Saturday, January 20, 2007

It's the thought that counts

I am laughing so hard.

If you can't access the .pdf file because of an IP block, use The Cloak or Proxify to view Hal's site and get at the document.

DOCKET #: 07-306 (PGS)



JOHN DOES(S) 1-1000
Case assigned to U.S. District Judge Peter G. Sheridan

United States District Court
Newark, NJ

He actually did it.
I'm not entirely sure you can press charges against Anonymous attackers that number somewhere between one and a thousand, but apparently it's okay.

The document's legality is already being questioned at 4chan, with several notable remarks: no case numbered 07-306 has been filed with PACER, a legal document tracker that requires actual name, address and credit card information; he hasn't submitted documents under his actual name; Ebaums hasn't filed anything in return; the document contains a number of grammatical and spelling errors; there is blatant flaunting of the show's apparent popularity, showing bias in favor of Hal; hypocrisy and more bias in favor of Hal, with--and this is probably the most noticable sign that Hal himself wrote the entirety of the complaint, since he strokes his own ego with more fervor than anyone I've seen--a huge laugh: "The Show is a national treasure." Bear in mind he expects this connection to be acceptable due to the "embodiment of free speech" remark.

Another sign of the invalidity of this document is the wording and implied comments made throughout. Anyone who is relatively uninformed and unbiased would have written the complaint in a manner that displays strictly factual material and information, instead of signs of favoritism. Also, there is a grouping involved that is incorrect. The Anonymous attacks have only occured since the end of December, almost exactly a month ago; the document states that for the past six years such attacks have been propogated. This is concurrent with Hal's belief that the Anonymous attackers are in collusion with outspoken organizations denouncing his show; what's more is choice of words used to describe attacks, both digital and vocal, made upon the show--it's almost verbatim to previous comments made by Hal concerning the attacks. Extravagant language, questionable phrases and wording, the fact that the report begins to read as though it were a story instead of a legal document, and the occasional discrepency between first and third person serve to destroy the credibilty of the document being of any actual legal standing.

The document goes on to state Hal's claim of extortion; the mistake made in this paragraph is the found in "the wording varied, but the message is the same." Not one email or message was screencapped for verification and proof, and although there were several individual demands for Hal to deactivate his site and stop the airing of his show, the one main request made was for he to write "'Sup /b/?" on his forehead, in an acknowledgement of surrender, and the attacks would cease. He did not, natch. As the complaint continues, 4chan and 7chan are listed, with the business of both sites being bomb threats and CP, not entirely true. Abjects is mentioned as being a free IRC provider, which allows discussions of supposedly-illegal activity; of course, Abjects isn't liable for the discussions that occur while using their IRC client, which would render any accusation of collusion and intent for criminal mischief moot, in regards to the site and owners. The now-infamous John Does 1-1000 are stated as "business unknown;" these John Does are associated by IP; I've little doubt that I'm one of them, considering I visit Hal's site to gather information. Guilt by association, you know.

Getting into the counts against the organized Defendants; the first count, Copyright Infringement, is invalidated considering Hal broadcasts his show for free listening. The business of subscription fees is only in use when airtime is purchased, to broadcast commercials and/or other radio shows. The type of Copyright Infringement he assumes is from the recording of his show, which would be incriminating if making a mix tape of songs from a publicly-aired radio station were equally as punishable. It's a fallacious claim.
The second count, Computer Fraud and Abuse, is a bit more plausible; however, as it states in the complaint, the data made "unavailable" was only deemed such due to the deactivation of the site by his host. The methods used have already been verified inside legal boundaries.
A few counts of Extortion and Fraud later...
Seventh count: Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organization(s). Since nobody put the banhammer to use during the entirety of the raids, 4chan, 7chan, Nexis and Abjects are all being charged with RICO counts. Disclaimers on all sites, stating that in no way are the sites liable to user actions, are working against this count, which would force it to trickle down to the users themselves. Owing to the fact that most of the Anonymous involved in the attacks stayed Anonymous, this charge should have little merit. I'm not entirely versed in legalese or the process of which RICO applies, but both Anonymity and the disclaimers should be enough.

