot halt the radio broadcasts and you cannot bring down all the upload sites that will store my archives. I am defeating you and will continue to defeat you because my message will continue to be broadcast.
You are utterly powerless to stop me. You are, collectively, a complete joke. Listen carefully. . . . hear me laughing. I'm laughing at your powerlessness."

Laugh all you'd like, Hal. You still have not understood the basis of the Anonymous Legion's attacks, and you probably never will if you keep harkening your own masturbation. Sure, you can get the shows out on the upload sites, but from what I see, it only takes a few complaints to get them brought down. Anonymous is not after your show; in truth, that's more of a triviality now, a funny side-joke to the Great Punch Line. Anonymous wants you, Hal. Anonymous wants to see the entirety of your life in shambles, not just your Internets existence. With the damage done thus far, it would be wise to heed Anonymous' suggestions. It can be much worse for you, Hal, and that's not a threat. It can't be considered a threat because of the sheer validity of the statement, the staggering truth behind it. You and a few supporters stand against a very, very strong Internets existence. You are not the plucky hero, and this isn't some fairy tale story of good and evil. Your bills tell you that it's real enough. The longevity and dedication of the attacks and the attackers almost slap you in the face with the reality of it all.

And yet you still persist in assuming you're right and we're wrong. If you're reading this, by chance, and have made it this far, you still haven't begun to understand the breadth of what's at hand. Anonymous is literally everywhere; on the bus, in your favorite restaurants, in the libraries and behind the counter. You can't tell who is Anonymous. Seriously consider your options.

...and I'm spent. Had to get that out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


2:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I *love* that Hal has now set his servers to "drop incoming traffic into a black hole" when incoming hits more than 10Mbps.. it just makes it that much easier to shut him down.

3:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is hilarious stuff. and probably tl;dr for you - if you manage to read this all, you're an hero. Well I listened to the recording of his show - lots of lulz. I actually wanted to post on his website but I won't go there anymore, because even if I'm anonymized it still gives him more hits - remember how he claimed those 11 million unique visitor hits (that consisted mainly of those DDoS attacks) on KFI? LULZ! (A friend of mine sent me the newest posts on his site though.)
Not even the talkmasters believed the numerous lies he was telling them and politely kicked him off the air. He still aired that interview on his own show, never noticing he was made a fool of XD

Anyway, I'd like someone liable and non-WN to point out the difference between advocating the thought of killing congressmen IF amnesty etc and to express an [emphasize=9001]OPINION[/emphasize] about what may be done if etc. Does that make sense? That's cowardice. Cowards like Hal Turner will never have the guts to tell that to the congressmen right in the face. He'll always be hiding behind his witty radio show that he claims to be the most listened in the world (8000 listeners? that's a lot, but still not over nine thousand)

On top of that, I do believe that Hal's invitation from Fox News is a genuine lie - He only used that argument to emphasize his point that "noone could bring him down, pixels, etc" and backed it up with a (fake?) story about a friend of his who got media attention and then put into jail for 40 years. And with the cancellation of his TV appearance, Hal immediately makes use of that post to let out rants about those talkmasters. Sky is the limit huh?
The FBI contacted him? My ass.

Ah, Hal, so full of shit. Well, if can't be helped, it's their nature to be that behind. Generally speaking, and to be very honest, that whole WN movement is plain ridiculous and futile. Listen to Hal Turner's propaganda: WN certainly is a minority that will eventually go down but he still dares presenting them as the MacGuyvers of the world. His arguments are way too cheesy, way too exaggerated and prove absolutely no point. Best example would be his show: Yesterday might have been the lowest he could ever have gone, and he spoke half of the time about those DDos attacks but NOONE CARED lulz. He probably even chased potential listeners away XD And the WNists who called weren't better. And at the end of the show, it gets even cheesier, "remember white america", and some retarded music in the bg. bohaha did I cry for the laughs.

Lastly, the words I read on his post comments, like "kill them motherfuckers" "kikes" and the likes make me lulz every time I read them - profanity and violence are the crutch of the inarticulate, but I guess that's what makes WN and all their helpless followers out: What they lack in arguments, they compensate with raising their high-pitched voices, followed by big words, lies, and eventually violence. Blah I'm spent, too ranty to continue.

Oh wait, this just in:

------------ Hal Turner says:

It's not hypocrisy on my part at all. It is a total lack of any sense of humor on your part.

Here's fifty cents; go buy yourself a sense of humor.


That's a very smart (sic) move of his, seriously. But it's too bad he never got around to actually buy the same sense of humor for 50 cents after the first prank calls, he's now apparently about thousands of dollars poorer, and his subpen0rs will impoverish him even more for a small payback. He's desperate, and it's so sad to see him writhe like that (sic sic sic)

4:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol, 7chan redirects to
fbi has overtaken the servars, yes?

3:27 PM  
Blogger BFAnon said...

Don't know about 7chan. Earlier, a Mod was saying something about how 7chan and Turner were in cahoots together to get Hal some publicity, owing to the fact that "most Anonymous are white supremecists anyway, lol," so that puts 7chan into the questionable source area. Hoping it's just bullshit pulled by one of the mods who got bored with all of this.

3:40 PM  

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