Friday, January 12, 2007

I couldn't pass this up.

Hal found a MiG for sale online

Naturally, his first thoughts are exploiting his listeners' support by asking them to pony up the money in order to buy the aircraft to attack, natch, Jews and the Government.

I'm not going to even pretend that this isn't stupid. As you can see in the image above, he's dead serious about it. This is what a MiG-21 looks like, if you haven't Googled it yet. I'm sure it'll all be good once you get it registered in your name, past U.S. Customs (which has even stricter regulations on aircraft and weaponry, chiefly those used in wartime situations), and into a local hangar where it'll sit for the rest of its natural life because you can't get licensed to fly it and you don't have enough money to afford the fuel, weaponry, and training for the half-ass plan you concocted while staring at an image of said aircraft.

Some comments from supporters:

Hey Hal let's not forget to paint a(It gags me to say this) star of david on it so the sheeple think SHiTsreal is responsible for it! -Morbid

-interesting notion HT, --however for a lower profile, just a modern/used TurboProp(jet-turbine)-powered light-aircraft (fixed-wing or helicopter) fitted with a proper air-to-ground missile-system would likely prove quite effective as well; --Ha, just look in fact what one already did to the almighty Pentagon for crips'sake... ~AK

Hey Hal-This fellow out where I'm at bought one of those, a newer model. Sadly, it has only one seat so he cannot get licensed to fly it, so it just sits in his hangar looking pretty. I do like your idea though! What would really get my rocks off is seeing B-52's bombers put back in action, and DC carpet bombed. I'd also include Mexico DF in the deal. You know, I am simply amazed that critters like Foxman and Dees are still walking around wasting good air. What would it take to send a 7.62mm message? Anyhow, as far as airstrikes go, good idea but I think for practical application, getting ahold of a mortar and RPG's would be the way to go. With a map and a yardstick the target can be pinpointed. Especially with GPS coordinates. Also, mortar fire isn't a direct fire weapon, by the time they're slamming into the target the vehicle platform could be on the road and out of the area. It's only a matter of time before people realize that force is the only option we have. -AryanVengeance

Finally Hal. I've been suggesting this for years!

Quit spending money on stupid desert toys and buy a T-70/80/90, BMP, LAV, or a Mig! The White Russians would love to help deliver some fine surplus. You all saw what one tweeker did in San Diego with one M60 tank, unarmed, in the 90's, right? So, think of what some dedicated individuals and crews, working in cohesion with a private American citizen air force providing support can accomplish? Let's make some history! I'm working on my part, how about you?

I'm actually curious to know whether or not all of this talk of attacking the White House and governmental buildings constitutes a possible domestic threat? Brahm messed with football (he turned himself in, but it was still taken as a serious threat, what with the media coverage); but Hal uses 9/11 as an example of the time lag it took pilots to respond to the four aircraft, and even goes so far as to boast about being able to make several strikes on multiple targets, something obviously not possible given the distance between targets and the factor of "radar-covered airspace." Hypothetically speaking, and this is way into the assumption Hal purchases, arms, fuels and learns how to fly the craft, even if one target was successfully attacked, the MiG would be immediately overtaken by multiple on-standby fighter jets. I think the current domestic-defense fighters are F-15s, which were the air-superiority fighter for at least two decades. A MiG-21 could never stand up to one.

It's all "if" talk, though. Hal won't be able to successfully maintain and rearm the aircraft, and I doubt there will be any or enough aircraft mechanics to even assist with the upkeep. Hal is probably losing listeners and visitors to the site--evident enough with the lowering of the IP blocks--and is trying something reletively oddball to garner more attention. The regulars are gung-ho for it, but there's only a handfull, not nearly enough to make a prominent bid.

Though it does somewhat bother me that there are bids already on the craft. They're probably bullshit bids, but otherwise...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think he removed the IP blocks on his site when he admitted his bandwidth bill was only about $600, and that if that was the worst of it, then he wouldn't have to worry about it getting any higher at this point. Especially since he supposedly got those donations. You know, the ones that were supposed to pay for the "legal fees".

11:00 PM  
Blogger BFAnon said...

Nothing can really be done about the donations if they were given willingly and they were used for the purpose specified, i.e. the bandwidth bills. The "legal fees" have yet to be verified by Hal via the legal document scans--which is obvious bullshit, natch.

You and I and everyone else know it's a scam, but the only thing that can be done about it is prove it's a scam and then show it to the donators, who in turn would have to demand their money back; no easy task since it was willingly given in the first place. And it'd have to be laid out, step by step; how Hal lied about the high amount of his bills multiple times; how he admitted that it was less than what he initially claimed, multiple times again; how he used the threat of legal recourse against Anonymous as a springboard for another donation-run, which has brought in donations but has not yielded results; how he's (I must begrudingly admit) manipulated the situation and his followers so well that they don't see the proverbial scam in it all or they don't care.

9:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, but there's an inherent problem in your plan: Anyone who is already in any state of mind to donate anything to Hal Turner is going to be so mentally inept and socially retarded that no amount of proof of his misdeeds could ever make believable sense to them. You'd just be, to put it as eloquently as they would, "another filthy jew".

10:36 PM  

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