And I thought it wouldn't get interesting again.

NOTE: Many thanks to the Anonymii who pointed out facts and irregularities in the document, as well as the one Anonymous who screencapped the document-tracker search results.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, back in the game. i wonder when the next wave of vampires will be unleashed :D

9:48 AM  
Blogger BFAnon said...

Whenever he repeals the bans again, and "revives" his site again, I suppose. I wonder if he'll speak much about it on Wednesday's show?

9:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh, someone posted a brilliant info on 4chan.
I just took the time to read the entire 25 page PDF file that Hal Turner used to claim he filed a lawsuit against 4chan. In a comment I left on his website, I took the liberty of highlighting a few things that completely sheds light on the fact that he, himself wrote the dockett. Look and enjoy =] The letter will be too long, so I will post half and reply with the other half

If you will notice throughout the entire 25 page PDF file, the whole thing is written like a story. The actual choices of words, sentence structure, and overall grammar use is not in relation to that of a cashier for a court of law.

I would like to point out that throughout the early stages of the paper, Hal Turner claims that these John Doe defendants are the bad guys for posting Hal Turner and Hal Turner's relatives' phone numbers and personal information when it was in fact Hal Turner who placed the first ones.

I would like to point out that Hal Turner claims that he shall be sueing on account of the multiple death threats the he and his wife and his mother (who Hal has on multiple occasions actually claimed is no longer living among us, but now that he wants a lawsuit she magically is) received multiple death threats via phone, when it is Hal Turner who is quoted in an e-mail to one child saying "We will see who is laughing when your wind pipe is being crushed under my thumbs and you choke on your own blood." Not to mention that Hal Turner has threatened many people with his "connections" in various cities and has also threatened any "lawyer people, judges, or anyone else" who dare do the same to him.
now this is the good part
Here is second half:
I would like to point out that on page 22 of the 25 page PDF file, under the "COUNT THREE: COMMON LAW FRUSD: 53:" section, on lines 3 to 4 it states "to repeatedly download content from my web sites" yet later on Hal Turner is no longer referred to as "me" and is henceforth referred to as "the Plaintiff."

To Hal Turner: If you are going to take the time to make up a fake dockett, at least read over it enough to make it sound less like it was written by you and more like it was written by a secretary for a United States Court of Law. The biggest mistake was by inluding the word "me" and not "the Plaintiff" on page 22 as I had pointed out.

I do not wish you luck in the future, as what you are getting is what happens to many people who decide to host their own radio show. You cannot complain that the show was "disrupted" for 3 hours on air whenever it was you who decided to let the phone lines be open for public calling.

All I can see is try harder next time when creating something fake like this.

6:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmm... if you take a close look at the receipt he put on his front page, it looks very much like it's just a shoop.
For one, the scanline at the top is not perpendicular to the margin of the text... secondly, there is no bottom or side scanline visible.

6:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

check this out
massive amounts of win.

3:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wanna bet he'll start begging for donations to pay for his "rising legal costs"?

4:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This proves 100% that the recipt IS A FAKE!
Ok everyone you can test this for yourself aswell, go to and right click the recipt and save it to desktop. Once you have saved it to desktop right click the pic and click "open with" then choose note pad.

You'll see alot of jargon that I don't really need to explain but if you look at the top you see "LEAD technologies". Google LEAD technologies and you find that it's photoshopping software. Grin This proves that the recipt was photoshopped (FAKED)!

1:26 PM  
Blogger BFAnon said...

Can't find it in the image...but you were right about it being imaging software. I figured Hal may have used an image-and-text generator in order to produce the reciept, like one of the images an Anonymous produced earlier--a .png file that had Hal's receipt and another shopped receipt that had memes all over it. The two almost looked identical.

5:07 PM  

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