Tuesday, January 02, 2007

I mean, goddamn, man. Seriously.

What the fuck, Hal?

Yet again, he's asking for more money. He's fucking epitomizing a Mel Brooks joke. The upshot to this is he's posting scans of legal documentation filed against the "John Doe 1-1000" Anonymii. The rest of his entry is so much ego-stroking and community masturbation:

Ladies and gentlemen of our ilk, we are literally under violent, criminal electronic attack specifically designed to halt our free speech, our freedom of association and our ability to socialize electronically with like-minded people. Electronic war is being waged against us and we must step up NOW to do battle.

This is literally "war" and YOUR freedom is at stake!

What will you do without the freedom to speak your mind on the internet? God knows we've already lost our right to speak our minds in public; just go ahead and utter the wrong word out in the real world and you can lose your job, be thrown out of social clubs and civic groups, maybe even be hauled into court for "ethnic intimidation."

If they can successfully destroy my private property (my web site) and get away with it what's next? Who is next?

(I kind of like the fact that he's essentially shooting his credibilty in the foot here, by publically admitting anything attempted at prosecution is ultimately futile thus far.)

While the attacks they launched against me could not hack into my server because it was too powerful and too secure, they did manage to undertake activities to increase data flow into and out of that server 100 times the normal rate. By doing that, they put me in the position of either leaving the site online and getting hit with ten thousand dollars a month in data transfer (bandwidth) or taking the site off line.

(I thought there was only one attempt to hack the server, and that was backed off after the legal implications, instead reverting to the moar-legal DDoS? And he's going back to the OVER NINE THOUSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND!!!! fee argument, which takes it from $8000 to $10,000+ to $1800 to $10,000 again.)

So far, it appears we WILL be able to put my site back online after a couple thousand dollars in programming changes to the software. So my web site absolutely, positively WILL be back. I am down but not out.

(I'm not entirely sure what can be done to the programming of his "expensive and powerful" server and his use of FrontPage--because more than likely, that's what's going to have the most change to it--but that implication of a "couple thousand dollars) allows him to segue right into...)

Earlier, I mentioned how folks may choose to step up and do battle. One method I didn't mention is something that can be done by almost every single one of you: Write a check. If not to me, then maybe you can offer to pay the techies directly; or pay a portion of the techies. Whatever you do, remember this: Now is the time. Now. Right now. Today. It is that urgent.

(This! Also, with his common reference to the "techies," he makes it sound like he hasn't yet switched hosts or done anything with his server. Also, he never specifies who or where to make it out to without needing to do some sort of detailed researching.)

Once I find the ways to block these attacks, I can share and will that information with the other sites of our ilk. This way we don't have to keep re-inventing the wheel for every individual site. Helping me will help all those other sites because I pledge to share the info. I will share it even with folks whom I've disagreed in the past simply because they are my brothers in this "movement" too.

(Touching, but just so much of a "I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine" gesture; it addresses a common problem with a possible solution, pricking up the ears of anyone who might be from the other boards and sites, thereby giving him a shot at garnering more donation monies.)

It is going to cost quite a few bucks for the Process Servers to personally deliver a whole slew of subpoenas. Maybe you can agree to pay a single invoice for a single serving?

(Oh, horseshit. If that's not outright suck-off, I don't know what is.)

They have announced their intentions to do the same to other sites named above. We could find ourselves without ANY viable "movement" site within the next thirty (30) days. They can ALL be forced off the net by electronic attacks designed to break them financially.

(If anything, that would probably be aimed at Moot and the 7chan SysOps; I'm not sure about 7chan's servers, but I do know Moot's are hardy little bastards. Since the beginning of the DDoS attacks on 4chan--I may as well drop the protection, since everyone knows where the Anonymii are coming from--nothing's been heard from the Mods or even Moot himself, and if you haven't noticed it without anyone telling you about it, that's how effective the attacks are.)

This is more serious than any attack upon our movement - ever. Our entire effort, years of work by hundreds of dedicated people, is in direct, dire jeopardy. Please, I implore you, step up and help. If, for whatever reason, you cannot bring yourself to help me, then help VNN. If not VNN, then help Stormfront, If not Stormfront, then help VonBluvens. If not VonBluvens, then help JamesWickstrom. If not James Wickstrom, then help Aryan-Nations.
We are literally DAYS away from the complete and utter destruction of every site we find favorable. Without your immediate help, our movement will end up on the ash heap of history by the end of January.

(Turner knows how to play the crowd's anticipation and sense of urgency...)

I wish to say a special "Thank You" to retired senior citizens Artie Wheeler and his wife Elizabeth who sent $100. I wish to say a hearty "Thank You" to Lachlan who wired AU$500 (US$320) from Sydney, Australia today.

(...since he's apparently already been sent money.)

It may be coming to a head within the next few days. Personally, I think Turner's grossly-dramaticizing everything, which is his common trait, but the problem is, really, how many people are willing to be suckered into this. If it really, truly is going to cost him that much, Turner would swallow his pride and get off the Internets for a short time, deal with his financial problem, and work slowly before going back up. But since he's forging ahead in the name of "truth, justice, honesty" and other bullshot he's manipulating for his agenda, he can suck the hairy ass of the Internets.

And I'm starting to realize how much I'm drama-whoring it up with that last paragraph, so I'll call it a night.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hal has lowered my expectatons with each of his posts so far. This one was no exception as he sniveled and bleated for cash with every paragraph. How the other WN types can even stand to have him in their ranks is beyond me.

8:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmm... it looks like http://overthrow88.blogspot.com/
has started his own attack on 7chan, probably incited by hal himself... i have no memory of any /b/tard even mentioning this guys site.

11:28 AM  
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