Tuesday, January 02, 2007

I don't mean to be an ass, but...

It's no secret that during the longevity of this ceaseless skirmish (read: the past week) many Anonymii have created temporary profiles for the sake of posting to Turner's blog, most of which have some correlation to memes or Anonymous itself. Yet, in that mash of hastily-created pseudonyms and nomenclature, you can find those who have either created a profile just for the sake of supporting Turner via a one-post-salute or have had lasting profiles and blogs, and either support or condemn Turner. The point is, some people need to stop masturbating all over his feet.

Will Insidiousness Defeat Christian Honesty, Science?

Anonymous has been called many things, true, so this isn't so much an insult as it is a stupid attempt at bravado.

Well well, I note I myself am back fm "winter break" whence I can somewhat commentate. Observe good comrade, Christian soldier, Hal Turner, has uncovered most interesting subverters (conspiracy of criminals pleading stupidity on grounds of "MORALITY," note) who pretend to "citizenship"--it actually tells us a lot about large cultural problems, psychologic and political-economic for society.

Two things to point out with this; one, Turner STILL has not provided proof of "uncovering" any of the attackers, so any and all attached assumptions of basing the attacks on morality--and where he pulled that from, I'll never know--are immediately nullified, and two, learn to fucking gather your argument and present it in a readable format. Seriously, everything after his parenthetical statement is horrendously organized. Also, how pretentious can you get?

Okay so these demented computer "nerds" are psychotically determined to crash upon the rocks of Christian honesty and solid Journalism, as of our good comrade patriot leader, Hal Turner. It all (Hal Turner victimization by moralist psychos) teaches a lot about mentality, how MORALISM affects it, so tragically.

And aside from still presenting the idea that Anonymous is attacking based on a moral agenda--when it originated from the threats Turner presented against Anonymous--it infuriates me that this asshat believes that Turner represents "honesty and solid Journalism." I may not be a journalist, but I certainly know that I'm doing a better job than a guy who routinely pulls facts and statistics from Wikipedia.

Note the overall lesson (in present ongoing Hal Turner ambush by computer psychos) is for the MENTALITY OF THE VOLK. Are we informed?--Yes, thus we see how moralism wielded by psychotics, hence their masterminds, Jews, AFFLICT the overall culture, in Spenglerian "Decline of the West."

Thus we patriots affirm great value of RULE-OF-LAW which defeats then such psychotic moralism--at least in theory and imagination. And Hal Turner is our soldier-hero who helps defend the rights of the people fm such criminal conspirators, demented moralists and Pharisaists.

Apparently Anonymous is led by Jews, and are Volk. I think he's trying to put it into sort of a Socialist view, I'm not really sure.

My own comfort is there are equal number of computer-competent heroes, patriots, and soldiers among our own white volk who are surely rallying to the ever intensifying cause as good comrade, soldier, and patriot Hal Turner keeps us informed.
CONCLUSION: Only thing to say for comrade Hal Turner is: TAKE NO PRISONERS IN RETRIBUTION, good comrade, do it for the volk, and do it spirit of that great conqueror, never defeated, St. Constantine the Great. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian

"Surely rallying."
I dearly wish he finds out about Stormfront and the VNN boards soon.
Seriously, I wouldn't be surprised if this was a troll. I'm almost hoping this is a troll, somebody being sarcastic as all hell. The conviction he issues from his text, how sincere it almost sounds, makes me really question that, though.

I almost feel bad for Hal, having supporters like this guy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I tracked down this "apollonian" character to an individual (real life) known as James Von Brunn.

He has a website here:
and alerted the legions here

Dude is around 90 years old and appears to be dodging statistical elimination daily.

3:28 PM  

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