Wednesday, January 03, 2007


Once again, I have to say thanks to the Anonymous legion for helping provide information. A recording was made of Hal's latest show, with the KFI AM 640 radio show--namely the John and Ken show--and here is a breakdown of the show in case you either missed it or wanted a piece by piece analysis on how Turner gets ripped a new one by the hosts.

"...not only this-this Internet show, but a, uh, a website where he announced an assassination schedule for members of Congress who, ah, promote amnesty for illegal aliens. Here's one of the, uh, postings: 'We MAY have to assassinate some of the people you elect on November 7th. This could be your last election chance to save this republic.' Of course, that was before the elections, now that Congress is turned over to the Democrats, talk is now that we WILL have an amnesty bill coming outta there, maybe in the next few months. The New York Times ran a story on Christmas, ah, Day, or the day after Christmas, that there is a new effort to get a new immigration bill with amnesty in it through Congress and to the President. So...well, we're gonna get Hal Turner on, because he's attracted quite a bit of attention. (static burst) many followers he has, or how many listeners, or readers on his website, but when you put out an assassination schedule, it certainly gets people looking and talking. Hal, welcome to the John and Ken show."

(From here on, we'll address points that Hal makes throughout the show, disprove or confirm them, and comment on John and Ken's reactions.)

"The effort to give amnesty or a path to citizenship for illegal aliens is a betrayal of every American, whether they were born here, or came here and were naturalized."


"Alexander Hamilton said, 'if the representatives of the people betray them, they must rush tumultuously to arms."
"Tumultuously and what, kill them?"
"Well, that's generally what it meant, yeah."

(Full page from the Federalist, from which Turner interprets his statement. As always, there's more to it than what is originally mentioned.)

"We gave amnesty 20 years ago and there was no revolution."
"No, no there wasn't, because at the time, if you recall, Congress said 'We're only going to do this once, we absolutely, positively will never do it again, AND, to make sure we don't ever have this problem anymore, we are going to increase border enforcement to make sure people can't come here illegally."

(He's starting to dodge questions with this statement. Turner doesn't directly address the assassination schedule and instead provides a relatively weak background argument for justification. The whole of the amnesty ruling can be found here. It's pretty damn long.)

"But doesn't an announcement like that make it look as if the anti-immigration forces are insane?"
"I don't think so one bit, you know sooner or-"
"You don't think an assassination schedule is an insane response?"
"Not at all, I think it's a perfectly prudent response, it worked for the Founding Fathers, it can work again if it has to."
"Well, how did it work for the Founding Fathers?"
"When the government of the colonies, back in 1776, was routinely betraying the people who lived here, they overthrew that government by force. Now we're here, 230 years later, 230-someodd years later, our own government is betraying America by giving people citizenship against our law, who are uninvited, and who took to our streets with foreign flags over the past couple of months."
"The difference is we have a Democratically-representative government now, that's how we forced change over the course of time, through elections. The colonists, who rose up, had no power over the King of England."

(That last statement alone breaks Hal's revolution-argument. The democracy instilled in the post-colonial uprising America allowed for change to occur, as opposed to the monarchial control of the King. This is basic high-school government.)

"Those people in Washington are supposed to do what we, the people want."

(If they did everything based on a purely constitutional-republic based methodology, nothing would be done. It would be a massive conflict of interest, not to mention a horrible mash of interpretation.)

"...and if you look at any Zogby poll, Zogby is a very reputable polling outfit; Zogby poll has polled Americans on this issue several times...80 to 85% of people in those polls say they want illegal immigration stopped, and they want legal immigration reduced."

(Meanwhile, back in California of 2001...)

"There are voices in the media, like you guys and me, who promote certain ideas, and that's how people start thinking about certain issues-"
"Yeah, I know, but I want to differentiate from me, and Ken, and you, because you are promoting assassination, we're not."
"I am not promoting it, I'm saying it is an option that we may have to use."

(Hal, you two-faced shit-fucker, you dug your own grave with those words. It's quite a wonder how a guy can have a schedule of assassinations and a plot, with a easily influenced audience who clings to the ass hairs of your vocal buttocks, publicly threaten people with injury and death via proxy through followers, and still not claim to promote it.)

"Well, apparently something else you, eh, 'ranted' about, you said that you have, or you know where all of your New Jersey Congressman and Senators live?"
"Yes, I do."
"And the purpose of that?"
~awkward silence~
"To know where they live!"

(I laughed for about five minutes straight after hearing this.)

"Now, are you doing this for yucks, or are you doing this to get some attention, or you really believe, like if somebody, tomorrow morning, shot up a New Jersey Congressman and said it was over the amnesty issue, you'd really be happy about that?"
"I wouldn't shed a tear."
"No, even when you see the grieving widow and the crying children, the whole business, you would say, 'Well, that had to be done.'"
"Look, in my view, these guys have the power, they know what the stakes are, they make their treehouse, let them sit in it."
"Does-does illegal immigration, is that a big issue in New Jersey, that's where you are, right?"

(It's obvious by this point John and Ken are humoring Hal.)

"This is a very, what should I call it...ah, yes. DIVERSE community, and I have seen the lie of diversity, I have seen the destruction of multiculturalism, and unless we want the entire rest of the United States to turn into the Third World cesspool that Hudson Country, New Jersey, has turned into, we better draw a line in the sand and say, "No more."

(It's funny that he uses a phrase from Texas, because if he ever tried living there, he'd probably go insane, if his neighborhood is as corrupt from diversity as he claims.)

"It got so bad, there were so many different agents, there were so many different agencies coming here, that they assigned two agents from the Joint Terrorism Task Force in Newark to be the sole contact between me and the Federal government of the United States."
"But-but if somebody kills a Congressman tomorrow and says, 'Hal Turner inspired me," are you legally liable?"
"There may be some criminal culpability there, yeah, but, uh, you know, we'll cross that bridge if we come to it."

(Now it's BLATANTLY obvious he's proud of his government watchdogs and apparent liability to the US. Also:
FBI Newark
11 Centre Place
Newark, New Jersey 07102-9889
(973) 792-3000

Also also, no report has been filed concerning agents visiting Hal's home, or at least no public report has been stated.)

Subsequent conversation is about site traffic and his ties to white supremacists, which Turner claims he has only in name. Completely disregarding his recorded threat to assign skinheads to beat the shit out of opposers, that is.

So that's the take on tonight's show. It became very, very clear about halfway through that John and Ken were in disbelief concerning Hal's agenda and methodology, and showed it more than once. Hal dodged a few questions, namely his white supremacist ties and the assassination list, but overall, still managed to come off completely insane to everyone else but his supporters. As of the posting of this entry, I believe that his radio show will have been aired for about 45 minutes now, thereby disproving once again his promised surrendering.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

might want to take a peek at overthrows blog as well...

"They are only running a single non-burstable partial T." - what, pray tell, is that meant to mean?

9:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From my understanding, it means he has a single connection going to the server, which is unable to support speed bursts faster than it's rated for.

T1 is 1.5 Mbps, but partial can be any range of speed below that, even down to like 384kbps, etc.

If this is wrong I welcome correction.

9:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so what's with that list of names he aired on HIS show?

and what's up with 7chan now? more maintenance or did those fsckers ddos'd it?

1:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah. Nevermind. 7chan's back up. No clue what happened there.

FYI- rapidshare and megaupload have both removed Hal's recordings for TOS violation.

r0ck on!

6:19 AM  
Blogger BFAnon said...

Just finished a post that addresses how his uploads would have a relatively short-lived existence before deletion. It'd be like everyone grabbing for a GET, before they find it's another shitty one.

7:43 AM  

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